What does a small child dream about: whether his stranger is his main interpretation of different dream books - what a small child dreams about


In a dream, you can see close relatives, acquaintances, strangers. Not all of their actions will please you. Most likely, you will even be a little disappointed in them. What is the dream of a small child. How to interpret such a dream?

What a small child dreams of - the main interpretation

If in a dream you see a joyful child who asks to play with him - try to allow yourself rest, enjoyment of real life in reality. But in order to fully understand the dream - it is important to remember all its details:

• Where in your dream the child is;

• How he behaves;

• Do you play with him;

• How long have you been with your child;

• What emotions do you feel for him.

If you dream that you are shaking your child in your arms - you will calm the storm of emotions that will flood you along with the indignation of loved ones Try not to take everything to heart and not constantly think that you need to urgently change something in yourself .

Your loved ones do not want to take your side and go into your situation. If you did not succeed in rocking the child in a dream, you cannot solve problems with relatives. They will try to upset you, teach lives, slander you.

If the child falls asleep after long motion sicknesses, the conflict will be settled, but only after a long work on its resolution. You could not change this situation. If it already seems to you that loved ones are very offended by you, try to make a difference right now. Do not defend your point of view. You will fail anyway.

If you dream that someone is constantly crying and it will turn out to be a small child, anxiety will settle in you. You will look for reasons to trust your colleagues and friends, but there will be less and less reasons to trust.

These people will no longer justify your hopes. You will be more and more disappointed and offended. If you hear children's laughter, but you just can’t understand where it comes from, then you will soon find out the good news that will make you a happy person.

You will be really happy and happy. And also, like the child in your dream, you will laugh. If you are holding a child in his sleep in his arms, and he is laughing joyfully, then it is time for you to be prepared for favorable changes that will suddenly burst into your life. Try to prepare for such events in advance and spend your vacation very brightly and joyfully.

If in a dream you are walking with a child in the park, your trip will not be so successful. You will increasingly hide from yourself the truth about your true desires. You will hide from yourself the desire to hide from reality, to become part of someone else's life.

If in a dream you protect the child from the dog, try not to let her bite him - in reality you will also protect the weak. You will try to help him solve a difficult issue. If in a dream you managed to save a small child from a dog bite - in reality you can help the needy.

You will have time to tell him how best to get out of a predicament. If in a dream you do not have time to save the child from a dog bite, you will not be smart in reality and will not have time to prompt or help, exactly when you were asked about it.

If in a dream you draw with a small child, remember what your drawing was about. What was depicted on it? Perhaps you tried to convey your emotions and feelings through this drawing? Perhaps you wanted to be heard and seen by your masterpiece. Perhaps you tried to convey your grief and suffering?

• If you, together with a small child, draw the sun - you will find pleasant and joyful moments of life;

• If you draw a sea with your child, you will long for someone;

• Draw your home - to care for others;

• Draw a person - to experience;

• Draw a dog - to a faithful friend;

• Draw a train - for travel.

If in a dream you and a small child are engaged in modeling, try to forget about everyday problems. In the near future you will find pleasant surprises and a lot of positive emotions. You will make new vacation plans, will be engaged in your own development and will not pay attention to anyone. You will miss those positive emotions that life will give you.

If in a dream you try on clothes for a child, a rather difficult choice will await you. You will hesitate and will not know what is better to choose. What is the best way to resolve the issue so that no one is hurt by your decision. If in a dream you see someone trying to remove clothes from a child, be very attentive to your surroundings. Someone from your close friends will decide what you can tell him, will begin to give you a huge amount of advice.

The dream book warns you against conflicts in this situation. It is better to wait out the storm and resolve the issue quite easily and naturally. Try to be polite and pleasant in communication, even if it seems to you that no one wants to listen to you.

What does a small child dream about in Freud’s dream book

If a single woman sees a baby in her arms, she will look for herself a man with whom she will have to babysit. She will have to pay a lot of attention to her chosen one, but she will not become happy from this.

If in a dream you see a man carrying a small child in his arms - you need a partner who could give you a new life. That would allow you to forget about all the nightmare that you experienced in previous relationships.

This should be a partner who could pity you and accept your weaknesses. It is important for you not to rush into the pool with your head after such a dream. And simply wait until such a partner appears in your life.

A dream in which you see how a small child reaches out and smiles sweetly at you - it promises you communication with a gentle and kind person who will be open to you. You will understand it, and you will be able to maintain friendly communication with him for a long time.

Why does a small child dream of a pregnant woman? Such a dream may indicate that she is ready to become a mother and is looking forward to the birth of her baby. Also, such a dream can portend the appearance in the life of a woman of a caring loved one. It will not necessarily be love. Just next to her will be a caring sweet man.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a dead child, then it is time for her to take care of her own health and her own peace. So that nothing would bother her and nothing would stop her from feeling safe.

What is the dream of a small child in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that a small child dreams of those who themselves need protection. Such a dream may be dreaming of those people who have a strong-willed character, but, meanwhile, are always ready to help other people.

A small child sitting on a potty - usually dreams of unpleasant disturbing meetings. You can prepare for them for a long time and consider that in any case everything will go smoothly. But in life you will get only the negative from such a meeting and you won’t know how to survive it.

If in a dream you swaddle a small child, you will have a long and painstaking work on yourself, on your perception of the world around you. You will try to review the situations that concern you and will look for the causes of their occurrence.

If in a dream you go to a garden with a small child, you will wake up for a positive solution to long-running cases. It will seem to you that just about all your desires will be realized, but they will not be realized in any way, they will be put off all the time.

What is the dream of a small child in other dream books

In the dream book of Medea it is said that a small child dreams when you urgently need to take care of loved ones. You will seek support and tenderness in them, but, in the end, you will ask for their help themselves when they need you.

In the dream book of Aesop, it is said that a peacefully sleeping little child dreams when it is time for you to take care of your well-being. Now in your life will come just such a time, a time when you will be given the chance to fix it. When you can get closer to a perfect life. To the one you've been dreaming about for so long.

Do not rush, do not rush. In reality, everything will go smoothly for you. You will be happy with everything that will happen in your life. You will be grateful for a combination of circumstances that will allow you to solve many everyday problems.


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