12 signs of childhood stress


The human psyche must be protected from an early age, because quite often a truly adult load falls upon a child. Parents do not always notice that their child experiences fears, excitement and anxiety. Psychologists from the United States identified 12 signs of stress in children and adolescents, which simply can not close their eyes.

Feeling alone

It seems to the child that he is moving away from relatives and is completely lost among a large group of people.

Sense of insecurity

The child has complexes, a feeling of clumsiness in the presence of people with whom the relationship was previously easy. There is shyness and awkwardness. The child answers questions in monosyllabic and inappropriate.

Problems with attention and memory

The child quickly forgets what he was talking about, does not concentrate on the conversation, interrupts the conversation with other unrelated thoughts, immediately forgets instructions or tasks.

No desire to communicate

The child goes into himself, moves away from loved ones, does not want to communicate with peers. He becomes irritable, especially when others pay attention to him. When a child is called, he asks his parents to say that he is not at home.

Fatigue and sleep disorders

The child feels exhaustion and lack of strength. He feels completely squeezed out, which, however, still does not help him fall asleep. He sleeps for a long time in the morning, deliberately wakes up his first lessons so as not to go to school.

Mood Changes

The child often changes mood: it can "jump" from cheerful to tearful.

Short temper and captiousness

It becomes impossible to control your emotions: a child finds fault with everything, loses his temper for any reason, snaps.


He behaves restlessly: he fidgets, then he pulls something in his hands. The effect of movement for the sake of movement is observed: he simply cannot sit still - he just wants to get up and run away.


When a teenager is under stress, he often finds different activities for himself, subconsciously trying to switch to other things. So he shies away from house assignments, is engaged in apparently useless cases.

Poor appetite

Everyday things turn into a real problem. A child can forget to eat, and, on the contrary, can eat everything in a row completely unsystematic.

Fear of silence

The child begins to avoid silence: he now and then turns on the TV or music, or continuously talking with his friends.

Increased attention to their appearance

Stress can be expressed in excessive attention to their clothes, increased concern for appearance, changing clothes several times a day. Often there is a desire to radically change their appearance.

Even with one of these signs, you need to sound the alarm. When you connect in time, you can help your child cope with a difficult period in his life. If it does not work out on its own, it is better to turn to a child or adolescent psychologist. With joint actions, competent and patient attitude, you, no doubt, can effectively solve this problem.


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Watch the video: Signs of Stress in Children & Teens (June 2024).