Pork chop in the oven - a classic! A selection of pork chops recipes in the oven: breaded, with sauce and vegetables


What could be more delicious than pork chop?

Only a very tasty chop!

And there are a lot of ways to make it. Today we will save ourselves from idle time at the stove and we will make chops in the oven.

Juicy, tender, with fragrant spices, crisp crusts and various additives.


Pork chops in the oven - general cooking principles

1. Cut chops. Be sure to make pieces across the fibers, the thickness is on average from 1 to 2 cm. No need to make them thinner so that the pork does not dry out.

2. Fighting. Use a kitchen hammer. The task is to soften the fibers, and not to break a piece. Therefore, we do it carefully, on both sides. And so that the juice does not fly all over the kitchen, you can cover the meat with cellophane.

3. We spice and pickle. Here you can use any seasonings that are in the house or are indicated in the recipe, as well as all sorts of sauces and pickles.

4. We pan. Most often chops are rolled in an egg, then in a dry breading from crackers and other bulk products. It helps to preserve the juiciness of the meat. If chops are stewed in liquids and sauces, then breading will be superfluous.

5. We bake. Here we follow the recipe. The pieces are folded into a greased form, additional ingredients can be added and everything is sent to the oven. Sometimes before that pork is fried in a pan for a few minutes, it all depends on the recipe.

Recipe 1: Pork chops in the oven "Juicy"

The recipe is incredibly juicy and tender chops, which are also very easy to prepare. Do not require pre-frying, all products take "by eye".


• meat;

• tomatoes;

• cheese;

• spices;

• a little mayonnaise.

For baking need foil.


1. Cut the meat into plates, beat off with a hammer, sprinkle with spices.

2. Put a piece of foil on a baking sheet, form small sides so that the juice that stands out during cooking does not leak out.

3. Put the pieces of meat on the foil.

4. Tomatoes cut into circles and put on the pork, how much will fit in one layer.

5. Lubricate tomatoes with mayonnaise.

6. We rub cheese, we sprinkle chops.

7. Put in the oven for 35 minutes. Cook at 180 ° C.

Recipe 2: French pork chops in the oven

Incredibly tasty and juicy meat with a lot of stuffing. In the recipe are fried mushrooms, but it is also tasty with pickled champignons.


• kilogram of pork;

• 2-3 tomatoes;

• 200 grams of hard and Adyghe cheese;

• 400 grams of champignons;

• butter;

• spices;

• 2 onions;

• mustard.


1. Shred mushroom straws, send in a pan with butter and fry.

2. Onions cut into small cubes and send to the mushrooms, fry together, we will add salt to the leaves, and we add pepper.

3. Meat cut into slices about two centimeters thick. We beat back with a hammer.

4. Pieces of meat, salt, pepper, coat with a thin layer of mustard and place on a baking sheet close to each other.

5. On each slice of pork we place fried mushrooms with onions. Distribute all the stuffing.

6. Cut the tomatoes into circles, then in half and spread over the mushrooms.

7. Three Adygei cheese and sprinkle tomatoes.

8. Rub hard cheese and sprinkle over Adyghe layer.

9. Put the French chops in the oven, cook 40 minutes, at 180.

Recipe 3: Pork chops in the oven with cheese and onions.

For these pork chops in the oven you need a good onion, which will give the meat juiciness and flavor.


• 600 grams of pork;

• 2-3 eggs;

• spices;

• 50 ml of mayonnaise;

• 2 bulb bulbs;

• butter;

• flour;

• 150 grams of cheese.


1. Plastered pork. We beat off well.

2. Beat eggs with a fork with salt, black pepper. Fill this mixture with meat, sandwiching each layer. Reserve for an hour.

3. Onion cut into half rings, pour with mayonnaise, add black pepper, mix well and leave to marinate.

4. Remove the chops from the egg, roll in flour, then immediately fry in oil until rosy color. It is important not to overdry, fry no more than 2 minutes on each side.

5. Put the meat on a baking sheet, put onion pickled in mayonnaise, cover each piece with grated cheese.

6. Bake about 20 minutes, focus on a golden crust on the cheese.

Recipe 4: Pork chops in the oven in Volyn's red wine.

Wine not only gives the meat an amazing taste, but also well softens the fibers, therefore it is a frequent companion of pork.


• pork 1 kg;

• 300 grams of wine;

• butter;

• onion;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• spices.


1. Meat cut into chops. In this dish it is not necessary to make them large. We beat back with a hammer.

2. Fry the pork on both sides in oil over high heat. Salt, bread or something you do not need to coat.

3. We put the prepared pieces in the form in which the meat will be cooked further. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

4. Clean and chop the onion into half rings, sprinkle the meat.

5. Chop the garlic and send it to the form.

6. Fill with wine and send for half an hour in the oven. Served with any side dishes.

Recipe 5: Pork chops in a Viennese oven

Recipe for breaded breaded chops for cooking in the oven. Prepare simply, get tasty. The number of products for 4 servings.


• 4 pieces of meat weighing 150 grams;

• 2 eggs;

• spices;

• 60 grams of butter;

• 5 tablespoons of crackers;

• 2 tablespoons of flour.


1. Beat off pieces of meat, salt, sprinkle with pepper.

2. Beat the eggs in a bowl with a pinch of salt.

3. Pour the flour and breadcrumbs on different plates.

4. Roll the meat in flour, then dip it in the egg and put it in breadcrumbs. We sprinkle from all sides with an even layer.

5. Spread breaded pork in a greased mold. Put sliced ​​butter between the pieces.

6. Put in the oven at 190 degrees, bake for about 35 minutes. We check the readiness by piercing a piece, the object should easily enter it.

Recipe 6: Marinated in pork chops in the oven

A special feature of these chops is the sauce, which does not allow the meat to dry out and gives a very beautiful, bright color. By the way, this sauce can be used not only for pork, but also any other meat for cooking in the oven.


• 500-600 grams of pork.

For the sauce:

• 100 ml of apple (can be wine) vinegar;

• 40 ml of olive oil;

• spices;

• 3 spoons of ketchup and granulated sugar.


1. Plastered meat, repelling.

2. For the sauce mix all ingredients, salt. We shave. To taste, you can add any seasoning. The mass should be homogeneous, but it happens that the ketchup is not very good. In this case, you can just whisk everything in a whisk or scroll in a blender.

3. Dip each chop into the sauce and fold it into a bowl at each other. Pour the remains of the marinade from above. Cover with a lid or cling film and leave for 2 hours. An hour later, you can swap the upper and lower pieces.

4. Put a piece of foil on a baking sheet, make a small side. Spread chops.

5. Cooking for half an hour at 190 degrees. In the middle of cooking, we take out the meat, and grease each slice with marinade for a crust.

Recipe 7: Pork chops in the oven with prunes

Prunes - one of the best supplements for pork. It gives color to meat and saturates with taste. This dish is obtained immediately with the sauce, which is very convenient.


• 0.7 kg of meat;

• onion;

• spoon of honey;

• 100 grams of prunes;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 400-500 ml of broth;

• spices;

• butter;

• 1 tsp. dry paprika.


1. Cut the meat as usual, beat off, add salt and fry on both sides in a griddle.

2. In the same pan fry the onion sliced ​​in half rings to transparency, add a spoonful of honey, mix and turn off.

3. We rinse the prunes in warm water and cut them into arbitrary pieces, just chop the garlic.

4. Fold the chops into deep form, pour in garlic, cooked onions and prunes.

5. Salt broth, add paprika. You can add any other spices, but paprika required.

6. Fill the meat and set the oven to 180 degrees. Keep 40 minutes.

Recipe 8: Pork chops in the oven with pineapple and cheese

Pineapples are in perfect harmony with any meat, including pork. The recipe uses canned rings, but you can take fresh fruit.


• 800 grams of meat;

• 7-8 rings of pineapple;

• spices;

• onion;

• 0.2 kg of cheese;

• 7-8 olives;

• 5 spoons of mayonnaise.


1. Cut the pork into small chops, you should get 7-8 slices. Beat off, sprinkle with spices and lay in a greased form.

2. Onion cut into four pieces and chop into thin strips. Spread on chops. Grease with mayonnaise on top.

3. Prepare pineapples. If they are canned, then simply remove from the syrup. Fresh fruit should be peeled, coreed and cut into 0.5 cm circles.

4. Put the pineapples on top of the mayonnaise.

5. Cheese three and sprinkle each chop, trying not to fall on a baking sheet.

6. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes, the optimum temperature is 180-190.

Recipe 9: Pork chops in the oven with creamy sauce.

The recipe for the finest chops in a rich garlic sauce. For the preparation of the sauce can be used as cream and sour cream. Pork itself is fat, so we choose a dairy product no more than 10%.


• 2 bulbs;

• 0.8 kg of meat;

• 300 ml of cream;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• dried dill;

• butter;

• spices.


1. We cut escalopes and we beat off. Fry in a pan for a couple of minutes on both sides.

2. Shred onions arbitrarily, fry after chops until golden brown.

3. Fold the meat into a form, sandwich it with onion and sprinkle with spices.

4. Cream a little salted, add dried dill and any spices to taste. Mix well and fill the meat.

5. Cover the form with a lid, you can simply wrap it with foil, put it in the oven, which you have pre-heated to 170 degrees. Tomim 35 minutes.

6. We take out, open the lid and check the chops. They should become soft and loose. If the meat is tough, then put in the oven for 15 minutes.

Recipe 10: Pork chops in the oven with nuts.

Very aromatic and rich meat, which is prepared in the original breading. Only walnuts are used, others will not work. Pre-dry or fry them do not need, otherwise the breading will burn in the cooking process, and the meat will get an unpleasant aroma.


• 700 grams of meat;

• 0.1 kg of walnuts;

• 3 eggs;

• mustard spoon;

• 0.1 kg breadcrumbs;

• salt, nutmeg, paprika.


1. Cut the meat into slices across the fibers, as usual, beat off with a hammer. Rubbed with salt, spices and set aside.

2. Now cook the eggs. Whisk together with mustard.

3. Grind walnuts, but not to powder. You can simply roll with a rolling pin to leave the pieces.

4. Combine breadcrumbs with nuts, add a little nutmeg, paprika. All carefully knead and pour into a plate.

5. Dip the chops in the egg, then sprinkle with cooked breading and spread on a baking sheet.

6. We bake about 40 minutes at 190 degrees.

Recipe 11: Pork chops in the oven with potatoes

The dish combines meat and side dish, allows you to quickly and easily cook dinner. You can bake such chops simply in foil, in a form, covered with foil or in a sleeve. With any method you get juicy.


• 4 chops;

• 8 potatoes;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 2 bulbs;

• 100 grams of sour cream;

• spices;

• A slice of garlic.


1. Beat off the meat, spice up the spices and leave to marinate while we are engaged in vegetables.

2. Peel potatoes and cut into slices, also tomatoes.

3. Onion shred half rings. If time allows, it can be pre-marinated in vinegar or lemon juice, it will taste better.

4. Add chopped garlic to the sour cream, salt it, you can pour any spices and mix well.

5. On the foil, in the sleeve or on the bottom of the form lay out chops, grease with sour cream sauce.

6. Put the onions on top of the chops. If he marinated, then you need to press. Excess acid will make the pork tough.

7. Put potatoes on the onion, sprinkle each layer with spices. It may seem that there are too many potatoes, but in the finished dish it is always not enough.

8. Put the tomatoes on top of the potatoes, one layer is enough.

9. We grease with all the remaining sour cream sauce, cover with foil and send to bake for an hour at 180-190 °.

Recipe 12: Pork chops in the oven with vegetables.

Pork, though tasty, but rather heavy. Therefore, it is recommended to use it with vegetables. And to save yourself from unnecessary trouble, you can cook it all together. In this recipe, you can also add a layer of mushrooms, it will also be delicious.


• 500 grams of meat;

• 2 bulbs;

• 1 pepper;

• 1 small zucchini;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 180 grams of cheese;

• 100 ml of mayonnaise, cream or sour cream;

• spices, oil.


1. Cut the meat as usual, it is better not to make chops too big. Let it be 2-3 things per serving. Pork beat off, salt and quickly fry in oil for a minute on each side. Immediately lay out in the form.

2. Fry the onions for a couple of minutes in a frying pan to grab a little, and send them to the meat.

3. Pepper chop straws, laid over the onion.

4. Cut the squash into circles, half-circles or cubes, to your taste. Fold the top. We salt, we pepper.

5. Cut the tomatoes into circles, put them on top.

6. Salt the mayonnaise and grease the whole dish. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.

7. Now add the temperature to 200 degrees, take out the form, sprinkle liberally with all the cheese and bake for another 15-20 minutes, until golden crust on top.

Pork chops in the oven - tips and tricks

• Chops are tastier and more aromatic if fry them in a frying pan. Not necessarily from two sides, it is possible to put it on a baking sheet with one, and not fried part. So less likely to dry the meat.

• Many housewives pickle chops, sprinkled with salt and pepper. But it turns out much tastier and more tender, if you soak the pieces in an aqueous saline solution. Half a liter of water is a spoonful of salt without a slide. You can also marinate pork in soy sauce or its mixture with water, fruit or vegetable juices.

• In order for the spices to penetrate well into the meat and soak it, it is necessary to use them not after beating, but before it. And then process the sprinkled pieces with a hammer, if necessary, season more.

• Immediately after cooking, you need to put the hot chops on the plate, cover with foil. Give the pork to stand for about 15 minutes, then you can serve. Meat will be better.

• If you cook pork chops in breading, you can add dried garlic to the rusks. The dish will be more fragrant. Instead of crackers, you can use flour or chopped salty cracker.


Watch the video: SMOTHERED Baked Pork Chops: Pork Chops & GRAVY Recipe (July 2024).