What can you say about the benefits of pink salmon. Great salmon for everyday and diet foods


The wonderful red salmon fish is so good on all sides that it is suitable for everyday and festive menus, as well as a diet. But in order for the gift of the sea to bring maximum benefits, it is important to know about the features of its use and the rules of choice.

How are the specific features and composition of pink salmon related to its benefits?

Pink salmon is the most medium-sized salmon fish - an adult individual is 35-50 cm long and weighs 1.3-2.2 kg. But there is no larger species in the salmon family, so pink salmon is not only valuable, but also affordable commercial fish.

Another name for pink salmon is pink Pacific salmon, it is an inhabitant of cool waters, most of the year it is marine, but pink salmon rises to spawn for rivers.

75% of pink salmon meat consists of water, and the ratio per 100 g of BZHU can be represented as:

Proteins 20 g;

Fat 6 g;

Carbohydrates 0 g

The protein of pink salmon (as well as of its entire family) is easily digestible and very nutritious, quickly transforming in the human body into a “building material” for muscle tissue.

Of the minerals, pink salmon is richest in potassium and phosphorus; it also contains sodium, fluorine, chromium, cobalt, sulfur, zinc, chlorine and iodine.

The complex of these elements contributes to the accelerated, full-fledged metabolism and the health of the enzymatic system of the body.

Of the vitamins, pink salmon is most good in content of D, B12, B4, B6 and PP.

Thanks to them, a good psycho-emotional state and excellent memory, renewal of brain cells and pancreas health are maintained.

But the real pearl of pink salmon is omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, the production of which the human body itself is not capable of.

Being a powerful antioxidant, they protect cells from premature aging, cancerous degeneration and even gene mutations, and in addition, Omega-3s contribute to:

· Prevention of heart muscle disease;

· Normal synthesis of hormones;

· Reduction of inflammatory processes in the body.

The belonging of pink salmon to salmon gives it another valuable property - as a rule, this fish is environmentally friendly, because for its habitat it chooses the least polluted sections of ocean waters.

In addition, scientists found specific, unique substances in the body of pink salmon that prevent the accumulation of harmful substances in its meat (including heavy metals).

How else are the benefits of pink salmon

Pink salmon is recommended for allergic reactions, as it is often able to replace antihistamines - that is, it can block the immune response to individual irritants, for example, pollen.

This fish is extremely beneficial for blood, due to its properties:

· Increase hemoglobin;

· Normalize coagulation (which prevents the formation of blood clots);

· Regulate sugar levels.

Every salmon means a lot to a healthy diet, but not every salmon is valued like pink salmon and its low-fat, low-calorie meat is shown to active sports fans, children and adolescents, the elderly, those who need recovery from exhausting illnesses, and hard-working and mental labor.

Also, regular consumption of pink salmon contributes to:

· Improving digestion;

· Reduce pain in arthritis and arthrosis;

· Saturation of body tissues with oxygen;

· Reduce the risk of asthma.

Milk and caviar are a special other side of the benefits of pink salmon

The quality and taste of the caviar, pink salmon is not inferior to other salmon.

Periodically, treating yourself to this delicacy is recommended to strengthen immunity, increase the body's resistance to various threats from the environment, whether it be a seasonal viral disease (such as flu), radiation exposure, or atmospheric pollution by any industry.

Caviar, by the way, promotes the removal of toxins and toxins from organisms, and for women, its property can be very valuable in enhancing the production of collagen and elastin - irreplaceable elements of beauty and youth.

Pink salmon milk is the seminal gland of male fish, saturated with polyunsaturated fatty acids (10%) and protamines - low molecular weight proteins, often enhancing the effectiveness of drugs entering the human body.

Milk is also valuable as a source of B12 (27 mcg) - in 100 g of the product (and this amount is easy to eat in a fish paste, stuffing a pie, ear or just frying milk in batter) satisfies the daily need for this vitamin by more than 90%.

How to choose and cook pink salmon without harm

The energy value of pink salmon, a variable phenomenon and 140 kcal per 100 g of raw fish, change significantly, depending on the method of preparation:

Salted - 170 kcal;

Boiled - 150 kcal;

Baked - 165 kcal;

Fried - 205 kcal.

In order to fully utilize the beneficial properties of pink salmon, nutritionists recommend treating it 2-4 times a week, preparing 150-300 g per serving.

Orange-pink, almost boneless pink salmon meat is suitable for preparing any dishes - amber-transparent fish soup (it is recommended to put it together with your head - you get the most broth from it), cream chowder and other soups, it can be steamed and just sprinkled with lemon juice will tasty, you can - bake stuffed with a festive table, steaks, barbecue, meatballs are prepared from pink salmon. They stew it in white wine and use it for filling pancakes and flounces.

Its only drawback can be called a certain dryness, but when baking this is solved by covering the fish with foil or a sleeve (bag) for baking, and when frying - by preliminary marinating in vegetable (preferably olive) oil.

Pink salmon goes well with almost all foods, including spices.

On sale you can find fresh, canned pink salmon (in your own juice with the addition of oil, in tomato sauce), salted and smoked.

Frozen pink salmon is almost as healthy and tasty as chilled, but strictly provided that the freezing was single. Violation of this rule can be guessed from the windward, damaged tail and fins, open mouth of the fish.

Chilled pink salmon has a list of its quality attributes:

· Clear eyes;

· Moderately pronounced fish odor that does not cause rejection;

· Smooth, tight-fitting skin with one to one lying scales;

· Bright, not covered with mucus gills;

· Elastic, quickly restoring the shape of the fillet - if you put it with your finger - the hole will disappear immediately.

In gutted fish, you need to look into the abdomen - from the inside it should be pink, if yellow - then this is an old or stale individual.

Not gutted pink salmon is cheaper, but in addition to the hassle of cutting, it is worth considering that the price will ultimately be higher than the price tag - offal accounts for up to 30% of the weight of the fish.

When examining the meat itself, it should not be pale whitened - this indicates that pink salmon has been repeatedly frozen or stored in inappropriate conditions.

You should not buy pink salmon caught during the spawning period - its taste qualities at this time reach the lowest rating.

It is also important to note that bruises and bone fractures are not significant defects in the fish that affect its benefits or attractiveness in the dish. Damage occurs naturally during large-scale fishing of pink salmon by the net. All that is needed is to cut slices of fillet with bruises when cutting, and of course, remove unnecessary and whole bones.

Can there be harm from pink salmon?

The risk of an allergic reaction to pink salmon, in theory, is significantly less than any other marine fish (which is explained, in particular, by its previously called antihistamine property).

With existing cardiovascular diseases, in order to avoid harm from pink salmon, it is worth considering the content of 60 mg of cholesterol in fish per 100 g of fillet, which almost 20% covers the daily requirement of an adult for this substance.

Indications for a decrease in the eaten portions of pink salmon (and sometimes to refuse it, it all depends on the individual case), is a number of conditions, such as:

· Individual intolerance to iodine and phosphorus;

Chronic liver disease;

· Diseases (in the acute stage) of the kidneys and the genitourinary system as a whole;

· Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (in particular - an ulcer).

It is also worth limiting the use of pink salmon during pregnancy - due to the restructuring of the body, it can provoke water retention and, as a consequence, edema.


Watch the video: 5 Health Benefits of Eating Salmon (July 2024).