Planting cauliflower: choosing the best varieties for open ground and greenhouses. Description and characteristics of varieties of cauliflower with an unusual color of heads: the best varieties with photos


Growing cauliflower is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Vegetables are planted both in greenhouses and in open ground. However, some subtleties are still there. Firstly, you need to choose the right variety of cauliflower, which is best suited for a greenhouse or an open bed. There are many varieties of vegetables: with heads of white, purple, green and yellow. Which to choose? This and much more will be discussed later.

Features of growing cauliflower in the south of the country: the best varieties for open ground and planting tips

In the southern regions, several cauliflower crops can be harvested. In addition to the early varieties, which do not differ in keeping quality, gardeners can grow late varieties of vegetables. Such cabbage matures for a long time; it takes more than three months to form a head of cabbage. Varieties are valued for their productivity, because each head is addictive by 2.5-3 kg, and the safety of heads of cabbage is excellent.

In the South, cabbage is grown in two ways: through seedlings and winter sowing. Moreover, the second method allows you to get marketable products before the rest. We recommend proven varieties of cauliflower for the southern regions:

· "Amerigo";

· "Agnia";

· "Fortaleza".

Amerigo cultivar has been grown for a long time; it has established itself only on the best side. The heads are formed large, more than two kg, snow-white, excellent taste. The yield of the variety is stable, up to five kg of cabbage is harvested from m2. Vegetables are bedridden, transportable. The variety tolerates low temperatures well, so harvesting is carried out in late autumn.

Cabbage "Agnia" of Russian selection was bred specifically for winter sowing. Heads with a delicate structure, pleasant white color and taste good. Commodity weight of heads of cabbage a little more than one and a half kg. The first crop of vegetables is removed in mid-summer. The variety is characterized by keeping quality, disease resistance and high preservation of seeds during winter sowing.

The popular variety "Fortaleza" is resistant to heat and dry climate, does not crack. Heads of cabbage are elastic, inflorescences are white, well covered with leaves, delicate in taste. The heads are large, weigh more than 2.5 kg.

What cauliflower is suitable for growing in greenhouses: the best varieties

Many varieties of cauliflower have been developed for greenhouses and hotbeds, which can be grown in regions with cool and short summers. Among them, the following varieties are famous:

· "Goat - Dereza";

· "Snowstorm";

· "White Castle".

Variety "Goat - Dereza" forms small heads weighing a little more than a pound. Heads of cabbage are dense, inflorescences are white with a delicate texture, good taste. Harvest ripens together, the formation of the heads takes more than two months. Average yield up to three kg per m2. The variety is suitable for preservation, freezing and any processing. They grow cabbage in unheated greenhouses and hotbeds to the very frosts, their heads tolerate mild frosts, so you can not rush to harvest.

Cabbage "Metelitsa" domestic selection adapted to the greenhouse climate, rarely sick, resistant to temperature changes. The variety forms medium-sized commodity heads with white inflorescences. The taste of cabbage on top. Productivity is above average.

No less popular is the variety "White Castle", which feels good in the greenhouses of Siberia. The vegetable resists light frosts, tolerates cooling and sharp temperature fluctuations. Heads with white inflorescences weigh at least one and a half kg, good taste. Harvest ripens together, stored fresh for more than two months.

Review of the best universal varieties of cauliflower with good yield

Varieties of universal use are grown in greenhouses and open ground. These are adapted varieties that cope well with the vagaries of the weather and resist disease. Universal cabbage is famous for its productivity. Among the many varieties, it is worth choosing the best:

· "Snowball";

· "Vinson";

· "Snow Peak".

Variety "Snowball" early ripening, the crop is ready for harvest in three months. The heads are white, elastic, well leafy, so they are not afraid of frost. Productivity of a grade is good, one head tightens on one and a half kg. They grow cabbage for summer consumption and processing, heads do not differ in keeping quality.

Cabbage "Vinson" Dutch breeding is famous for its productivity, which is up to 6 kg of vegetables per m2. The weight of one head is at least 2.5 kg, with good care it can reach 3.5-4 kg. The variety is early, will please vegetables after two months of cultivation. Heads with white inflorescences do not fall apart. Cabbage is grown both in greenhouses and in an open garden bed. In the southern regions manages to collect two crops.

The high-yielding Snow Peak hybrid is suitable for commercial purposes. Heads of white color, do not crumble, good taste. The weight of one is at least two kg, with good care much more. The variety is suitable for all types of processing, preservation, freezing and fresh consumption.

Cauliflower with an unusual coloring of the heads: the best varieties and varieties of selection

Breeders bred varieties of cauliflower with brightly colored heads. Fans of such vegetables should pay attention to the following:

· "Green snowdrift";

· "Corals of Clara";

· "Colemen";

· "Purple ball."

The breeding novelty is the mid-season Green Snowdrift variety, which was bred in 2015. Heads are tender green, well leafy, dark leaves. The yield of the variety is good, while the weight of one head is more than one and a half kg. The variety is famous for its keeping quality and unusual taste, resistance to fungal diseases and pests.

Another Clara Coral novelty with bright purple heads has recently hit the market. Variety of late ripening, heads are small, weigh no more than 250g, but quite tasty. The vegetable is not suitable for industrial cultivation, but for lovers it is a godsend.

Cabbage "Kolemen" late ripening with yellow heads tolerates the hot climate and is suitable for cultivation in the southern regions. The variety can be used for winter sowing. The heads are dense, well leafy, weigh more than two kg, keep up with one another.

The original variety with delicate purple color of the "Purple Ball" fruit is famous for productivity and keeping quality. The heads do not crumble, tender in taste, weigh up to one and a half kg. The variety is demanding on moisture and soil composition, not suitable for cultivation in acidic soil.


Watch the video: Good Cauliflower, Bad Cauliflower - Growing great cauliflower heads in your garden (June 2024).