What do the dead relatives dream about: close or distant? The main interpretations of different dream books - what do the dead relatives dream about


In a dream, you can get to the most extraordinary places and become a participant in extraordinary events. What do the dead relatives dream about? How to interpret such a dream?

What do the dead relatives dream about - the main interpretation

If you saw dead relatives in a dream - do not worry and worry. Such a dream may not portend anything terrible, just to say that changes are coming in your life. In order to fully interpret the dream - it is necessary to take into account all its details:

· Have relatives once appeared in your dreams;

· What did you talk about with them;

· What did they do;

· Who exactly appeared in your dream;

What emotions did you experience during and after sleep?

If you’ve been anxious and simply can’t find a place for yourself, such a dream means that in reality you will be worried about nothing and will not be able to concentrate on your plan. If in a dream you see someone knocking on your door and you feel fear - you will be afraid in reality. You will be afraid of the prospects that await you in the future. This fear is not justified and should not take place in your life. If in a dream you open the door and there is a deceased relative, the oldest of your kind, behind you - you should worry.

Something in your life has gone wrong, you need to pay attention to something. Perhaps it's time for you to reach your potential. Your relatives follow you and direct your actions in the right direction. But are you not resisting? Are you trying to stay in the same place where you have been for many years in a row? Perhaps you should reconsider your attitude to life in general?

If a senior from a family gives you a valuable thing in a dream, you will receive support and assistance in material matters. It will come on time, because, in your life, a protracted crisis could begin. After such a dream, you should know that you are protected and nothing threatens you.

A dream in which you hear strange steps in the apartment for a long time and cannot understand who walks in it should alert you. If in the end it turns out that it was one of your deceased relatives, then it's time for you to visit the relatives of the living. They will be glad to see you and will even welcome you at their place with gratitude.

If you see how your deceased relative walks around your apartment and does harm in every way - it means that you yourself have done something to your relatives. Perhaps you did not pay due attention, did not visit their house when there was an urgent need for it and now through deceased relatives you get a hint that it is time to change the situation. Otherwise, you will not end up with problems and troubles.

The dream in which the deceased relative is waving at you from the window indicates that it is time to think about the future and about moving forward. Perhaps you have been sitting at the same job for a long time, do not change your place of residence, although you are not comfortable with the living conditions, and do not break your boring connections.

If this is true, after such a dream, you need to weigh the pros and cons in every way and make a decision. If you see in a dream how you dine with a deceased relative, difficult times will begin in your life.

You will be short of finances, and you will begin to look for additional opportunities to earn. Money will seem to flow through your fingers. Try to minimize expenses and make them reasonable, otherwise your squandering will ruin you.

The dream in which you shake hands with a deceased relative indicates that you will not have enough reserves and strength to conclude an important transaction. You will need outside help in this matter. Try to ask her from a trusted person, so as not to lose money and time for nothing.

If you dream of a long conversation with your deceased grandmother - it's time to think about health. Perhaps you have worked a lot and been nervous a lot lately and sleep tell you that it’s time to relieve stress and just relax, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to get into a rut of affairs in the future. You will be constantly tired and will fall out of life events.

If you still do not take risks, and do not radically change anything in your life, stagnation will occur in it. You will stagnate in one place and do not fundamentally change anything. If in a dream a deceased relative gives you advice, listen to them, but do not rush to do everything exactly as you were advised. Perhaps the best solution now is to think about events and strategies.

If in a dream you receive a letter from a deceased relative, something secret will become apparent, and you will not be very happy about it. The dream book advises to prepare for this mentally and not to force things. Everything will happen when it should happen. If you have something to hide - make sure that your secret does not come up publicly.

If in a dream the dead relatives are sitting with you at the festive table - this is a very disturbing dream. It is worth taking care of your health and not allow unnecessary work and excessive physical exertion.

The dream book also advises after sleep, in which the deceased relative drinks tea - to remember all relatives who have died and try to lead a measured life in the near future, not to risk, not to take rash actions.

What do the dead relatives dream about in Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that deceased relatives dream when it’s time for you to reconsider the relationships that take up all your free time. Try to pay more attention to yourself and your desires, if in a dream, dead relatives give you a present. If in a dream the dead relative is talking to you in a whisper - it's time to find out the secret.

You might even find out about the presence of a rival who is cunningly trying to destroy your family. A dream in which a deceased relative smiles at you - says that in matters of personal life, success can be replaced by disappointment.

If you are single and you had a dream about a dead grandmother - try to resolve the issue with your former relationship as soon as possible, which took you a lot of memories and took away a lot of energy.

Why do you dream of dead relatives who shake you in your arms? Such a dream promises big health problems. You will have to go through a difficult period in your life, you will spend a lot of strength and emotions in order to recover. A dream in which deceased relatives knock on your windows indicates that gossip will interfere in your life in every way. You cannot minimize the harm from their intervention. But you can warn him.

To a pregnant woman to see dead relatives in a dream - to problems and worries. She will be all excited about her future and this will prevent her from living in harmony and happiness. If a deceased relative grabs a pregnant woman by the hand in a dream, it is important for her to monitor her health and moral well-being.

What do the dead relatives dream about in the Esoteric dream book?

In the Esoteric dream book, if you dream of dead relatives, it means that you should take care of your own well-being. After such a dream, you need to remember all the dead, order a prayer service for them.

Do not make important decisions or enter into contracts after such a dream. What do the dead relatives dream about if they came to visit you? Such a dream means that you will be in cares and troubles for a long time. Such a dream means that you will be busy for a long time with small things that will distract you from more important things.

What do the dead relatives dream about in other dream books?

In the dream book of Aesop it is said that deceased relatives can symbolize the end of some important business in reality. If in a dream you don’t recognize them, but you know for sure that they were your relatives, you will begin to act in life on the basis of emotions and sensations. You will adapt to others for a long time and ultimately decide to live the way you want.

In the dream book, Grishina says that if you dreamed of dead relatives, you can expect support and help from them. You can expect new opportunities and new offers from life. But it is worth being more careful in the implementation of the plan. Do not retreat from the intended goal and do not give up positions.

Now it’s important to complete any business and get the most out of any business. Do not stop halfway - go to the end and then the results of your work will not be long in coming. If your deceased relative is crying in a dream - you will find joy and happiness in reality, it is time to enjoy life.


Watch the video: Putting the Dead to Rest. Sadhguru (June 2024).