Birthday canapé - the table will be bright! Different types of canapes sandwiches for birthdays and other holidays


Canape - overseas word to which everyone has long been accustomed.

Miniature sandwiches with skewers look amazing and are often present on holiday tables.

What canapé sandwiches can be made for a birthday party?

Birthday canapes - general cooking principles

Making miniature sandwiches is easy and simple! Even children will cope with most recipes. Pieces of products are collected in layers or strung on special skewers. Toothpicks can be used instead.

Served canapes on flat dishes. They do not require additional decoration, as they are in themselves lovely and charming. But you can always add sandwiches with greens, sliced ​​vegetables and fruits.

Recipe 1: Canapuli Birthday Canapes

The recipe is well, very tiny and neat birthday canapés, which consist of completely finished products and the assembly takes only a few minutes.


• bread;

• ham;

• cucumber;

• olives and / or olives;

• cheese (necessarily hard).


1. Pieces for canapes can be cut with a knife or cut with special molds - cuts. If you make pieces with a knife, it is better in the form of squares or triangles. Will be faster and less scraps.

2. Bread, ham, cheese and washed cucumber cut into pieces.

3. We string an olive on a skewer, then a cucumber, cheese, ham and finish with a slice of bread. Done!

Recipe 2: Canape birthday "Rosette"

Variant of charming and delicious birthday canapés, which are prepared without cuts. The main ingredient is the red fish. She can be anyone, but salted.


• red fish;

• White bread;

• cream cheese;

• leaf salad.


1. Cut the bread into neat squares with sides of 3-4 centimeters and fry in a griddle. You can add a drop of oil or just dry it. We do it to your taste.

2. We grease bread with cream cheese. Oil can be used instead.

3. Put a piece of lettuce on top.

4. Take a thin slice of red fish and roll into a roll, imitating a rosette. We sit down a flower on a green leaf and it's done!

Recipe 3: Birthday canape with herring

It turns out that everyone’s favorite herring can also be served unusually and turned into a beautiful snack. For this option miniature sandwiches need skewers.


• black bread;

• salted herring;

• fresh cucumber;

• dill greens.


1. Bread should be cut elongated rectangles, somewhere 2 to 4 centimeters.

2. Slice the herring fillet into pieces of 1.5 centimeters, the length is equal to the width of the herring.

3. Cut the cucumber into cubes, the size of a slice of bread, a little smaller.

4. Put a piece of cucumber on the bread, then a herring, a small sprig of dill, pierce with a skewer and ready!

Recipe 4: Birthday canapé with cucumber and salami

For these miniature sandwiches, you need neat and very thin slices of salami, which can be bent without any problems.


• fresh cucumber;

• salami;

• olives.


1. Cut the cucumber into centimeters, immediately lay them on a plate.

2. Take a piece of salami, pierce with a toothpick or skewer, stepping 3-4 millimeters from the edge, put on an olive and pierce the opposite side. It turns out the arc of sausages with an olive in the middle.

3. We stick the billet in a cucumber and it's done!

Recipe 5: Birthday canapé with bacon and eggs

This version of canapés for birthdays is prepared a little longer than the previous ones, as you need to boil eggs and cut something.


• quail eggs;

• bacon slices;

• soft cheese;

• garlic;

• dill;

• bread.


1. Cut the bread into squares, sides at least 4 centimeters. At will slices can be fried on a frying pan.

2. Mix the cheese with chopped garlic and dill, spread on bread.

3. Boil quail eggs, cut each into 2 parts. If skewers are used, then you must immediately put on the egg. If toothpicks, then leave for later.

4. Take a slice of bacon 5-7 centimeters, it should be very thin. And collect on a toothpick in the form of an accordion.

5. We stick in bread with cheese mass, if the egg is not immediately placed on the toothpick, then we put it on top.

Recipe 6: Birthday canapé with caviar

A feature of such canapés is the use of cracker instead of bread. Cookies should be neutral or salty, with additives such as cheese or bacon is better not to use, so as not to interrupt the natural taste of caviar.


• cracker;

• red or black caviar;

• dill;

• butter.


1. Grease crackers with butter, sprinkle with a small amount of chopped dill.

2. Spread red caviar and ready!

Recipe 7: Canapes for birthday with shrimp

This appetizer will definitely not go unnoticed on the table. Very bright, beautiful and unusually tasty. Shrimp take any, they need to boil and clean.


• grapes;

• lemon;

• shrimp;

• cucumber.


1. Make cucumber washers by centimeter. They will be the basis for canapés.

2. Take the peeled shrimp and pierce with a skew near the tail, put on the grape and pierce the opposite side.

3. We stick in a cucumber.

4. Cut the lemon into very thin circles, then into half. If the citrus is large, it can be strips.

5. Push the slice into the hole between the grape and the shrimp. And the canapes are ready!

Recipe 8: Italian It’s Birthday Canapes

Fragrant and miniature canapes sandwiches that will decorate the festive table. For the preparation will need small mozzarella balls.


• bread or loaf;

• mozzarella;

• Cherry tomatoes;

• basil leaves;

• some olive oil;

• pepper, rosemary, lemon.


1. Mix olive oil with lemon juice, pepper, add a little rosemary. Stir the sauce and put the mozzarella balls in it. Leave to marinate for half an hour, but better longer.

2. Cut out white slices from white bread.

3. We put basil leaves on each skewer, then a mozzarella ball; oil should not be shaken off.

4. The last is cherry tomato and stick the whole skewer in the bread. Fragrant sandwiches are ready! The oil remaining after pickling can be used for salad dressing or in the preparation of any other dishes.

Recipe 9: Birthday canape with sprats "One bite"

A wonderful alternative to boring and already sprinkled sprat sandwiches. You can cook canapés with white or dark bread.


• sprats;

• boiled egg;

• cucumber;

• mayonnaise;

• bread.


1. Cut out any figures from bread, but you can just squares or rectangles. Dry the pieces in a skillet, you can roast in the oven.

2. Grease with mayonnaise.

3. Cut the boiled egg into slices, put it on the bread.

4. Put the sprats.

5. Cut the cucumber into very thin and elongated slices. We pierce in two places and stick into a sandwich. You can decorate the snack greens.

Recipe 10: A birthday canapé with "Men's" brisket

A very simple option of sandwiches, which are ideal for snacking strong drinks. Cooked with smoked or salted bacon. Choose pieces with good layers.


• cucumber (fresh or salted);

• brisket;

• bread;

• mustard;

• onion, small.


1. Cut the bacon into cubes of 1.5-2 centimeters.

2. Cucumber on washers.

3. Peel the onion, cut into circles.

4. Put a piece of brisket on a skewer, then a ring of onions and the last is a cucumber.

5. We stick men's canapés into pieces of black bread, smeared with mustard and you can already make a toast!

Birthday canapes - tips and tricks

• Build a canape - a matter of minutes, but if everything is ready. You can pre-cut all the ingredients and arrange them in containers, and before the feast, quickly build miniature sandwiches.

• Canapes are not only salty or sharp, but also sweet. They are served as a dessert. The easiest way to cut different fruits and put on skewers. But you can add marshmallows, pastila, cookies and other sweets.

• Roasted bread sandwiches hold up much better and tastier. And it is not necessary to spend time on cooking the pieces. They can be roasted in the oven while another holiday dish is being cooked or after it.

• Mayonnaise - not the best sauce for canapes. The bread beneath it becomes limp, wet and tasteless. It is better to use processed cheeses or masses from soft cottage cheese. Tastier and healthier!
