Dolls: energy hazard for a child


Have you ever experienced such a situation when you walked past shop windows with dolls and peered into the face of one of them, you felt inner discomfort, which simply could not be avoided? Some experts argue that the doll is energetically dangerous for the child's body. This statement comes from ancient times, when dolls were used not only in children's games, but also in witchcraft rituals.

The impact of such toys can very negatively affect not only the development of the baby, but also on the psychological state, which can subsequently be transformed into various complexes and phobias.

How can dolls do harm?

Here we will not discuss what materials dolls are made of and what toxicity level they are made of. Of course, some of these toys actually pose a danger to the physical health of the child.

We will talk about why playing dolls can be an energy hazard. Many will immediately think what harm an ordinary doll that is bought in the market or in the store can do.

After all, manufacturers and sellers are not sorcerers and not magicians who will do damage to their goods. Of course not. However, note that when your child plays with a doll, he unknowingly associates himself with a toy, as a result of which a certain energy relationship is formed between them. Now imagine that a stranger with a bad energy took your child’s favorite toy. The energy connection that exists between the doll and your baby is intertwined with the negative energy of this person and at a distance can carry energy danger.

In addition, toys that are created in the form of evil characters from cartoons or fairy tales can also carry energy danger.

They already knowingly carry negative energy in themselves. And playing with such toys can not only negatively affect the child’s appetite, well-being and sleep, but also interfere with normal development and contribute to the loss of interest in life.

What toys are best for children to buy?

Of course, all these arguments should by no means force you to completely refuse to buy toys such as dolls. Indeed, like any child’s toy, the doll is able to develop certain character traits in the child — care, empathy, makings of motherhood, responsibility.

When choosing a doll for a child, each parent must learn one main rule - to acquire only toys that will be as similar as possible to the original.

That is, the acquired toy should not have unusual details or unusual elements (for example, blue hair or extra extremities). In addition, try to avoid toys with excessively bright colors and paints. This is not only able to cause irritability and breakdown, but also contribute to the development of diseases.

Give preference to baby dolls and dolls that evoke positive emotions in you and the child.

Take a look at what toy your child plays with the most and try so that it never falls into the hands of a stranger.

Protect it, and then your favorite doll will become a kind of mascot for your baby, who will help him throughout his life.


Watch the video: 20 Weirdest Toys (June 2024).