Skin sagging after losing weight - what to do? How to tighten and make the skin more elastic after losing weight.


The times when slender young people walked through the streets with badges on which the appeal was written: “Do you want to lose weight? Ask me how!” Has long sunk into oblivion. Today, a modern woman knows a thousand and one ways how to lose weight correctly, what methods to use and how to maintain weight after losing weight.

However, there comes a moment that can embarrass any of us: here they are, the desired numbers on the scales, but the skin is hopelessly sagging and does not want to return to tone in any way. If you tried all the methods of lifting, but nothing helps, maybe something you are doing wrong. We will show you how to tighten your skin and make it more elastic after losing weight.

Why this happens: the skin after losing weight suddenly sagged

If a young girl who has barely stepped over the threshold of her twentieth birthday decides to lose 5 to 10 kg, then her skin will remain in the appropriate tone. In addition, the actual kilograms will leave almost imperceptibly and quite quickly, and there will be no health problems. But for ladies whose age has passed the mark of 40 years, unfortunately, it is quite difficult to regain weight, which was relevant in youth. And often they have to resort to drastic measures in order to restore elasticity to the skin after losing weight: use body wraps and attend specific procedures in beauty salons.

When you lose weight, most likely you seriously limit your body in nutrition, excluding certain foods, reducing the calorie content of many dishes. Along with this, a woman’s body loses vitamins and minerals, which contribute to maintaining the elasticity of the skin. And if suddenly you decide to dramatically change your lifestyle and rapidly lose weight by more than 5 kg, then saggy skin is inevitable. There is another category of women who lose weight fundamentally wrong: do not supplement the diet with physical activity, do not use additional factors, such as saunas, body wraps or special means for losing weight.

Illiterate weight loss results in flabby and saggy skin, which is often very noticeable on the stomach, inner thighs and arms. Unfortunately, our skin can stretch very well, but it is not able to return to its previous shape after a strong stretch.

Combat the effects or prevent sagging skin?

As doctors like to say: "A disease is easier to prevent than to treat it later." And they are right: the skin after losing weight, especially sharp, remains too stretched, isn’t it easier to prevent this stretching initially than to subsequently get upset due to its appearance?

If you have already lost, for example, 10 kg and your skin looks very loose, then we will try to tell you how to tighten it. But this is a bit later. Now a small educational program for those who are just planning to lose weight. So, to prevent severe stretching and sagging of the skin after losing weight, you should remember this:

1. Strongly not recommended to lose weight dramatically. Keep in mind that the rapid loss of a large amount of weight will never benefit either your health or your body. The optimal number of kilograms that can be dropped per week without harm to one’s own health is 1-1.5 kg.

2. In parallel with diet, physical activity and other methods, it is worth making up for the loss of fluids and vitamins in the body. Suitable not only vegetables and fruits, but also a special vitamin complex, which includes vitamins of all groups (if possible). Do not forget that you should drink enough water, tea or dried fruit compote without sugar per day. Optimum - up to 1.5-2 liters.

3. Arm yourself with your favorite skin tightener from the store or make your own homemade wraps with chocolate, seaweed or mustard. This will help the skin after losing weight not to sag, but to get used to its condition even at the stage of weight loss. Additional nourishing and moisturizing lotions, as well as scrubs, peels and gommages, perfectly clean the cover and give it more elasticity.

4. Be sure to choose any sport for yourself, in order to maintain optimal weight and adjust the body at the waist and hips. It can be fitness or water aerobics, yoga, volleyball or even simple walking. The main thing is that physical activity bring joy and satisfaction. Thanks to them, the skin after losing weight will no longer look flabby.

As you know, it is much easier to prevent sagging skin, because it is quite difficult to restore its tone and elasticity after losing weight. If you have already lost extra pounds, but the skin stubbornly does not want to look like before, try to use our tips.

What methods of skin tightening after weight loss are used in salons

If the loss of a kilogram was not too critical and the skin does not sag so much that a so-called “apron” is formed in the abdomen, you can be offered wraps, for example, with chocolate or kelp. In combination with active massage, the skin can really be tightened and restored to its former elasticity. Otherwise, the beauty salon experts will offer you a choice:

• Mesotherapy sessions,

• LPG massages,

• A unique procedure called "TriLipo Body",

• Visit to the infrared sauna,

• Course of cavitation sessions,

• Cryolipolysis and others.

Mesotherapy is usually understood as saturation of the skin with special tightening and smoothing substances by injection. Mini-injections are almost painless, but ladies with sensitive skin can still feel some discomfort during the puncture. After sessions that require at least 5-6, small bruises can form.

LPG massage is an active “rubbing” of the cover using a vacuum. You can feel rather painful “suction” of the skin when special rollers act on it. However, the effect is worth it: even after the first procedure, you will feel how firm and firm the skin has become. In addition, LPG massage will help get rid of cellulite deposits. To consolidate the effect, you should visit at least 6 sessions.

Currently unique procedure is TriLipo Body. It acts on the skin through a radiofrequency nozzle, which affects muscle contraction and tightens the skin besides them. This procedure breaks down fats, activates muscle fibers and smoothes the structure of the skin affected by the "orange peel." After the sessions, there are no traces on the skin.

And, of course, the infrared sauna, familiar to many women, perfectly affects the skin after losing weight. It is also suitable for those who are just at the stage of weight loss and seeks to get rid of cellulite. But the classic sauna or Russian bath is ideal for body shaping, only it should be attributed not to salon methods of lifting, but to home. It's time to talk about how you can make your skin elastic after losing weight at home.

Home methods of skin tightening after weight loss

The bathhouse, which we talked about above, is considered a very useful tool not only for losing weight, but also for tightening the skin after it. You can visit both a traditional sauna with hot steam, and a bath with oak brooms and contrasting dousing. Believe me, such procedures will benefit both your body and the body. Everything else in the bathhouse you can go with friends and enjoy the event, raising your spirits. Remember that you need to start sessions in the steam room from a few minutes, gradually increasing the time spent inside. The sauna is not suitable for people who have diseases of the heart or blood vessels, high blood pressure, as well as those who have neurological disorders. Exclude the sauna and bath should be women and girls during menstruation, pregnancy or during the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Ideal for skin tightening wraps. We offer hot or cold wraps of your choice:

• With honey,

• Mustard,

• Algae,

• Chocolate

• Oils (like shea butter, almond or jojoba oil),

• Pepper,

• With clay,

• Healing mud and others.

During the wrapping, you can lie down and relax, while the beneficial ingredients will affect the skin, moisturizing, nourishing and tightening it. To make any of the wraps simpler: you just need to smear the composition of the hips, buttocks, stomach and other problem areas with loose skin, then cover everything with cling film and put on warm clothes or just cover the body with a thick blanket.

Try to eat only natural products by switching to a proper nutrition system. For example, products that saturate with vitamins and tighten the skin after losing weight are considered:

• Citrus fruits, currants, apples, broccoli, cauliflower, parsley, mint, melon, rose hip and sea buckthorn. They contain a lot of vitamin C.

• Oatmeal, beef liver and brewer's yeast, as they fill the body with vitamin B1.

• Chicken, eggs, fish, wheat, beans, carrots and bananas contain large amounts of vitamin B6.

These same products are rich in vitamin PP, which helps to increase skin tone and its greater elasticity. In addition to them, this vitamin is found in milk, tomatoes, whole grain bread, sorrel, cheese and pork.

A useful complex of vitamins A and E is present in marine fish, butter, dairy products, lettuce, eggs and liver.

Regularly using the listed products, as well as supplementing them with various lotions for skin tightening, going to the sauna and playing sports, you will most likely never be bothered by the problem of loose, saggy and inelastic skin. You need to lose weight so that subsequently you can only be glad about the lost kilograms, and not be upset about the unaesthetic appearance of your own body.


Watch the video: How to Tighten Excess Skin After Weight Loss (July 2024).