Pollock with onions and carrots is such a familiar and favorite budget dish. Cooking pollock with onions and carrots: simple recipes


Fish is one of the most beloved products of the inhabitants of our planet.

She has even more connoisseurs than meat.

Especially in high esteem sea ​​fish.

Firstly, it contains an abundance of nutrients and vitamins. Secondly, dishes from sea fish are delicious and at the same time dietary, not creating problems for the stomach.

The representative of the Pacific waters pollock won its place on the dining table for a long time and firmly. In taste, it is inferior to more expensive types of fish, but its nutritional value is high.

Good pollock is prepared from pollock. And they can decorate any table. Particularly pleasant taste of pollock with onions and carrots. This is one of the most useful food compounds, recognized not only by consumers, but also by nutritionists.

Pollock with onions and carrots (in the oven, stewed, baked) - general principles of preparation

Pollock is a nutritious and dietary product. Sold in stores and markets in frozen form: carcasses with and without heads, fillets. To the choice of fish you need to approach responsibly, as a stale product will spoil not only the dish, but also the mood.

First of all, you need to look at the thickness of the ice crust. Its mass should be no more than 4%, and the thickness - no more than two centimeters.

The carcass should not be damaged, but meat color - white and clean without yellowish tones.

Fresh fish can be distinguished immediately by smell, even if it is frozen.

When buying pollock in a store, it is necessary to evaluate not only the appearance, but also the storage conditions, the integrity of the packaging and the shelf life.

Before cooking, unfreeze the fish, clean the abdomen and trim the fins. Then wash under running water. If there is caviar, then it is baked with pollock.

Vegetables are cut into strips, cubes, arbitrarily - depending on the cooking method.

The dish can be fried in a skillet, stewed and baked in the form, in heat-resistant dishes or in pots.

Preparing pollock with the addition lemon juice, pepper, parsley, tomato paste, vegetable oil, sour cream, soy sauce and even wine.

1. Pollock with onions and carrots in the oven

Baked fish is a light and dietary dish. Therefore, it can be prepared not only for lunch, but also for dinner.


• Two fish carcasses.

• Carrots - two pcs.

• Onion - two pcs.

• 50 grams of tomato paste.

• Two cloves of garlic.

• 0.100 liters of red wine.

• A mixture of peppers, salt.

Cooking method:

Using a grater for Korean carrots, grind carrots.

Cut the bulbs into several pieces and separate the feathers.

We place the vegetables in a deep saucepan and fry. We load the paste from the tomatoes, mix.

Pour the wine. Salt, pepper. Fry until half cooked.

We cut the fish along the spine in layers.

Cooking a baking dish. Pour vegetable oil at its bottom. We load half the vegetables. We cut the garlic into four parts and pour it into the carrot. We place layers of pollock on top.

Pour the remaining vegetables onto a layer of fish.

Cover the mold with a large piece of foil. We load in the oven for three quarters of an hour (220 degrees).

Finished fish served with herbs. Pollock can be eaten both hot and chilled.

2. Pollock stewed with onions and carrots

The finished dish spreads the aroma far beyond the kitchen and makes you want to eat at least a bit as quickly as possible.


• Half a filet.

• Flour.

• A mixture of peppers, salt.

• Large carrot.

• Bow.

• A tablespoon of sour cream.

• Two tomatoes.

• Laurel leaf.

Cooking method:

Cut the fillet into small pieces and transfer to a bowl. Pepper, salt and knead well.

Roll each piece abundantly in flour and fry on both sides. Move to a plate with napkins.

Cut vegetables: onion in half rings, carrot into cubes. Free the peels and turn into mashed potatoes.

Fry the onion, add the carrot. Slightly salt, pepper and simmer until tender with constant stirring. Pour in sunflower oil only at the beginning of the stew. Then water is added.

Pour tomato and sour cream. Mix.

Pour some of the vegetables into a saucepan. Place a ball of fish on top. Alternate layers, at the top should be carrots and onions. We put a couple of laurels.

Pour vegetables and fish to the brim with hot water. She must cover the products completely. Stew for thirty-five minutes. Remove the lid and do not mix.

3. Baked pollock with onions and carrots in pots

An easy way to cook delicate and diet fish. The dish is tasty and aromatic. Suitable for a nutritious but light dinner.


• Three fish.

• Carrots and onions - one each.

• 50 grams of butter Vologda.

• A mixture of peppers

• Soy sauce.

Cooking method:

Cut carcasses of pollock into pieces.

Dice the onions and carrots.

Cover the bottom of the pot with onions, put the carrots on top. Put four pieces of pollock on vegetables. Pour in soy sauce to taste and pepper.

Sprinkle fish with onions and carrots. Put a small piece of butter. Add half a glass of water.

Close the pots with a lid and bake for forty minutes (180 degrees).

4. Pollock with onions and carrots under the marinade

The dish should be consumed cold. Marinade-soaked fish is tasty and nutritious.


• 0.500 kg of pollock.

• Three medium carrots.

• Onion.

• 50 grams of flour and granulated sugar.

• One art. l 6% vinegar

• 50 grams of tomato paste.

• Seasoning for fish.

Cooking method:

Mix salt with flour in a plate. Cut the pollock into small pieces, roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil.

Put the pollock on a plate. Separate each piece from the bones. We put in a shallow container.

Chop the carrots and onions. We send vegetables to the pan. Add tomato paste. Pour water instead of oil. Stew until tender.

We shift the vegetables into a bowl and prepare the marinade. Add vinegar. Sprinkle with seasoning and sprinkle sugar. Mix.

We spread the vegetable mass on top for pollock. We leave the dish for an hour, so that the fish is saturated with marinade.

5. Pollock with onions and carrots and soy sauce

The fish is rosy and juicy. Soy sauce gave her a salty aftertaste, and carrot gave her a bit of sweetness.


• 0.700 kg of fish.

• Carrot - one pc.

• White onion - two pcs.

• 4 tbsp. l soy sauce.

• A mixture of peppers.

• Two tbsp. tablespoons of fat sour cream.

Cooking method:

Cut the fish in half. Move it to a deep bowl.

Cut the carrots into thin strips.

Cut the onion into half rings and divide into separate feathers.

We pour it into the dishes for pollock. Add carrot here.

Pour soy sauce into a plate and add sour cream. Sprinkle with a mixture of peppers. Stir - the sauce turned out. Pour on the fish with vegetables and stir again. If salt is not enough, you can add.

We cover the dishes and put in a cold place for two hours.

We get the fish, roll in flour and fry in any vegetable oil until half ready.

We fall asleep with onions and carrots, fill with the remains of the marinade and continue cooking for another fifteen minutes.

Ready fish can be eaten with chopped tomatoes and cucumbers. It’s nice to boil some rice.

6. Pollock with onions and carrots in tomato and cream sauce

Cooked in a sour sauce of tomato juice and cream, the fish is tasty and tender. We complement pollock with onions and carrots, and a full dinner is ready!


• 0.700 kg of fish.

• Carrots - three pcs.

• White onion - three pcs.

• 200 ml of 10% cream.

• Tomatoes - 4 pcs.

• A bunch of dill.

• 100 grams of flour.

• A teaspoon of sugar.

• Bay leaf.

Cooking method:

Cut the pollock pollinated into centimeter pieces, roll heavily in flour.

Fry the fish until half cooked.

Cut tomatoes and onions into small pieces.

Turn carrots into straws using a vegetable cutter.

Fry the onion until half-cooked, then add the carrots and fry, do not forget to stir, until tender.

Put pollock in a heat-resistant dish, pour on top carrots and onions. Put a lavrushka.

Pour cream into chopped tomatoes, add sugar. Salt and pepper. Mix.

Pour onto fish and level. Bake for half an hour (200 degrees).

Put the fish on a beautiful plate and sprinkle with dill. Place baked vegetables near each piece.

7. Pollock with onions and carrots in semolina

Pollock in semolina "coat" is delicate and soft. Vegetables fill the dish with freshness and aroma. It is appropriate at any time of the day. An attractive and nutritious dish for those who love fish, as well as stewed vegetables.


• One kg of fish.

• Carrot and onion head - one each.

• 0.150 kg semolina.

• Sweet pepper.

• Zucchini.

• A mixture of peppers.

• Salt.

Cooking method:

Cut clean and brushed fish into 1.5 cm pieces. Add salt and pepper.

Roll each slice in semolina. Fry in a hot pan on both sides. Semolina needs to stick to fish. For this, four minutes is enough to fry each side. The fish is fried in portions.

Put the pollock in a deep saucepan and pour a glass of hot water. It should be steamed for about fifteen minutes, so that the semolina is boiled and saturated with fish taste.

Dice vegetables. Mix pepper, eggplant, zucchini and onions. Salt and pepper.

Send carrots to a hot skillet, fry for several minutes. Then add a mixture of eggplant, zucchini, pepper and onions. Put out ten minutes. Pour the contents of the pan into a pot with pollock. Cook another ten minutes.

The dish is ready. You can set the table and serve.

8. Pollock with onions and carrots under a cheese crust

The dish is simple, but with a twist: the combination of cheese and mayonnaise pre-warmed in the oven will give pollock with onion and carrots a refined taste.


• 0.700 kg of fillet.

• Carrots and onions - four each.

• Art. a spoonful of lemon juice.

• 0.200 kg of hard cheese.

• Vegetable oil.

• A mixture of peppers.

• Salt.

• Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Cut the fillet into pieces, dry with a napkin and arrange on a large plate.

Salt and pepper. Sprinkle each piece of lemon juice.

Chop vegetables randomly.

Fry onions in sunflower oil. Add carrots and fry for another five minutes.

Lay out the layers alternately: vegetables, fish. At the bottom and at the top should be onions with carrots.

Sprinkle with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Bake in the oven for thirty-five minutes (180 degrees).

Pollock with onions and carrots - tricks and tips

  • It is advisable to work with fish in gloves, then you will not have to wash your hands for a long time from an unpleasant and corrosive smell.

  • Pollock can be quickly thawed in the microwave. But it is better if it defrosts itself at room temperature.

  • Carrots are rubbed on a regular grater, cut with a knife or chopped with a vegetable cutter. But if you use a grater for Korean carrots, the product will turn out tastier.

  • Sour cream present in the recipe can be replaced with ryazhenka or natural yogurt with a high percentage of fat content.

  • If you have fresh tomatoes and tomato paste, you need to choose tomatoes. It is much tastier and healthier.


Watch the video: Easy Fish Curry. Quick and Easy Food. Jamie Oliver - AD (June 2024).