The dead in our dreams: causes, signs, consequences


The dream world from ancient times has always beckoned, scared and fascinated a person with its mystery, mystery and incomprehensibility. Since ancient times, people have tried to comprehend the laws of dreams, realizing that dreams contain answers to almost all questions that concern a person. Some dreams pass without a trace, while others leave a strong imprint in our memory and life. For example, dreams about those who are no longer with us always cause a storm of emotions, most often negative ones.

After all, the human brain is not able to perceive and accept the appearance of a deceased, even in an unreal space. After such dreams, we often wake up exhausted, morally broken, oppressed, and all day we can be depressed. But not always the dead in a dream - this is a terrible, bad sign.

It should be understood: why do the dead go into our dreams and remind us of themselves? What to expect if a dead person appears in a dream?

If you dreamed about the dead

Many researchers agree that the dead almost never appear in our dreams for no reason. They always try to convey something to us. They want to warn about the important, about what we don’t see, don’t feel, try to protect us from terrible pictures of the future or, on the contrary, lead us to them.

It was widely believed that if one dreamed of a dead person, then one should expect changes in the weather for the worse. “The deceased dreams of rain, wind or thunderstorm,” the elders claimed, and there was some truth to this.

It was believed that the souls of the dead acutely feel changes in the weather and appear precisely at the time of sharp changes in it, especially in the autumn season.

The largest number of people having dreams with the dead falls precisely in the fall. To correctly interpret a dream with the dead, you need to remember it as best as possible and capture the emotions evoked by it in the soul.

After all, emotions are the main key to unraveling such dreams.

Why dream of dead relatives

Most often, people dream about their deceased relatives (parents, grandparents, children). Some dreams are signs for the one who saw them, while others help to learn more about the deceased (what he feels now, what state his soul is in, what it is experiencing at the moment). For example, deceased often appear after their death.

Psychologists are trying to explain this fact by the fact that a person is not yet mentally ready to accept the fact that a close relative was dying, but people think differently.

People who suffer a lot and cry for the deceased often have dreams with a dead person in a serious condition.

He appears before them crying, drowning, carrying heavy buckets of water.

These dreams indicate that it is time to let the dead man go and let him go in peace. After all, the tears that a person sheds on him become a heavy burden for the deceased, which he has to carry on his shoulders.

If the deceased relative says something in a dream, you should carefully listen to him and remember his words.

Dead people rarely speak directly and openly in a dream, most often their words have to be interpreted, disassembled in detail, but they always carry important information.

If a father, who is no longer alive, comes to a sleeping child and talks with him, he tries to warn him about the danger looming over him, associated with the environment of the sleeping person. Most likely, the sleeping man had enemies.

Dying mothers always try to rid or warn living children of their poor health, serious diseases that are still hidden.

A dead brother, as well as a friend, may dream of a person. Such dreams indicate that someone is very much in need of a sleeping person; he needs to be helped by someone.

The people also believe that the joyful dead is for the imminent death of someone close. Thus, his soul rejoices that another dear person will be with him.

When the dead predict death

The elders advise in no case not to go somewhere with the dead man, not to succumb to his requests and persuasion, for example, to go somewhere. If a man hit the road with a dead man, a mortal threat will soon loom over him. One should not give or give anything to a dead relative in dreams. Such dreams also warn the sleeper about his death.

On the contrary, if the deceased himself decided to share something with a living relative, then we can safely expect the well-being of the material and spiritual, adding, improving things.

If a person notices that dreams with the same deceased are repeated, then he needs to analyze the relationship with the deceased person.

What were they like? Are there any debts on the sleeper, unfulfilled promises? Perhaps the deceased is thereby trying to tell the sleeping man that it is time to put an end to the relationship - to pay off debts, fulfill promises, forgive, if necessary.

How to repay debts to a person who is no longer? In no case should one live with debts that a person did not manage to repay before the death of the deceased. Such debts will bring evil, destruction, woe to the one on whom they hang. The elders in this case advised to give the poor exactly the amount that was borrowed from the deceased. Then the burden of debt will be lifted, and the person will be freed from grave consequences. If a dead man every night comes in dreams to a sleeping person, on whom there is no obligation to him, it is recommended to remember the dead man. Then, most likely, he will disappear.

Often with the dead people dream of various attributes associated with death: a coffin, a cemetery, a grave. The coffin is always a bad sign. He says that any destruction awaits the sleeper. His affairs will not go uphill.

The coffin is also interpreted as death, collapse of plans, loss of vitality, friends, deterioration of health and relations with relatives. It is important to be careful and remember the dreams in which the dead appear. They will help a person hear what he does not hear, see what he does not see, and protect him from many troubles. After all, the dead never just remind themselves of themselves.


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