How to roast beef properly. How much to fry beef without losing juiciness, how to fry beef in a pan "in Chinese"


Beef is a meat widely used in the preparation of hearty main dishes.

The characteristics of this variety are in a fairly dense structure, so beef recipes, as a rule, imply marinating the meat before roasting, or its prolonged heat treatment during cooking.

To prepare roasted beef, it is also beaten in most cases, thereby violating the structure of the fibers and resulting in tender, juicy slices with a delicious crispy crust.

Well, there is probably no better way than to fry beef in a pan.

How much and how to fry beef in a pan - general cooking principles

• It is best to take fresh or chilled beef for frying. Frozen pieces of meat before cooking should be thawed correctly, using the slow defrost in the air. With this method, meat juice is almost completely absorbed back into the muscle fibers, thereby restoring the original quality characteristics of the meat and it is almost no different from chilled meat.

• Before cooking, pieces of beef, without cutting, are washed in cold running water, while scraping heavily contaminated areas with a knife, and the existing hallmarks must be cut off.

• Washed meat, to avoid slipping out of hands and the convenience of cutting, is well dried by laying on a wire rack or blotted with a paper towel or napkin.

• After drying, beef is cut into portioned slices across the fibers and lightly beaten with a cooking chopper (hammer).

• How to roast beef? Beef is fried not only in a pan in a greater or lesser amount of fat, it can also be fried on coals, for convenience, using a special grill.

• How much to fry beef? The frying time depends on the type of dish being prepared, the cooking method, as well as the size of the pieces to be cooked and is always indicated in the recipe.

Chinese spicy beef fried in a pan


• beef, sirloin - 600 grams;

• bitter onions - 2 large heads;

• four pieces of sweet pepper, preferably in different colors;

• two small carrots;

• one hundred grams of ginger root;

• a large head of garlic, about 6 cloves;

• a glass (200 ml) of dark soy sauce;

• sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;

• two small chili peppers;

• 150 ml of refined sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. In soy sauce, dilute granulated sugar until completely dissolved. If it is not salty enough, add half a tablespoon of coarse salt and mix well.

2. Add ginger root, chopped into small pieces, and chopped Chili pepper, without seeds. Pass the garlic through the garlic press and stir everything thoroughly.

3. In the cooked marinade, lay the pulp cut into thin strips and leave for half an hour.

4. While the beef is pickled, prepare the vegetables. Cut the onions into small half rings, chop the carrots and bell peppers thinly with straws.

5. In a large deep frying pan, preferably thick-walled, heat the oil until a light haze forms over its surface, but not a burning one.

6. With a slotted spoon, letting the liquid drain a little, transfer the pieces of beef into a pan, do not pour the remaining marinade, it will still come in handy.

7. Gently stir the meat and fry, constantly stirring, for uniform frying, six minutes.

8. After, as well as from the marinade, put the roasted beef in a separate plate with a slotted spoon, and instead, put chopped onions and carrots in the pan. If necessary, add sunflower oil and saute the vegetables for three minutes.

9. Add the previously fried beef, about a quarter of the sauce remaining from the pickling meat, sweet pepper and continue to fry for no more than three minutes.

10. As a side dish to the pan-fried beef “in Chinese”, boiled fried rice is best suited.

"Tender chops" of beef in a pan in a cheese crust


• half a kilogram of beef tenderloin;

• two tablespoons of finished Russian mustard;

• chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;

• one hundred grams of cheese "Russian", hard;

• 200 grams of white breadcrumbs, coarse grinding;

• for frying about 120 ml of purified sunflower oil;

• spices, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Sliced ​​along the fibers, with a thickness of not more than one and a half centimeters, beat off the pieces of meat a little with a culinary hammer. Broken chunks should not be visible. Season with pepper, grease with a thin layer of mustard on both sides and leave for an hour and a half.

2. Thoroughly shake the eggs with salt, and grate the cheese finely with a grater and mix with breadcrumbs.

3. Dip the pieces of beaten beef in the egg, then gently roll in the cheese and cheese mixture and put the fat (oil) in a frying pan.

4. For three minutes, fry on one side, then turn over and fry for two minutes on the other.

How to roast beef on charcoal - Cabernet filet mignon


• 700 grams of beef, fillet.

For marinade:

• 50 ml of wine vinegar;

• 200 ml of Cabernet wine;

• 100 grams of sugar, sand;

• "Dijon mustard" - 0.5 tbsp. l .;

• two small strips of lemon peel;

• cinnamon - 2 sticks.

For the sauce:

• a full glass of pitted cherries (canned in their own juice, fresh or frozen);

• ground black pepper and Extra salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Add sugar, mustard to the mixture of wine vinegar and Cabernet wine. Put lemon zest, cinnamon and put on medium heat, simmer for ten minutes.

2. Cut the beef fillet into pieces of four centimeter thickness and put a little batter in a bag.

3. Pour three quarters of the cooled marinade to the meat and, having tightly tied the bag, remove for an hour and a half in the cold (refrigerator compartment).

4. For the sauce, put the cherry sliced ​​in large pieces into the remaining part of the marinade, pepper to your taste, add fine salt and, like meat, put in the refrigerator to cool.

5. From the pickled pieces of beef fillet, wipe off the remaining liquid with a towel, grease them on all sides with vegetable oil and lay them on the grill, mounted over hot coals.

6. Cook in high heat for three minutes each side.

7. Serve by pouring the cooked cherry sauce.

Pan-fried beef steak


• beef tenderloin (sirloin) - 600 grams;

• 35-40 grams of melted lard or refined (odorless) sunflower oil;

• black pepper, table salt "Extra".

Cooking method:

1. Fillet tenderloin, thickened part of it, cut into portions of the same width, from two to three centimeters, and each beat off with a culinary chopper to the desired thickness - from one and a half to two centimeters. Beating off, give the meat the desired shape: oval or round.

2. Fry the steak in a small saucepan or a thick cast-iron skillet in well-heated oil or fat.

3. How much to fry? The frying time depends on the degree of roasting you want to get a steak: medium, light or deep-fried, and takes from 7 minutes to a quarter of an hour. The degree of frying is determined by the color of the juice released when piercing the meat.

4. At the end of the frying, the pieces of beef must be covered with a slightly brown toasted crust.

5. Serve the beef steak with fried potatoes or fresh vegetables.

Beef Stroganov from beef


• 700 grams of fresh or chilled beef (thick edge);

• 50 grams of natural butter;

• white baking flour - 30 grams or one and a half tablespoons;

• 150 ml of 15% sour cream;

• 1 tbsp. l tomato sauce "Tender", you can replace tomato puree;

• white onions - 2 large heads.

Cooking method:

1. Beef cut into centimeter slices, beat with a hammer and cut into thin, half-centimeter thick ribbons up to 4 cm long. Beef trim can be used to prepare Bef Stroganov.

2. Chop the onion into small slices and spasser in a small amount of oil until a soft golden crust is formed.

3. Put the prepared slices of beef in the oil heated over high heat and fry until juice forms, periodically shaking the pan for about five minutes. Add sautéed onions and mix well.

4. Transfer the meat and onions to a hot thick-walled pan, sprinkle with wheat flour, stir well and introduce tomato sauce with sour cream. Warm Beef Stroganoff for several minutes, not letting it boil.

5. Serve with a side dish of boiled rice, mashed potatoes or pasta.

How and how much to fry beef in a pan - tricks and tips

• When thawing meat, keep in mind that with rapid thawing, a lot of juice is lost and therefore ready meals can turn out to be excessively dry and tasteless. In beef thawed in water, the nutritional properties are significantly reduced, since almost all the mineral salts contained in it, soluble proteins, as well as vitamins, go into the water.

• Lean beef meat, fried in large chunks, will be juicier if you pickle it after cutting. The type of marinade depends on the method of preparation: marinades containing wine vinegar or wine are used for frying on charcoals, and marinades with soy sauce are suitable for frying in a pan.

• To add juiciness to the pulp, cut into small portions, when frying, add vegetables or sour cream to it, after which the dish is well warmed with minimal heat.

• How much to fry beef depends on what kind of cooking you prefer meat:

• if you fry large meat pieces in a pan from 2 to 3 minutes, they will turn out to be sufficiently fried on the outside, but at the same time practically raw inside and lightly fried;

• if you fry for 4 minutes on each side, the slices of meat will turn out to be more fried, and inside the meat will have a slightly pinkish color - this is average frying;

• The meat is covered with a well-fried crust and completely fried if it is fried in a pan for about five minutes, on the one hand, and after three minutes on the other, such meat is considered completely fried.

• The temperature of the fat into which the meat falls must not be lower than 120 degrees. Only at high temperatures during the frying process can a fried crust form on the surface of the meat, preventing it from drying out.


Watch the video: How To Make Pan Seared Butter-Basted Steak (July 2024).