Which women are the meanest: by the sign of the zodiac


Every person during his life has to face a wide variety of people. Not each of them is a model of honesty and decency. Sometimes we get burned painfully, trusting the wrong people.

Since ancient times, women are considered to be insidious, cunning and dangerous creatures. Among the fair sex there are both good, bright and noble ladies, and women with a nasty character, distinguished from the first by the lack of compassion for people, their readiness to stick a knife in the back at the most unexpected moment. It is often difficult to recognize such women in time, since by their nature they are skillful actresses and masterfully know how to hide their true face, but the stars will help to detect them. They will tell you who should stay away, and which of the beautiful ladies is worthy of respect and admiration.

Do not get in the way of a woman - Scorpio

The stars endowed the representatives of this sign with the most explosive character. This is one of the most complex and controversial characters. Even more difficult, often unbearable, are the ladies - Scorpions. Scorpions - women are incredibly prudent and stubborn. If they set a specific goal, they will achieve it by any means. Anyone who gets in their way, they will crush without regret. Scorpions will not understand who they are the person expressing their protest to - brother, friend or lover. All can be erased for the sake of their own plans and benefits. To offend a Scorpio lady means to make a mortal enemy who does not immediately attack. Much better would be to learn all the weaknesses of the enemy and hit them harder. If a woman - Scorpio fell in love, found herself an object of adoration, she will get it by any means. It doesn't matter if he is married or dating her best friend. Girlfriend can be pushed to the side. The main thing is that from now on he belonged only to her. If a woman - Scorpio decides that the one who is nearby is something better than her, then he will certainly be destroyed, and all that is valuable is seized. You should never play with an opponent who is a Scorpio. Such concepts as “family”, “children”, “forgiveness” do not apply when it comes to the enemies of Scorpio.

Be careful with women - Aquarius

Dam - Aquarius can hardly be called loyal friends. You should not expect fidelity from them. If Aquarius makes a girlfriend, then only in order to achieve a certain goal, which requires such a step as a game of friendship. They like to assert themselves at the expense of friends, specially selecting for themselves friends who are intellectually, physically, psychologically worse, weaker than Aquarius themselves. Aquarius is a terrible envious person who also has a bad eye and a strong negative energy. They will not wish good luck to the girlfriend they are going to take on a good job, they will not sincerely congratulate the friend who bought a new apartment. Aquarius will certainly try to offend, somehow infringe on her friend, remind her of something that will hurt her. Spinning an affair with her friend’s husband is easy if it helps put her in her place. Women - Aquarius should not talk about what's on the heart, since they do not know how and do not want to keep other people's secrets. Aquarius itself is unusually secretive and doesn’t let anyone close to it, since they judge people by themselves and always expect a dirty trick, betrayal.


It is best to dissolve splittens, build intrigues and poison the selfish, narcissistic lionesses who believe that they should always be better in everything. Lionesses will say one thing in the eye, and another for the eyes. They are excellent at breaking other people's lives, spoiling people's relationships, coming up with difficulties at work and harassing the one they took up. Lionesses convincingly lie, they give truthful and iron arguments, dizzy with coercive logic. They think through everything to the smallest detail and always find themselves in the role of winner. Lionesses are subtle psychologists. They plague the victim slowly and painfully, step by step poisoning her life with just words. Victims, as a rule, always think that they themselves are the fault of their own tragedies. Lionesses seem innocent creatures, pure and naive, like children. A lioness will help to feel flawed, useless, weak, unhealthy, depressed and broken. After that, she does not hesitate to take away everything that has attracted her so far.

Capricorns don't know pity

Women Capricorns are also difficult to call honest and decent, but, as a rule, they commit low deeds in their youth. At a more mature age, they calm down and less often ruin people's lives. The most dangerous blackmailers are Capricorns - ladies. If they find out something that everyone does not need and is extremely undesirable to know, they will suck out all that is valuable from a person and calm down only when they leave a complete void. Women - Capricorns - are real schemers. To blame an innocent person, to bring him to the desire to commit suicide, to make sure that everyone turns away from him - easily, you just need to. Ladies - Capricorns are not indifferent to jewelry, often experience pathological dependence on them. Stealing a ring or hiding a bracelet is not difficult for them, and they do not steal in jewelry stores, but at the nearest and dearest. After the theft of the lady - Capricorns will fiercely search for the treacherous and vile thief along with the victims and will find him in the face of the weakest and most defenseless. Capricorns usually hide all the best that they have, put pressure on pity, and gently and unobtrusively select it. They never show the true picture of what is happening. They show only what is beneficial to them. You should never enter into housing disputes with them, for such a war with the lady - Capricorn can end in a very pitiable way.

You should never fully rely on anyone and trust unconditionally. Popular wisdom says that even a shadow leaves a person, let alone other people. Caution in dealing with people will never be unnecessary.


Watch the video: The 3 MEANEST Zodiac Signs Man & Woman Mean Zodiac Personalities Capricorn, Aries, Scorpio (July 2024).