How do green leafy vegetables protect liver health?


A new study published in PNAS found that green leafy vegetables protect liver health. In clinical studies, it was also shown that leaves have a strong anti-cancer effect. What food plants help maintain the health of a person’s main filter organ?

What plants help protect liver health?

Several categories of food plants have a prophylactic effect on the development of liver cancer. Cruciferous are green leafy vegetables: broccoli, garden cabbage and brussels sprouts. A large series of studies provided evidence of the beneficial effects of these food plants on common types of liver cancer.

Food plants of the genus Onion include garlic, leek and chives. They have different tastes and are used in cooked or raw form around the world. Scientists also found that plants from the Onion genus prevent malignant degeneration of liver cells.

Mung bean accelerate the metabolism, the processing of toxins in food and medicine using special enzymes. Mung bean sprout produces several types of liver protecting compounds - flavonoids and chlorogenic acid. Aldehyde reductase, which neutralizes fungal toxins, was also extracted from mung bean.

Radish belongs to the Crucifer family and has also been used for medical purposes for over 2000 years. Spanish black radish contains unique glucoraphazatin, which has been shown to have a powerful anti-cancer effect.

What plant foods are dangerous for the liver?

Patients with liver disease are advised to avoid nightshade plants, which include more than 2800 species. An animal study concluded that nightshade plants damage liver cells. In clinical trials, scientists revealed similar effects: a significant increase in the activity of alanine aminotransferase was observed.

Supplement manufacturers generally cannot provide clinical evidence of plant safety or efficacy. Doctors and the general public should take care of the interaction of the drug with food and possible side effects. The doctor should know as much as possible of the pharmacokinetic interactions of phytochemicals with drugs.

Laxative plants are used to cleanse the digestive system toxins.

Such plants include aloe vera, dandelion, rhubarb rhizome and senna leaves. According to studies, they have a toxic effect on the liver cells.

Plant estrogens are very effective in treating viral hepatitis, but some are toxic. Avoid contaminated pesticides or rotten plant foods. Excessive or improper consumption of cassava is harmful.

What substances in plants protect liver health?

Leafy vegetables contain substances with antioxidant activity. Plant sources of antioxidants are predominantly vitamins and minerals.

They have a prophylactic and therapeutic effect on alcoholic liver disease, nonalcoholic liver obesity, viral hepatitis, and liver cancer.

Common nameActive substanceLiver benefits

Diindolylmethane, glucoraphanin

Reduces the risk of cancer and viral diseases.

Brussels sproutsDiindolylmethane, sulforaphane

Anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects on liver cells

Garden cabbageGlucosinolates

Counteracts alcohol damage to the liver

Prevention and treatment of liver diseases with the diet or herbal method is one of the important components of complementary and alternative medicine.

Knowledge of the effects of various food plants on liver health is still inadequate.

Traditional methods of using food plants for the treatment of liver diseases should be confirmed by newer studies.

The immediate task of scientists is to find the best diet and medicinal plants to enhance liver health.


Watch the video: Protect Your Liver With Carrot And Green Leafy Vegetables- How To Protect Your Liver (July 2024).