Cancer - sad moon romantic


Distinctive features of the representatives of this sign are sensitivity and emotionality. Cancer by nature is a dreamer, dreamer and romantic. It combines magnanimity and pride. If he is in a good mood, he will surprise you with openness, goodwill and subtle humor.


The zodiac sign Cancer belongs to the element of water. His heavenly patron is the moon. Representatives of this symbol constantly change their mood. Fun replaces melancholy, sadness dissolves in joy, revival turns into sadness. All Cancer's emotions are sincere, you should not blame him for artistry and pretense. Natural wisdom allows him not to step on the old rake. He does not forget his mistakes, glad to share useful advice. To provide support in difficult times will not be difficult for him.

Due to vulnerability and hypersensitivity, Cancer can be touchy, moody and even hysterical. He is inclined to accumulate experienced emotions in himself.

People of this zodiac are attracted by the beauty of nature, beautiful landscapes provide aesthetic pleasure. They do not like to travel very much, but they are attracted to the culture of other countries. Ponds are attractive for them and all that is associated with them is swimming, swimming, water sports.


With friends, Cancers are friendly and ingenuous. These are reliable and decent comrades. The approval and support of others is a prerequisite for their peace of mind and peace. They repeatedly have to be in the role of a "vest" for friends and even strangers. Crayfish sincerely empathize with the grief of others, honestly keep other people's secrets, but they cannot be called open and trusting.

Susceptibility and vulnerability prevent them from feeling comfortable. Raku should catch an unfriendly look on himself, and excitement covers him for a long time. He tries to avoid conflict and stressful situations. He has the ability to infect others with his mood. Unknowingly has an emotional effect on society. Too painfully and deeply perceives losses and failures. This condition can permanently knock out the painstaking Cancer out of the rut.

In love, Cancers manifest themselves as faithful, faithful partners. Spend in search of the ideal of a lifetime. Being romantics, they see no sense in relationships without true love. They are not interested in sex itself without sentimental and deep feelings. But Crayfish accept with pleasure go on easy flirting without obligations.

Gaining Cancer's trust is difficult. Only after making sure of sincerity of intentions, he is ready to let a person into his heart. Loving Cancer gives a soul mate full of tenderness and passion. He surrenders to the feeling entirely, but often needs excessive care and guardianship.


Family for Cancer is Above All. Parents for him are the most dear and close people. Representatives of this sign sacredly keep family traditions. In the house they anxiously create an atmosphere of comfort and happiness. This is a dedicated and devoted family man. If Cancer has found a soul mate, then this is for life. If the marriage was unsuccessful, then it may show the worst qualities of character. Then Cancer becomes tyrannical, cruel, vindictive.

Cancer seeks to choose a profession "like". His talents are versatile. Thanks to diligence, decency and conscientiousness, many professions are within his power. Creative Crayfish can find themselves in music, poetry, painting, art criticism. Craving for nature makes them excellent gardeners, agronomists.

Representatives of this sign do not differ in punchy character. It is easier for them to be patient and with caution to wait for the right moment to implement their plans. Cancer makes informed, deliberate decisions. These qualities are in demand in the following specialties: cook, culinary specialist, accountant, and teacher. Innate insight, ability to solve tactical problems, as well as well-developed logic ensure success in commerce, trade and politics.


Cancer has a special approach to money. For him, money is not a means to achieve a beautiful life, but a way to secure a comfortable old age and guarantee stability in a difficult period. Thrift and stinginess allow you to make pretty decent cash savings. Cancer will not go on rash expenses and risky investments.

Cancer is influenced by the moon and expresses the feminine. Cults dedicated to the Moon are rooted in the past as far away as the cults of the Sun, and they identify the satellite of our planet with the First Mother, the mistress of the water element. Later, she became a symbol of Isis, Artemis, Diana and many other ancient goddesses.

The influence of the moon gives Cancers a special sensitivity to esotericism, an understanding of the thin strings of human souls and psychology. Sensual perception of the world and vivid, albeit hidden, emotions are considered a manifestation of the moon, and Cancer has this area is especially developed - he can subtly and deeply experience various events, retaining a certain “emotional imprint” in his memory.

Cancer Character

The bulk of Cancers are introverts, self-absorbed people with a hidden emotional background. But do not confuse introversion with shyness, timidity, or even alienation and sociophobia. This is a normal personality trait that can change during the transition of the lunar phases. Her volatile face affects Cancer in everything - mood, habits and tastes.

But there are exceptions - emotionally open Crayfish-extroverts and most often these are women with a hysterical disposition of character. Such people can be called artists, for whom life itself serves as a canvas, and they paint their picture from everything they come into contact with. They vividly, openly experience everything that happens to them and are completely alien to rationality and the “dry” perception of life.

Positive side

The moon gives Cancers a high level of empathy, that is, the ability to well capture other people's states and moods, empathize and sympathize with other people. This quality is the most valuable thing in our time of reigning indifference and it is impossible to reach the hearts of most people. Crayfish are not only sensitive and responsive, it gives them real pleasure to help others, acting as a patron.

Negative side

Cancer is rarely revealed to people, this desire either appears or disappears in the depths of its complex inner world. In certain periods, Cancer closes completely, becomes suspicious and goes into "defense" from the whole world. He begins to think that others are hostile to him. Such suspicions and even fear arise uncontrollably, are rarely justified and are one of the first signs of sociophobia, which develops in Cancers subject to negative manifestations of their zodiac sign.

The second type of "negative" Cancer is a malicious psychologist who plays on the feelings of others. Usually such Cancer looks very nice and disposable, knows how to please people and enter trust, but under this mask is usually a liar, an egoist and an insensitive manipulator.

How Cancer achieve success in life?

Cancer does not have a good habit of constantly relying on someone. To achieve great heights on the career path, you must get rid of it and the sooner the better. If Cancer has big ambitions, then for its realization its “shell” should be as tough as possible, without it it will be very difficult for him in a competitive environment and the struggle for personal success. If Cancer has a person who constantly helps, prompts and supports him, then in this case the ambitions are unlikely to be realized, turning into empty dreams.

Feeling the surrounding world very subtly, Cancer absorbs everything into itself and, as befits the elements of water, reflects back like a water surface. This leads to the development of suspiciousness, suspicion, as well as a tendency to exaggeration and excessive dramatization. These traits usually prevent Cancer from realizing, so you need to learn how to perceive the world with undistorted personal emotions and constantly work to increase self-esteem.

Like real cancer, the bearer of this zodiac sign is extremely cautious and, with any signs of external aggression, begins to back away in search of refuge. In the life stories of Rakov, a repetition of all the same mistakes and the return of unpleasant situations, in other words, walking on a rake, is often found. If Cancer fails, which will bring a lot of negative emotions, he can give up forever and stop all attempts to achieve what he wants, because of the fear of repeating such strong unpleasant experiences. Therefore, it is very important to learn not to fall into the "captivity" of the past and learn how to go forward, getting rid of the load of impressions.


Watch the video: twenty one pilots - Cancer My Chemical Romance Cover Official Lyric Video (July 2024).