Pregnancy: what does color mean?


In the first trimester of pregnancy, there is a noticeable increase in vaginal discharge. If these secretions have a milky color and an unobtrusive smell - there is no reason for concern. Yellowish green or spotting indicates infections that should be treated before delivery.

Why are you highlighting?

Outside of pregnancy, women regularly have milky white discharge. The secretion is secreted by the vaginal mucosa and protects against infections. During pregnancy, the glands produce much more secretions.

In the last trimester, very strong and viscous discharge usually indicates the onset of labor. At 37-40 weeks, many women cannot distinguish amniotic fluid from vaginal discharge. Amniotic fluid is "more fluid", unlike normal vaginal secrets.

Brown discharge

Brownish discharge at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy is a consequence of nidation, i.e. implantation of a fertilized egg. The process usually takes 5 to 6 days after fertilization. Nidation greatly dilates the blood vessels of the uterus and, in turn, causes slight bleeding.

Brown vaginal discharge is a rare sign of an ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage. In most cases, the cause is a vaginal infection caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria.

Yellowish or yellowish greenish discharge

If the smell and appearance of the discharge changes to bloody, purulent or yellowish, you should definitely consult a doctor. The color of the discharge changes with various infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

Women in position are especially prone to the development of candidiasis - thrush. Severe candidiasis is manifested by yellowish discharge and severe itching.

Genital warts or inflammation of the external genitalia are common causes of yellow discharge. They are rare, but require medical treatment.

Other possible causes:

  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovary;
  • unprotected intercourse;
  • malignant or benign tumors in the vagina, ovary or uterus.

In pregnant women, the color of vaginal discharge changes even after unprotected intercourse.

The acidic pH of the vagina rises with alkaline sperm in a short time. However, in healthy women, pH changes have little effect.

White discharge

Women at 8-10 weeks of pregnancy should not be alarmed by the appearance of white discharge. However, the secrets are very different not only during periods of intermittent menstruation, but also with spontaneous abortion. Mostly secrets consist of water, cells of the uterine mucosa and vagina.

If additional symptoms appear along with white vaginal discharge, pregnant women should consult a gynecologist.

If the secrets have an unpleasant smell or the consistency changes significantly, this may indicate a viral disease of the vagina.

If yellowish-white discharge is accompanied by constant itching, this is a sign of a fungal disease that requires medical intervention. A distinctive fishy odor, accompanied by grayish, very fluid discharge, indicates bacterial vaginosis.

Atypical appearance, an altered sequence of secretions that disturb pregnant women, in any case, are the reason for going to the doctor.

If even painful sensations are added to changes in secretions, this indicates chlamydia.

What could be the consequences?

Unlike less dangerous fungi, bacteria have a detrimental effect on the fetus. Light bleeding is a warning sign, as it may indicate bacterial infections. If bacteria enter the uterus, they may cause a miscarriage or, in later pregnancy, premature rupture of the membranes.

A newborn has no immune defense against certain pathogens. Therefore, even during childbirth, bacteria can be dangerous for the baby.

Women are recommended to have a smear at the gynecologist between the 36th and 38th weeks of pregnancy. Timely research helps rule out the presence of certain bacterial strains and reduces the risk of birth complications.


Watch the video: Pregnancy - If my waters break, what colour should it be? BMI Healthcare (June 2024).