Delicious airy cottage cheese pancakes in a pan. Step-by-step recipes for cottage cheese pancakes in a pan with and without filling


Cottage cheese is a dietary fermented milk product. It is rich in vitamins and mineral salts, contains a large amount of calcium, which is so necessary for the human body. Cottage cheese must be present in the children's menu, but, unfortunately, not every crumb can be made to taste it. The solution is simple and simple - to make cottage cheese pancakes from cottage cheese in a pan, and step-by-step recipes will help in this.

The technology for making cottage cheese pancakes in a pan (step by step)

• First of all, you need to decide on the cottage cheese, which one is better to take, factory or home. It would seem that nothing complicated, home-made fermented milk product is preferable, but only if there is one hundred percent confidence in its quality. You should not buy cottage cheese in natural markets, if you buy a product in a specialized one, it is better that it is a proven, nonrandom seller, whose reliability you can be sure of.

• If you want to get delicious cheesecakes, use high-quality cottage cheese, with a fat content of at least 9%. Cottage cheese with low fat content is usually dry and can acidify. To get rid of such shortcomings, you will need to add fat sour cream and sweeten, and this will increase the calorie content of the dish.

• It is undesirable to buy wet cottage cheese. When mixed with sugar, moisture will come out and the dough will become rare. We’ll have to add more semolina or flour, which will cause the curd taste to suffer, and the cheesecakes will turn out “rubber”.

• The key to air and juicy cheesecakes cooked in a pan is the structure of the dough itself. It is recommended to grind any selected cottage cheese before mixing with other components using a sieve.

• Many recipes involve combining cottage cheese with different ingredients. Cheesecakes can be salty or spicy, sweet and even spicy! In our selection, step-by-step recipes for sweet cottage cheese pancakes in a pan, in two versions of this dish - with and without filling.

• The main ingredients of the dough for cheesecakes are cottage cheese and sugar. Eggs, semolina, flour or starch interfere as binders. For a diet dish, you can use bran flour. To get rich taste and pleasant aroma, vanilla is mixed into the curd dough.

• Form syrniki in the form of small, centimeter-thick cakes. Turning over large items is more difficult, and thick ones will not bake inside. The best method for determining the size of the cheesecake is a tablespoon, which you need to hook on to the curd dough.

• A guarantee of an appetizing crust on cottage cheese pancakes prepared according to step-by-step recipes - correctly selected dishes, highly desirable with a thick bottom. It can be a modern frying pan with non-stick coating or a "grandmother's" heavy frying pan made of cast iron or steel.

• There are several frying rules, without which it is impossible to obtain airy and rosy cheesecakes. First of all, before putting cheesecakes in a pan, it must be well calcined with fat. Secondly, you need to use only high-quality fats, both vegetable and animal origin. To ensure that the products are baked enough, after turning them over, cover the pan and cook over medium-low heat.

The simplest cottage cheese pancakes in a pan: a step-by-step recipe without eggs with semolina

Cottage cheese pancakes in a pan according to a step by step recipe are prepared in a matter of minutes. The absence of eggs does not affect the quality of the dish in any way - the cottage cheese pancakes turn out to be lush and dense, with a delicate aroma of vanilla.


• thick cottage cheese - 200 gr.;

• two tablespoons of fresh, dry semolina;

• a quarter cup of vegetable oil;

• flour for breading;

• half a spoon of vanilla powder;

• one and a half tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Put the cottage cheese in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar, literally put a quarter of a spoonful of salt and mix well.

2. Pour semolina to the cottage cheese, stir again, check the consistency. Due to the insufficient density of cottage cheese, the base sometimes turns out to be excessively rare and neat cheesecakes can hardly be formed from it. In this case, you need to add a little semolina and wait a little time - the cereal will swell, which will make the mass more dense.

3. If the density of cottage cheese is sufficient, we proceed to the formation and frying of cheesecakes. Sprinkle flour in the palm of your hand, scooping it with a spoon, spread the mass on the flour. We form a ball, and squeeze it a little to get a flat cake a centimeter thick.

4. Put the cheesecake in a frying pan with heated oil, fry both sides until golden, do not cover with a lid.

Cottage cheese pancakes in a pan: a step-by-step recipe according to GOST

Time-tested, still from Soviet times, step-by-step recipe for cottage cheese pancakes in a pan. On it rosy syrniki are prepared, guaranteed lush and airy. Frying on margarine allows you to get a more delicate crust. If you don’t like the characteristic smell and taste of margarine, replace it with butter or vegetable oil.


• raw egg - 20 gr.;

• 540 gr. cottage cheese, fat content above 9%;

• two and a half tablespoons of flour;

• 60 gr. fine sugar;

• high quality frying margarine.

Cooking method:

1. For cheesecakes do not need a whole egg. Few people know what to do when the number of eggs is indicated not in pieces, but in grams. An average chicken egg weighs approximately 40 grams, therefore, we need only half. If you add only protein or yolk to the syrniki, this will be wrong. We proceed as follows: pour the egg into the cup, shake it until smooth and pour the half of the mixture - we have about 20 grams of egg mass in the cup, in which there is protein and yolk.

2. Cottage cheese. In this version of the dish, special requirements are imposed on it. It is undesirable to cook cheese cakes according to this recipe from sparse or low-fat cottage cheese, when mixed with sugar and eggs, it becomes even less common. In order for the syrniki to turn out tender and have a uniform structure, the fermented milk product must be non-grainy.

3. Place a metal sieve on a suitable bowl, apply the cottage cheese and wipe it with a wooden spatula or spoon. Remove the curd from the outside with a spoon and put to the main mass, pour the previously loosened egg, add sugar and two-thirds of the flour, mix from the amount indicated in the recipe. We must sieve flour!

4. Transfer the curd mass to the surface powder-coated with flour, roll the sausage and cut it into circles, one and a half centimeters wide. Determine the thickness of the "sausage" on your own, depending on what size syrniki you want to get. A diameter of not more than 7 cm is recommended.

5. Roll the curd dough in flour and give the slices a neat, oblong shape. We lay out breaded billets on a floured board or table.

6. Turning on the medium heat, place the frying pan on the burner and put margarine in it. As soon as the fat is completely melted, lower the cheesecakes, fry both sides.

7. According to GOST technology, such syrniki need to withstand for some time in the oven so that they "reach." You can do the following: when the bottom side of the products is well browned, turn them over and cover the pan. Immediately reduce the heat and so bring to readiness.

Tender cottage cheese pancakes in a pan: a step-by-step recipe with semolina and starch

A step-by-step recipe for air syrniki from cottage cheese in a pan, without the use of flour. As a binder component, starch is used. Despite the fact that semolina interferes in the curd, cheesecakes are tender. The secret is in a special way of preparing cottage cheese dough: before you interfere with semolina, it is kept for some time in an egg for swelling. Flour is used only as a breading.


• a pound of cottage cheese;

• two raw eggs;

• two tablespoons of fresh semolina;

• vanilla (powder) - 1 gr.;

• 75 gr. Sahara;

• two tablespoons of starch;

• high-quality vegetable oil;

• breading - flour.

Cooking method:

1. We break the eggs into a small bowl, blotting until smooth, mix the egg mixture with semolina and set aside for 10 minutes.

2. Pound the cottage cheese into gruel. You can grind the product through a suitable metal sieve. Add the swollen semolina to the curd mass and knead well with a spoon, carefully rubbing all the lumps. Bringing to homogeneity, mix sugar and vanilla.

3. Heat the oil in a pan over low heat. To cheesecakes well steamed from the inside and not burnt, fat should cover the bottom of the pan at least 5 mm.

4. A tablespoon of dough is divided into portions. Bunding in flour, we mold the cheesecakes and immediately spread them in the warmed butter. We fry on low heat until golden, then turn over, fry the other side.

Cottage cheese pancakes in a pan: a step-by-step recipe with poppy seed filling

An unpretentious, original step-by-step recipe for cheesecakes with cottage cheese in a pan. Products are prepared with poppy seed filling and stewed in cream in addition. Cooking begins with the preparation of poppy seeds, it must be well soaked in hot water. If there is no time for stewing, skip this step, after just frying the cottage cheese pancakes are also good.


• fine sugar refined - 100 g .;

• a pound of elastic curd;

• eggs - two, large;

• three tablespoons of starch;

• semolina, fresh - 2 tbsp. l

To the filling:

• half a glass of poppy;

• a spoonful of sugar.


• a spoon of white coconut;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• refined sunflower oil;

• half a glass of cream, fat content from 12 to 22%.

Cooking method:

1. The poppy should be prepared in advance. An hour before making the cottage cheese pancakes, fill the poppy with boiling water and leave it in it - the longer it is steeped, the more tender the filling will turn out. We discard the soaked poppy on a sieve and wait ten minutes for the water to come out of it. Then pour into a bowl, mix with sugar and mix with a blender. It is permissible to grind poppy seeds with sugar in a crush.

2. Cooking curd dough for cheesecakes. Mix the cottage cheese with sugar, and then grind on a sieve. We knead the semolina in the curd mass first, and then the starch, add the eggs and mix everything thoroughly again.

3. For breading, mix flour with coconut. Pouring oil into the pan, let the fat warm up a little over moderate heat.

4. Spoon up a little curd mass and spread on the palm sprinkled with flour mixture. We make a small cake, five millimeters thick, and put a teaspoon of poppy seed filling on it. We well pinch the edges of the cheesecake with our fingers, giving an oval or round shape. Dip the billet in the flour mixture, roll well on all sides and put it in the pan. On both sides, fry until light blush.

5. At this step, you can stop. Cheesecakes are tender and lush, but you can cook them even tastier. We put the finished cheesecakes into a deep saucepan, pour cream. Stew on the smallest fire, under the lid, for 20 minutes.

Tricks for making cottage cheese pancakes in a pan according to step-by-step recipes

• If the curd is not wet enough, mix a little milk, kefir, whey or sour cream into it. For diet cheesecakes, it is better to take the lowest-calorie foods, it is permissible even to replace them with water.

• It is not necessary to mix yolk and protein in the curd dough. The color of the cheesecakes will be more saturated if you use only the yolks. Products will turn out magnificent if to interfere with cottage cheese only whipped whites in the foam.

• In almost all step-by-step recipes of cottage cheese pancakes, salt is not used in a pan. If you wish, or to smooth out the sweet taste, you can add it, but very little.

• Before mixing sugar into the curd, pay attention to the moisture content of the product. It’s easy and easy to get rid of excess whey: line a colander or a sieve with gauze, then put the cottage cheese on it and, pressing it with a light load, wait - the excess liquid will drain itself.


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