Harm, benefits and calorie content of fat: can it be eaten by children and pregnant women? The truth about the controversial product: harmful and beneficial at the same time - fat


Salo is in demand not only in Ukraine. He is loved, cooked and eaten by many peoples. Doctors have endless debates about the feasibility of consuming lard, and their doubts are not unfounded.

Product Types. The composition of fat, its calorie content and beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of fat, according to recent studies, dominate its harmful properties. It is digested much better than meat. And energy for the body gives a lot more. The composition of the fat is complex and interesting. There are no carbohydrates in it, at least in the usual sense, but there are quite a lot of fats - 89 grams. Protein in fat is much less, only 2.4 grams. The above values ​​were calculated per 100 grams of product.

Calorie fat has the following ratio: 100 grams of this mass accounts for almost 800 calories. Usually, lard is consumed salted or smoked. Consider the substances that make up salted lard:

- fat-soluble vitamins. These are vitamins of groups A, D, F, E, PP, B, C. Such vitamin extravaganza is rarely found in one product. Fat does not go through heat treatments during cooking, and this means that it retains its vitamin composition almost completely;

- trace elements. Phosphorus, zinc, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium - this is an incomplete list of fat rich in natural minerals. This composition makes the product indispensable for people living in harsh environmental conditions;

- antioxidants. Selenium, lecithin, carotene are ranked among them in fat. These substances also have other beneficial properties;

- fatty acid. In fat there are linoleic, oleic, arachidonic, palmitic, stearic and linolenic acids. A similar set is regarded by doctors as ideal.

The health benefits of fat are in its special properties. All of the above antioxidants improve vision, make the walls of blood vessels more elastic. Fatty acids significantly increase the efficiency of the brain, contribute to blood formation, as well as tissue repair. After all, lard is used not only inside, but they also rub affected areas of the skin, bleeding gums.

Other substances and microelements strengthen the general tone of the body, raise immunity. Fats envelop the walls of the stomach, creating comfortable conditions for digestion there. But fat is not useful for people who are overweight and some conditions of the body.

Although, excessive consumption of fat can significantly increase cholesterol. But, if you use it in moderation, and mainly before lunch, then these risks become minimal.

Unique product. The benefits of fat for the body

Salo, the benefits of which have been known for a long time, is popular with both residents of the Far North and residents of the metropolis. And if in the conditions of cold winters and short summers, the issue of consuming lard becomes vital. That for southerners fat is another product whose benefit is incredibly great.

The benefits of fat for the body directly relate to its healing properties. Fat helps to improve well-being in the following diseases:

- joint pain;

- eczema;

- mastitis;

- regular toothaches;

- headaches;

- "spurs" on the legs;

- low immunity;

- hormonal disorders;

- heart diseases;

- diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands.

Of course, the benefits of fat do not cancel the use of drugs in the treatment of these diseases. But its exclusion from the diet entails a critical decrease in cholesterol. Due to the effect on the hormonal background, the product relieves pain on special women's days. Reduces the development of fibroids and even cancer.

The terrible word "cholesterol" is actually a substance useful to the body. It is part of tissues and membranes. And fat maintains its level at the optimum level. Previously, the product was notorious for those who suffered from heart disease. Today, thanks to scientific research, fat is rehabilitated.

Fat binds radionuclides. It removes toxins and bile from the body. Under the conditions of total exposure to instruments and plants, this property of fat becomes very relevant. One of the best recipes for raising immunity is considered fat with garlic and spices.

Salo is a good dietary solution for those who want to supplement drug therapy with a natural medicine. The rich composition of the product makes it an indispensable tool in the fight against many ailments.

Is there any harm from fat? Special cases

Damage from fat happens in cases where a person has problems with high cholesterol, as well as diseases that develop as a result of this.

In moderation, only good can be gained from fat. But this is only in cases where a person does not have specific allergies. On animal protein, for example, or on other components of fat. In general, lard is not an “allergenic” product; its tolerance by the body is very high.

There are a number of diseases in which the use of this product is not desirable. Consider them in more detail:

• Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

• Atherosclerosis and other heart disorders;

• Obesity, both child and adult;

• Diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

Fat is a fatty product that actively affects the metabolism. It should not be consumed in large volumes after surgery, as well as immediately after recovery from serious illnesses.

The harm and benefits of fat for pregnant and lactating women. Difficult aspects

The harm of lard for pregnant women is obvious. Although this product is rich in all kinds of useful substances, but it gives pregnant women an extra load on the liver and blood vessels. Fat can contribute to excessive weight gain during pregnancy.

In addition, toxicosis can begin from fat, because it is too fat and saturated. But in small doses with long intervals in use, this product will be able to enrich the pregnant woman's body with vitamins and minerals.

Nursing mothers should still temporarily give up lard. Children can have problems with dysbiosis and allergies if their mother consumes a lot of fat. Bloating of children's stomachs is not a pleasant problem. And fat can provoke it.

It is perfectly processed by the body, but its substances penetrate into breast milk. Therefore, they can affect children's metabolism.

The benefits of fat or harm? Baby food

In infancy, fat is not the best that can be included in the lure of a child. At the age of three years and older, options are possible. If the child does not suffer from diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, or metabolic disorders, then fat for him is just a find.


Watch the video: The Simple Science Of Losing Body Fat With BCAA's -- With Thomas DeLauer (July 2024).