Rospotrebnadzor discovered staphylococcus and E. coli in McDonald's


The scandal associated with improper storage of cheese for sandwiches and unsanitary conditions in the network of fast food restaurants, broke out in Krasnodar. Rospotrebnadzor fined McDonald's for keeping bacon and cheese for sandwiches at an inappropriate temperature, and the packaging did not contain any markings indicating the expiration date. In addition, the company found E. coli and staphylococcus.

Representatives of Rospotrebnadzor decided to check the McDonald's restaurant in Krasnodar after an employee of the institution and one of the visitors ended up in the hospital with a diagnosis of intestinal infection. As a result, E. coli bacteria were found on kitchen utensils and in hamburgers. Half of the staff of the shift revealed bacteria staphylococcus aureus. The Krasnodar Arbitration Court decided to fine McDonald's for 300 thousand rubles for violation of sanitation.

A repeated fine for the same amount was issued due to the fact that the cheddar and emmental cheeses that are part of bigmak, cheeseburgers and rolls were kept at a temperature exceeding +13 degrees. Products were unlabeled, which allows us to determine the shelf life. The court order stated that “the presence and sale of these foods provoke the occurrence of such dangerous diseases as gastroenteritis, cholera, dysentery, streptococcal and staphylococcal toxicosis”.

Later, the amount of the fine was reduced to 100 thousand rubles. The court is currently busy reviewing both cases. McDonald's insists on its innocence, the Krasnodar Department of Rospotrebnadzor, in turn, is trying to defend the original judicial decision.

Simultaneously with the scandal at the McDonald's restaurant in Krasnodar, another unpleasant story related to the clerk-wide giant has surfaced - the customer has found the worm in a chicken sandwich box. After that, Gennady Onishchenko, the head of Rospotrebnadzor, rather harshly criticized fast foods and urged Russians not to eat at McDonald's. “I would like to remind residents of Moscow and Russia that eating hamburger is not right and harmful,” said the chief sanitary doctor.
