5 hidden symptoms of dehydration


The most important substance, after oxygen, for the human body is water. A simple-looking substance performs tremendous work in our body: it cleanses blood vessels, removes toxins, regulates temperature, dissolves mineral salts and much more.

The body is always signaled by our condition, but these "commands" are not always clear and understandable to us. Usually, thirst occurs when the water deficit is huge. A 2% percent deficiency is a slight shortage, but it can already provoke a lot of disappointments: poor health, fatigue, headaches, irritability, malaise, distraction. Below are 5 hidden signs of dehydration.

According to scientists, 80% of hungry people are actually thirsty. The fact is that a lack of liquid provokes an imbalance between salts and sugar, resulting in a lack of energy, as well as a deceptive feeling of hunger.

In addition, the problem lies in the hypothalamus - the part of the brain that signals when we need to eat or get drunk. So, the hypothalamus does not always determine these feelings correctly, and often we feel hunger, instead of thirst. The ideal solution in this case is to drink a glass of water before each meal. By doing so, you will not only replenish your water balance, but also tighten the figure.

Moisture is the basis of well-being and good health, and this is a fact. When the needs of the body are not satisfied, its work malfunctions, blood circulation worsens, the muscles do not receive enough oxygen, which means the person’s energy decreases, and symptoms of fatigue and malaise appear. In addition, dehydration creates unfavorable conditions for the functioning of the immune system, toxins are excreted in insufficient quantities, and useful trace elements and substances come in slow motion. Before you make a diagnosis, first drink a glass of water.

Dehydration (dehydration) is more a condition than a type, since dry skin can be with a normal amount of moisture in the body. Conversely, any type of skin can be dehydrated.

Dryness, cracks, red spots - all this indicates that the drinking regime is not respected. The skin of these people ages early, becomes covered with small wrinkles, and also becomes more vulnerable to external irritants.

There is a reliable test: it is necessary to collect the cover on the cyst of the hand in a fold and immediately release it. If wrinkles are smoothed out for a long time, then this is the first evidence of dehydration.

The state of the body can be judged by urine. If it is dark, dense, then the person’s lifestyle leaves much to be desired.

Dehydration leads to the fact that gastric juice is not produced in full, after which food is poorly digested, nutrients are not absorbed properly, bloating, heaviness occurs. In addition, the likelihood of diseases such as gastritis and ulcers is increased.

Each part of the digestive system needs timely replenishment with fluid. As for the intestines, it is able to absorb excess water from food that enters the body. However, if the water deficit is too high, then the moisture from the food is sucked to such an extent that a person has another problem - constipation. Excrement is not removed on time, hardens, resulting in intoxication and other troubles. Statistics say that in 9 out of 10 cases of constipation, the cause is dehydration. The liquid not only supports the gastrointestinal tract in excellent form and helps to promote food, but also dilutes bile. It becomes more fluid, which prevents various congestion, and also stimulates intestinal motility.

The causes of bad breath can be different, but if you have been checked by an ENT doctor, visit your dentist regularly, monitor your oral hygiene, and a heavy smell accompanies you everywhere, you should review your regimen and drink water more often if possible. Everyone knows the antibacterial characteristics of saliva, and due to a lack of moisture, its production decreases significantly, and at the same time its ability to suppress bacteria is reduced. Pathogenic microorganisms multiply with a vengeance, while releasing a fetid odor.

Even in conditions of dehydration, sweat glands continue to do their job: regulate temperature, remove toxins. But under these conditions, sweat becomes viscous, which is an ideal environment for pathogenic microflora, which is the cause of an unpleasant odor. Hygiene products and showers will bring a temporary effect, only a sufficient amount of moisture inside can solve this problem.

With any degree of dehydration, it is necessary to quickly fill the lack of water in the body. Often enough to drink a few glasses of water in order for the body to feel relief.

Any degree of dehydration requires speedy action. Juices (orange, grapefruit), mineral water, as well as solutions for dehydration will help. The latter can be bought at a pharmacy (Regidron, Hydrolat) or prepared yourself: dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of water. salt, 3 tbsp. l sugar and 0.5 tsp baking soda.

Dehydration, like other pathological conditions, is easier to prevent than to eliminate. To maintain water balance, you must:

  • drink often, little by little, but regularly;
  • in order to give a taste to water, use mint, lemon;
  • consume fruit or herb tea;
  • calculate your daily amount of water (30 ml per kg of weight);
  • eat fruits, vegetables, and anything that contains a lot of moisture.

A healthy lifestyle is the key to good health and well-being. Observe yourself, listen to your body, strive to improve your condition, and these recommendations will help you with this..


Watch the video: Dehydration Effects (July 2024).