Kid got hurt: first aid measures


After about 8 months of age, babies become extremely active. Doctors do not recommend in any way to limit the child in his desire to learn about the world, because it can greatly slow down his psycho-physical development. However, in some cases, such activity is unsafe for the baby. It is harder and harder to protect it from possible herbs, despite all the efforts of parents. Here, above all, we are talking about various minor cuts, scratches, abrasions, bruises, small hematomas, etc.

A child has a lot of chances to get such injuries: he ran - fell, reached for a kitten - got a scratch, jumped from a ladder - a bruise formed. Such cases are very often and parents should be not only ready for them, but also know how to properly handle the injury, the severity of which will determine whether to seek follow-up help from a doctor or not.

So, some tips for parents about how to provide first aid to a child who has injured himself at home or on the street:

Scratches, abrasions, cuts. First of all, it is necessary to treat the wound in order to avoid possible infection in it. Pressing a piece of gauze or a cotton pad dipped in peroxide, you need to hold it for a while on the wound, pressing it a little. As soon as the blood stops, it is necessary to apply the existing bactericidal action.

Doctors do not recommend using "brilliant green", which has a strong drying effect, thereby disturbing the skin of children. Do not use antibiotic ointments, as they are used exclusively for injuries that have complications. As a rule, doctors recommend the use of silver ointments, which are excellent absorbing activity.

Severe bruises quickly form a hematoma. In order to prevent possible complications, it is urgent to apply a cold to the bruise. Everything will do: a towel soaked in ice water, ice, frozen foods. All this is held on the bruise of 10-15 minutes. Then, with a certain periodicity, apply further for several hours. If the injury is minor, then after 3-4 hours you can smear the bruise with some absorbing ointment, like “Troxevazin”.

Child emergency room need to call in cases where:

  • despite all efforts, the blood does not stop and has a bright scarlet color (the artery may be damaged),
  • if the cut is located close to the wrist (possible damage to the nerves and tendons),
  • if foreign (and, possibly, infected) bodies got into the received wound. In this case, inflammation is possible in the future.
  • the child taught a strong blow to the head, which may result in concussion (symptoms: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc.).
  • if the wound is located in the mouth.


Watch the video: First Aid: Head injury (June 2024).