How to escape from a hangover syndrome. Fastest Hangover Remedies


The negative consequences of drinking alcohol, as a rule, are very similar regardless of its type and variety - headache, stomach discomfort, anxiety, general weakness ...

Effective remedies will help to restore good health, which will be discussed later.


This remedy, classified as a dietary supplement, can be taken in a variety of ways - when a hangover made itself felt, before a feast, in its process, and the undoubted advantages of Antipohmelin include its release form - chewing pastilles. They can be mixed with food, no need to drink immediately (but it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids in the hours after their use).

The disadvantages include a wide range of common contraindications, for example, diseases of the stomach, pancreas and liver.

The basic active components are organic acids - fumaric, ascorbic and succinic. Thanks to their complex effect, the cells of a body affected by a hangover begin to be better supplied with oxygen and reactions occur that inhibit the conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde - the very substance responsible for poisoning. And the acetaldehyde that is formed rapidly decomposes to harmless water and carbon dioxide molecules, which are easily eliminated from the body.

True, in the case of a hangover above moderate severity, this remedy is powerless.


This is known for almost a hundred years, one of the best remedies for a hangover is widely used throughout the world also for colds, menstruation, radiculitis and in many other cases.

And all the effectiveness is provided by three simple components:

• aspirin dilutes the blood as a whole and breaks down microbunches formed under the influence of alcohol in it, which results in improved blood circulation and a decrease in the load on the cardiovascular system. Plus, it neutralizes pain;

• baking soda and citric acid soften the side effects of aspirin and normalize the acidity of the stomach, eliminate discomfort in it, and suppress nausea and heartburn.

A pleasant, dissolving effervescent tablet is effective after 30 minutes. Plus, the fact that the drink is carbonated increases the bioavailability of the active ingredients.

Contraindications for Alka-Seltzer are, among other things, asthma and ulcers (and generally any risks of bleeding).


In mild cases, in order to get rid of a hangover and recover, simple mineral water is enough and Borjomi can become one of the best options. The main thing is to drink it in large quantities (about 2 liters), evenly distributing throughout the day, room temperature and in small sips. And of course - do not wash it down with nutritious food, between it and drink you need a 30-minute break.

Assessing Borjomi as a whole, it can be called one of the best remedies for a hangover.

The specific brackish taste of water remarkably eliminates nausea, and the minerals that provide it correct the acid-base balance shifted by intoxication to the acid side. In addition, it helps as a result of the following:

• carbon dioxide bubbles specifically irritate the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, esophagus and stomach, which indirectly stimulates the nervous system to restore processes;

• again, due to effervescence, the liquid is rapidly absorbed into the blood, increasing its volume and diluting it, which is especially important when a significant part of the ill health during a hangover is explained by the insufficient volume of blood circulating in the body, which is saturated with toxic substances;

• any mineral water is characterized by the ability to accelerate the metabolism and the functioning of excretory systems, including the removal of fluid (along with toxins) from the tissues, resulting in reduced swelling, both visible on the face and "invisible", causing a severe headache.


These capsules are an effective remedy not only for a hangover, but also for the unpleasant consequences that accompany unsuccessful “cocktails” of various types of alcohol.

Active ingredients are calcium pantothenate and unitiol.

Their effectiveness is aimed not only at accelerated cleavage and withdrawal of the alcohol product - acetaldehyde (which provokes most of the symptoms of a hangover), but also at neutralizing ("binding") harmful, toxic substances, so that they do not have time to do much harm while they are in the body output.

It is important to note such a plus remedy as the ability to drink a capsule with just 1 sip of water, which can be very valuable when the stomach decisively does not tolerate anything.

Of the side effects, it is highly likely that Zorex can develop an allergic reaction.


Despite the fact that this sedative drug of medium efficiency is extremely undesirable to take in parallel with the use of alcohol, the tool may be useful for treating the consequences of treating such drinks.

True, it is good for eliminating only a number of symptoms of a hangover, such as:

• sleep disturbance;

• anxiety;

• irritability;

• depression;

And in general, plant components (extracts of lemon balm, St. John's wort, hops, valerian, hawthorn, passionflower and elderberry) with a semi-synthetic drug guaifenesin, with a hangover, are not capable in general of more than the above, plus - they also relieve headache.

Therefore, Novo-Passit can be recommended as one of the best remedies for a hangover, which manifests itself more on the emotional, mental, and not strictly physical plane.

Drink OFF

This drug can be called almost the best cure for a hangover in the category where the active ingredients appear at the head of the active ingredients presented here:

• ginger;

• guarana;

• ginseng;

• eleutherococcus;

• mate;

• licorice.

Plus, DrinkOFF contains vitamins B6 and C, citric and succinic acid.

All together are effective:

• suppresses nausea and normalizes the stomach;

• reduces swelling (due to diuretic action);

• normalizes blood circulation;

• relieves headaches;

• restores the liver to full functioning;

• stimulates the processing of alcohol into safe elements with their subsequent removal from the body.

Despite the fact that there is not a drop of caffeine in DrinkOFF, the product excellently improves the emotional state and tones, restores working capacity and clarity of mind.

In the form of release, you can choose between capsules and jelly, and among the contraindications, hypertension and a tendency to disturbances in the work of the heart are especially worth noting.


Watch the video: How To Cure Your Hangover in 81 Seconds (June 2024).