Factors That Destroy Workout Results


Many athletes, both beginners and experienced enough, can make various mistakes that exacerbate the training and can deprive the result of not only one training, but also generally keep the result of all classes at zero. Such factors are simple enough that even experienced athletes may not notice that they too can make such mistakes.

Factor 1.Meaningful Workout

An interesting statement, if a person comes to training and engages, where is this not meaningfulness of actions? Everything is quite simple. A person may not be aware of his actions. Do everything on the “machine”.

It often happens that a person coming into the gym does various exercises, but does not delve into the training process itself, is distracted by external factors and thinks of something else.

All this results in the fact that the effect is significantly reduced in comparison with the days when a person delves into the workout and gives a report to each movement.

Factor 2.I want everything at once

Many beginner athletes choose a tactic for themselves in which they want to get everything at once.

They want to see the results immediately on the second day, overfulfill the program and are in a hurry to do everything in advance.

But this aggravates the situation so much that there may not be a future in the classroom.

For some people, they create maximum conditions for playing sports, make a plan for training and nutrition, but with a thirst to see the results of their work, they instantly exhaust their body and give up training for the second month.

Everything should be phased, with increasing loads and the number of repetitions performed.

Factor 3.Strength Training

Professionals know about this rule, but quite often they neglect it.

You cannot go to the gym through force. If you have a feeling of weakness or poor condition, you don’t need to overcome yourself and go to the last effort, because at least the result will not only not be, but it will significantly worsen previous achievements, and the maximum will become even worse the next day and after that have to skip a few workouts.

Factor 4.Irregularity

The mode is important, you can even say the main part of training and sports life in general. Future workouts determine their progression and the effect of them. What does the regime in the world of sports life mean?

The mode is what the athlete is guided by every day.

If you do not adhere to this schedule or knock it down, you can spoil your well-being, sleep, burst of energy right up to nutrition and serious health problems.

The basic rules that must be regularly observed for the correct regimen: healthy and deep sleep at least 7 hours a day, uniform nutrition at least 3 times a day, preferably 4 times a day, and you need to rest in nature or fresh air at least an hour a day .

Under such conditions, the athlete will be maximally saturated with strength and energy for new trainings.

Factor 5.Failure to comply with exercise rules

It is this factor that most negatively affects the productivity of beginner athletes in general.

Newcomers often try to show their strength and desire to take as much weight as possible. But this desire must be controlled, because progress is created due to the right technique and a gradual increase in weight, and not due to the weight itself.

Therefore, immediately taking large weights is not recommended as strongly recommended.

Failure to comply with the technique can lead to disastrous consequences, which will manifest themselves not only in training, but also for a long time after them.

Starting from the lack of results and krepatura more than necessary, ending with various injuries.


Watch the video: What Too Much Exercise Does To Your Body And Brain (July 2024).