Experts have proven that only some anti-aging creams work


There are already accustomed cases when advertised and not cheap means turn out to be true dummies. A recent example: researchers from the UK (University of Bath) have shown that collagen molecules in most commercial creams are excessively large in volume. Therefore, they do not penetrate into the skin, but simply remain outside and after a while corny washed away - just like any color cosmetics.

However, experimental testing at the University of Reading confirmed the effectiveness of the compound called MatrixylT, which is used in some anti-aging creams. MatrixylT was found to double the collagen produced by the skin. Due to its composition, collagen has a unique ability to stretch, which makes the skin sufficiently elastic. Alas, gradually collagen fibers lose moisture, especially near the eyes. Collagen is produced much less, which is why it is added to the creams.

In the process of new laboratory testing, MatrixylT stimulator was studied, but not collagen itself. The following fact was found out: the concentrations of substances that are used in cosmetology are sufficient to achieve a rejuvenating effect.

In addition to the aesthetic effect, MatrixylT can also be used for medical purposes, for example, as a preparation for wound healing, as well as in the study of stem cells. It has long been known that the collagen base has long been successfully used by scientists during experiments aimed at growing tissue.


Watch the video: Dr. Oz Shares Tips To Fight Wrinkles and Protect The Skin. TODAY (July 2024).