Signs for lovers and young spouses


Today, like decades, centuries ago, a man and a woman who decided to be henceforth and always together are interested in how to establish mutual understanding, save and increase their happiness. And here the most diverse assorted beliefs and signs come to the rescue.

The New Moon is one of the best days for a date, especially if you spend it at the foot of a hill, on the shore of a reservoir or forest clearing (the park will also fit). Having decorated this meeting with a kiss, the couple can hope that their union will last a lifetime and be calm.

And getting into the rain in the midst of a date is absolutely wonderful - living together richly.

But on any day you can’t kiss while standing on the steps - for seven days you will not be able to come to a compromise on important issues.

Also, coming to visit the second half, you can not talk to her over the threshold - misfortune can happen. And to strengthen the feelings of a loved one, before you go to visit him, you need to touch the door jamb with your left hand.

And if a couple is visiting together, then crossing the threshold of someone else’s house, they should hold hands - then no one will ever get between him, will not affect their opinion.

If one of the partners wants to be the leader in the future life of the couple, on walks this person should take a soul mate so that his hand is on top.

When eating together, lovers should not drag tidbits from each other from plates - otherwise they will soon begin to seize the initiative from each other in everyday life and this will lead to quarrels.

If something important and controversial is to be discussed, lovers should not meet under poplars for this - they are considered, in principle, to be one of the most unfavorable trees in terms of energy.

If a girl writes a message to a man (manual letter, email, SMS), she must finish it before midnight - otherwise he will not like to communicate with her.

If before noon, thinking about her lover, the girl hears a rooster cry, it means that there will soon be a wedding.

It is also curious that the black cat, crossing the road, is an unfavorable symbol for everyone, but for lovers walking together it serves as a prediction of happiness.

If a girl loves tea (yellow) roses, the man must cheat in order to circumvent the omen that they promise painful separation - ask the florist to supplement the bouquet with sprigs of fern or tied with two red ribbons.

Turquoise is considered to be a traditional stone of lovers - a talisman that helps to see the best in a partner, and a cat’s eye gem protects from envious people and damage.

It is unacceptable to give your loved one gloves, watches, brooches, scissors, knives and generally all sharp objects - this can lead to parting, creating resentment out of the blue.

A gift and promise of sensitivity in the relationship will be a gift of two fused berries of cherries or cherries, which must be eaten in half.

If the two have to part for a while, in order to strengthen feelings at a distance and protect the half from all evil, it is worth exchanging strands of hair cut off at sunset. They need to be stored in a special medallion or in a wooden box in a secluded place.

The old custom to shift bedding in a chest of drawers / closet with bags of dry lavender, not only pleasantly aromatizes it, but also, according to the treatises of the Renaissance, enhances the attraction of spouses to each other, and also accelerates the conception of children and protects against adultery.

Dreaming of children will also be helped by paintings decorating the bedroom with flowering fruit trees, goldfish, water birds - ducks, swans. You can also decorate the interior with figurines of elephants.

And in the hallway, just starting life together, people should hang a picture with a hunting dog or a panther - such an image will not allow any ill-wishers into the house.

Arriving guests should by no means be allowed to sleep on the matrimonial bed - otherwise everything will soon begin to interfere in the affairs of the young family.

If there are old mirrors in the house of young spouses - it is better to get rid of them, replacing them with new ones. The fact is that according to some theories, mirrors are able to accumulate the memory of what they "saw." And almost certainly they were not always just positive shots of life. Everything can turn into a particularly bad energy background if these things belonged to an unhappy family. If it is decided to leave the mirror, to partially block the negative, you need to hang so that it reflects a picture with blue flowers or lizards.

Dinner by candlelight (surely red and there should be an even number of them on the table) not only contributes to the romantic mood from the point of view of psychology, but also increases the husband’s appetite for cooking the spouse, and also sets him not to swallow a drop of alcohol, if not her permission.

If, after the first dinner in a new family life (namely, a full dinner, and not a quick snack), to hide several new coins under the tablecloth, the family will not have a shortage of money for a satisfying, good everyday life.

When one of the spouses spilled salt, the second, in order not to happen because of this discord in the family, should hurry to throw a pinch of salt on the windowsill and immediately mix it from there.

That the husband did not stop loving, the girl should not cut hair or nails after sunset.

And the husband, so that his wife does not get cold, should not draw anything with a finger on the fogged mirror in the bathroom, and one should not whistle in their dormitory.

So that spouses always have money and there is no disagreement about the family budget, their things should not be stored in different cabinets. And if so, at least some clothes and all sorts of personal details should be kept on common shelves.

If one of the couple puts the other person’s clothes in a closet and notices a bundle on it (for example, a dress’s belt tied or a tie removed), it must be untied so that the other half does not get sick.

The spouse will not have secrets from the wife if, when ironing his shirts, she will first deal with sleeves, and then with the collar. For honest communication with a lover, a man should not drink from her beloved cup, and also, rearrange her shoes.


Watch the video: 4 Signs that a Man LOVES you and Adores You number 2 may surprise you (July 2024).