How to raise a child without complexes. Why are some phrases not allowed for children? Which ones


Even one random phrase can turn a baby into a person notorious in adulthood. Information is deposited in the subconscious and affects our behavior. Even when we completely forget what preceded it. Therefore, it is better for parents to forget some expressions forever.

"Forbidden" phrases

"Acting like a little." The baby climbed into a puddle, and his mother screams at him instead of explaining why this should not be done. The child sincerely does not understand what happened. Adults often forget about affection and tenderness, evaluating all the baby’s actions by only two criteria: “bad” and “good”. He begins to think that you can control others with the help of a scream and a manifestation of strength, but expressing your feelings is useless.

"Leave me alone, get rid, go away." Parents do not have time, but if you constantly drive the child away from you, the result will be sad. The baby will perceive the world as an alien environment, and consider all people to be enemies.

"You are doing everything wrong". Children cannot learn everything quickly. Training takes place step by step, gradually, from simple to complex. We all make mistakes sometimes, then correct mistakes. If you start scolding a child, he will simply stop doing anything on his own.

"All in mother (in father)". Most often, the baby is reproached in this way if the parents are divorced or are in a bad relationship. As a result, it will be difficult for a grown man to find a worthy partner, to marry - he simply has no example in front of his eyes. Moreover, the baby will unconsciously copy that adult with whom he is constantly being compared.

"You have no brain at all". By repeating this phrase, you will only achieve that the child will stop thinking. Hearing something every day, we begin to believe in it.

"Do not meddle, do not touch, it is impossible!" For safety reasons, parents forbid children to run out onto the road, approach electrical appliances, or use a gas stove. But at heart, every kid is a researcher who studies the world. Do not forbid him this, otherwise he will simply cease to be interested in others.

"You drive me crazy (drive me to the grave)." The child does not obey, and you say something like that in your hearts. The kid will not stop being naughty, but guilt will be deposited in his subconscious. Especially if you are really sick.

"You can not praise yourself". We all know that it is with the help of praise that one can cheer up, give a person an incentive to achieve something. But the child celebrating his successes we are used to consider boasting. However, if the baby is not proud of himself, he will not have the desire to strive for more. He can grow up an anxious, notorious, nervous person.

Are friends

Psychologists advise making friends with their children: it will be easier both for you and them. But how to do it?

- Find common habits. The easiest way to do this is at an early age. Then you can maintain a spiritual connection even in your teens.

- Cook together. With the baby you can make salads, decorate ready-made dishes, set the table. It will be both creativity and communication.

- Walk and play more together. Spend maximum time outdoors. You can master a bicycle, rollers, skateboard, scooter together.

- Read books. You can read bedtime stories or come up with interesting stories - one says the first phrase, the other continues, etc. With older children, you can read the same book in turn, and then discuss what they read.

- Going to the country, listen to music, play words or cities. Upon arrival, try to involve the child in all your affairs. You can weed beds together, harvest, cook jam. During the conversation, time will fly by quickly.

These are simple things, but they remain in children's memory for a long time. If for your baby they will be firmly connected with their parents, you will be able to maintain a warm relationship for life. You yourself will learn to better understand the child, and he will grow up to be a free, confident, successful person.


Watch the video: 10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin Their Childrens Lives (June 2024).