Pot stew in the oven: recipes and secrets. How to cook vegetable, meat, mushroom stew in pots in the oven


Dishes in pots in the oven always turn out to be more aromatic, rich and tasty than those that were cooked in a pan on the stove. In addition, when languishing at low temperatures, unlike the same plate, temperatures, almost all the ingredients of vegetable and meat stews retain a maximum of nutrients and vitamin.

Pot stews in the oven - general cooking principles

Thanks to the simultaneous laying of vegetables, meat, mushrooms and other components of the dish, the stew turns out to be tastier, because all the ingredients in the process of languishing are saturated with each other's tastes and aromas.

You can use all kinds of products that you like. Even the stew from what is in the refrigerator will turn out to be as tasty as from gourmet vegetables and other ingredients. Therefore, there are no restrictions on the use of products.

Usually everything: vegetables, meat and the rest are washed, peeled and cut into slices of approximately the same size. Some of them require preliminary frying: for example, meat, mushrooms, potatoes. Products that are more tender and quick to prepare are laid immediately in a pot.

Stew can be seasoned with spices, grated cheese, any sauces. For juiciness and satiety in the pots are also recommended to put a small piece of butter.

The cooking time of stew in pots in the oven depends on the products used and varies from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Recipe 1. Vegetable stew with meat in pots in the oven


• 500-600 grams of pork;

• three tomatoes;

• six medium-sized potatoes;

• one small zucchini;

• large onion;

• a couple of cloves of garlic;

• 50 grams of mayonnaise or sour cream;

• salt, a mixture of peppers;

• peas of allspice, laurel leaves;

• vegetable oil.

How to cook:

1. We wash the pork, cut off the fat, remove the film. Cut the meat into medium-sized cubes.

2. Send the pork to a preheated pan with a small amount of oil, fry over high heat, stirring, until a slight blush.

3. Add the chopped quarter onion rings, reduce the heat, continue to fry.

4. Season the pork with onions, pepper and salt. As soon as the onions soften, transfer the meat frying into pots.

5. On top of the pork we lay potatoes cut into large cubes.

6. The next layer is evenly distributed diced zucchini.

7. The final ingredient will be circles of tomatoes.

8. In each pot we place garlic plates, laurel leaves, peppercorns, and salt to taste.

9. Close vegetables with meat with two or three tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream.

10. Cook stew with meat in pots in an oven heated to 200 degrees for 60-70 minutes.

Recipe 2. Stew with meat, pickled mushrooms and vegetables in pots in the oven


• 400 grams of any meat;

• a jar of pickled mushrooms;

• two carrots;

• onion;

• 3-4 potatoes;

• Bell pepper;

• salt, ground pepper;

• mayonnaise;

• cheese (optional).

Cooking method:

1. We washed and dried meat into cubes. Slightly salted, fry the meat in a pan until golden brown.

2. All vegetables are peeled and cut into any shape, but not too finely so that they do not boil during stewing.

3. Spread the prepared vegetables in a large bowl, salt, pepper, mix.

4. Put the meat in layers in the pots first, then vegetables and mushrooms.

5. Pour the ingredients with mayonnaise, if desired, add the last layer of grated cheese.

6. Bake the dish in the oven at 190 degrees until cooked, about 1 hour.

Recipe 3. Vegetable stew in pots in the oven with minced meat in a creamy sauce

Ingredients for 2 servings:

• 200 grams of minced meat (anyone will do);

• 2 potatoes;

• a small onion;

• Bell pepper;

• carrot;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 1 tsp mustard seeds;

• roots of dill and parsley;

• feathers of green onions;

• 50 ml cream;

• salt, ground paprika;

• a piece of butter.

How to cook:

1. Minced meat, if frozen, thawed, salt, pepper, mix with mustard.

2. We make small meatballs with minced walnuts from minced meat.

3. Peel the onion into thin rings, cut the potatoes into large bars, cut the carrots and bell peppers into strips.

4. First put the onions and carrots in the pan, fry for 2-3 minutes, add pepper and potatoes. Fry it all together, stirring for 5 minutes.

5. Put the vegetables in pots, sprinkle them with chopped roots of greens and chopped garlic.

6. Put a piece of butter, sprinkle everything with salt and paprika.

7. Stack meatballs on top.

8. Pour all the components with boiled chilled water so that the meatballs only peek out slightly.

9. Preheat the oven to 210 degrees, put the pots on the wire rack, cook the dish for 40 minutes.

10. 5 minutes before cooking, sprinkle with green onion rings and pour cream.

Recipe 4. Vegetable stew in pots in the oven


• medium-sized vegetable marrow (young);

• two eggplants;

• carrot;

• three potatoes;

• two bell peppers;

• two tomatoes;

• onion;

• 100 ml of vegetable broth or water;

• salt pepper;

• olive oil;

• greenery.


1. We clean the onion and chop the quarter with rings.

2. Remove the seeds from the pepper, cut into four parts and cut into large strips.

3. Zucchini and eggplant washed. Cut into large cubes without removing the peel.

4. Three peeled carrots on a grater.

5. Scald tomatoes with boiling water, remove them from the skin, cut the flesh into medium-sized slices.

6. Heat olive oil in a pan, put eggplant, zucchini, carrots, onions and bell pepper. Add salt, pepper and other spices to taste. Fry, stirring, over high heat for 3-5 minutes.

7. We transfer the fried vegetables into pots, put tomatoes in their place, simmer for literally 2 minutes, and also transfer them to the pots.

8. Last of all, fry in a pan for 3-6 minutes, chopped potatoes cut into bars. Salt and, like the previous vegetables, shift into pots.

9. Pour vegetables with water or broth, sprinkle with chopped herbs, if necessary - add, pepper.

10. Cook in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Recipe 5. Vegetable stew in pots in the oven with mushrooms


• 300 grams of greenhouse mushrooms (oyster mushrooms, champignons);

• 300 grams of potatoes;

• 300 grams of Beijing cabbage;

• carrots, onions;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• salt, spices;

• 120 ml of tomato juice or sauce.

How to cook:

1. Rinse the mushrooms, put them in a colander. When the water drains, cut into pieces.

2. Peking cabbage shred with large straws, onion - half rings.

3. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.

4. Rub carrots.

5. Fry salted mushrooms in a saucepan for 2-3 minutes, transfer to a plate.

6. Put potatoes in the same stewpan, fry until half-cooked, remove from heat.

7. Put the onions and carrots in the first layer in the pots, then put the potatoes, mushrooms and finally the Chinese cabbage.

8. Salt, add your favorite spices, pour tomato juice.

9. Cook in the oven, setting the temperature at 180-200 degrees, about 30 minutes.

10. In the prepared stew, put chopped garlic, leave the dish in the disconnected oven for 10 minutes.

Recipe 6. Vegetable stew with beans and eggplant

The amount of vegetables depends on your taste preferences. Some vegetables can be completely eliminated, something is permissible to add your own.


• onion;

• eggplant;

• bell pepper;

• garlic;

• tomatoes;

• zucchini;

• a can of canned red beans;

• 100 grams of cheese;

• water;

• salt, spices (chili, oregano, Provencal herbs, a mixture of peppers).

Cooking method:

1. We wash all vegetables, those that require cleaning, we clean.

2. Open the jar of beans, pour out the liquid. Rinse the beans themselves, throwing them in a colander.

3. Cut the eggplants into long strips, fry from two sides in a pan in a small amount of vegetable oil until a slight blush.

4. Fried eggplant cool and cut into cubes.

5. In a saucepan or pan, where the eggplants were fried, put the onion rings, fry until softened.

6. Blanched tomatoes cut into cubes, spread to the onion, simmer.

7. Add bell peppers, passée for 2-3 minutes. Pour in water, bring to a boil, turn off the gas.

8. Mix in a large bowl, diced zucchini, eggplant, beans, chopped garlic. Salt, season with spices.

9. Put the vegetable mixture in pots, pour tomato sauce.

10. Sprinkle the stew with cheese, bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Pot stew in the oven - secrets and tips

• The main thing in stew is not to grind any vegetables, or meat, or other ingredients that make up the composition. Otherwise, when they are stewed, they will boil, and instead of a beautiful stew from the pots, you will get the pulp.

• Stew, especially with an abundance of various vegetables, is a bright, colorful dish. Greens will make it even more attractive and appetizing. And here you should not be limited to the standard set of green onions, dill, parsley. Use spinach, sorrel and other herbs.

• Sour cream or cream fill the dish more satisfying and juicier. For the dietary option, it is better to use plain water or vegetable, chicken broth.

• Almost always, some vegetables are pre-fried and there are reasons for such manipulations. The first, so the stew is more aromatic and rich. The second - thanks to the initial frying, vegetables that cook for a long time do not remain raw, being cooked simultaneously with instant vegetables.

• You can adapt any of the recipes to your taste preferences. For example, using chicken or turkey meat instead of beef and pork, forest mushrooms instead of greenhouse mushrooms, others instead of some vegetables. And with spices and herbs, you can experiment as much as you have enough imagination.


Watch the video: Beef and Mushroom Casserole Stew (June 2024).