Papilloma virus in women: causes, symptoms, possible consequences. Methods for the treatment of papilloma virus in women


Papilloma virus is a disease that includes more than seventy different groups of viruses.

This pathology is considered extremely dangerous, since it can cause severe diseases of human systems, including the genitals.

Consider in more detail the symptoms of the papilloma virus in women and methods for eliminating this ailment.

Papilloma virus in women: causes

Most often, HPV infection in women occurs for the following reasons:

1. Contact of damaged mucous membranes of a healthy person with the discharge of the patient (for example, through a towel).

2. Unprotected sex with a partner who is already sick with the papilloma virus.

3. Cervical erosion.

4. Long-term use of contraceptives that provoke changes in the hormonal background of a woman

5. A sharp decrease in immunity is not able to cause HPV, however, because of this, a woman will become more susceptible to such a disease (the defenses of her body will not cope with her task).

6. The presence of untreated sexual infections (thrush, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.).

7. Use of a shared toilet or bath with a sick person.

8. Transmission of the virus from a sick mother to a child through the placenta or birth canal.

9. Possible infection in the baths or gyms.

10. Blood transfusion or other medical manipulations using non-sterile instruments.

According to statistics, women with an age of 21-24 years who start an active sex life and often change their sexual partners are most affected by HPV.

Papilloma virus in women: symptoms and signs

Symptoms of HPV depend on the specific type of virus. There are several main manifestations of this disease:

1. The formation of warts. Outwardly they will be round, dense and with a convex shape. When pressed, such warts are absolutely painless. In color, they practically do not differ from the color of human skin.

The localization of such warts can be very different. Most often they are found on the palms, eyelids and stomach. Type 1, 2 or 4 viruses can cause them.

2. Genital warts develop on the mucous membranes of the genitals. Less commonly, they are localized in the vagina or oral cavity.

On examination, such warts are growths that have uneven edges. Type 6, 11, or 3 viruses cause them.

3. Papular warts cause viruses of types 16, 18 or 31. They are dense plaques that are pink in color. These growths are dangerous, as they can develop into a malignant tumor.

It is important to know, that HPV may not manifest itself at all for a long time. It happens that the disease is detected by chance when the patient did not even know about it.

Traditionally, the symptoms of HPV begin to be actively observed even when the disease is started, and the human immunity is greatly weakened. In this condition, the patient will begin to accumulate the virus in one area of ​​the skin and share uncontrollably.

In addition, papillomovirus infection in women has the following features of the course and development:

1. The duration of the "silent" course of the disease depends on the human immune condition.

2. Condylomas on the cervix or the walls of the vagina can be detected only with a gynecological examination.

3. Without treatment, HPV cannot pass on its own like the flu or a common cold. This is a serious disease that is difficult to treat and requires a reasonable selection of therapy.

4. When viruses are identified with a high risk of their transformation into malignant tumors, a complete examination must be performed and all necessary tests must be taken.

5. In the absence of treatment, condylomas will continue to develop.

Papilloma virus in women: diagnosis and treatment

If you suspect HPV, you should contact a gynecologist, venereologist, infectious disease specialist and dermatologist. These specialists will be able to correctly identify the disease and find the right treatment.

Diagnosis of the papilloma virus begins with a collection of the patient’s history and a general examination of the patient. In this case, the doctor will carefully examine the skin and mucous membranes where warts and warts are most often localized.

Women without fail need to conduct a gynecological examination using mirrors and take a scraping from the mucous membranes of the cervix.

If HPV is suspected, the doctor may also take a small fragment of the cervix for biopsy studies. This is necessary to identify a malignant pathology or to refute its development.

For the most accurate diagnosis of the virus, a DTC test should be performed that will not only detect the disease, but also determine the exact type of virus.

Treatment is selected by the doctor separately for each patient, depending on the type of virus that has infected the body. To date, there is no clear treatment regimen. The choice of tactics is individual.

Traditional treatment is aimed at suppressing the activity of the virus and infection. In this case, even if the warts do not cause any negative symptoms in the patient, they need to be treated anyway.

Therapeutic therapy for HPV has the following features:

1. The patient is shown the removal of warts or genital warts by radio wave electrocoagulation or laser. It is important to know that excision of warts will not eliminate the source of infection and will not completely cure a person. This is just a kind of prevention of the development of malignant pathologies.

2. Antiviral treatment is considered quite effective. It is aimed at stimulating the immunity of a sick person and suppressing the virus. Most often, drugs such as Interferon, Cycloferon, Isoprinosien are prescribed for this purpose. These drugs will directly affect the cells of the virus, and slow down its reproduction.

3. To strengthen immunity, potent immunomodulators can also be prescribed. They should be taken strictly according to the doctor’s instructions.

It is important to know, that in the treatment of HPV, any medication without a doctor’s prescription is unacceptable.

4. If the patient was prescribed surgical removal of genital warts, then before this procedure, she should adhere to such recommendations:

• be sure to examine your sexual partner for the type of papilloma virus identified in her;

• comply with all rules on protected sexual contact;

• Before the procedure, it is advisable to undergo a full course of HPV treatment with antiviral drugs.

With the right therapy, you can significantly slow down the spread of infection in the body and save the sick person from the manifestation of the disease for many years. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to completely recover from HPV.

Papilloma virus in women: treatment, complications, prevention

The danger of HPV depends on the type of virus, since not all of them are deadly. Despite this, there are some particularly aggressive types of viruses that can lead to cervical cancer. These are the genotypes of viruses under the numbers 16, 39, 18 and 31.

Moreover, if you do not start therapeutic therapy, then condylomas can fester and continue to spread.

To reduce the risk of HPV infection, women and young girls should follow these recommendations:

1. Use only your personal hygiene products and never take someone else's towel, scissors, soap or anything else.

2. Promptly tell teenage girls about HPV disease and its transmission. Only knowledge will help protect the child from irreparable mistakes due to inexperience. The best time for such an intimate conversation is the age of a teenager 12-13 years old.

3. Be sure to vaccinate against the papilloma virus. Of course, she will not be able to protect against all types of virus, however, she will reduce the risk of developing the most dangerous strains. This vaccine includes three injections that need to be done every weather.

4. When the first signs of infection appear, immediately contact an infectious disease specialist. It is advisable to do this together with your sexual partner.

5. Twice a year to check yourself and your partner for HPV.

6. It is very important to have one permanent sexual partner. Before starting sexual intercourse with a person, he must be checked for HPV, as well as for other sexually transmitted diseases.

7. In case of accidental sexual intercourse, always use a condom.

8. Prevent weakening of the immune system and timely treat any diseases of the reproductive system.


Watch the video: Medical Surgical Women's Health Human Papillomavirus HPV (July 2024).