Lean Greek with raw potatoes is a step-by-step author's photo recipe. Attention: potatoes can be replaced with minced meat or chicken liver


Leaning greens or with meat is a type of traditional Slavic cuisine, which is prepared from buckwheat porridge. This porridge is good, but even it can get bored and one day in the refrigerator you may find a whole pan with boiled porridge that no one wants to eat.

In this situation, there are two ways - to cook buckwheat soup or buckwheat. You probably cook the first dish, but many Greek people have not even tried it. We suggest you cook a lean version of Greek people - with potatoes. If you replace the potatoes with minced meat or liver, you will get magnificent Greek cutlets.


Buckwheat - 1 tbsp.

Water - 3 tbsp.

Potato - 400 g

Onion - 1 pc.

Flour - 2 tbsp. l

Breadcrumbs - 2-3 tbsp. l

Cooking Oil

Salt and pepper to taste.

Step-by-step cooking of lean greens with raw potatoes

The first step is to make the onion frying. We clean and finely chop it into cubes. Fry it until transparent in vegetable oil. After we leave it to cool and in the meantime we will deal with buckwheat.

If buckwheat is in the refrigerator, then immediately proceed to the preparation of minced meat. If buckwheat is not ready, then cook it. Rinse the cereal several times Pour it with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. After boiling water, salt the porridge, cover and simmer over low heat until the water boils completely. In time it takes about 20 minutes. But it all depends on the fire and utensils in which you cook. We set aside the finished buckwheat and give it time to cool.

In the cooled buckwheat, add the cooled roast. Onion rum, you can take carrots, zucchini, sweet peppers.

Three raw potatoes on a fine grater, and best of all, chop it with a meat grinder. Add potatoes to buckwheat.

Add spices and flour. Salt and pepper - this is the minimum required set of spices for Greek people. What else can I add - Italian herbs, hops-suneli, paprika, curry. Fresh thyme, rosemary and any herbs.

We mix buckwheat and all other components with our hands. We take a little mincemeat, repel it, throwing it from hand to hand and form balls. Or cutlets right away. Bread balls in breadcrumbs.

Press balls and form buckwheat cutlets.

In a pan, heat the vegetable oil and spread the grecanics. We fry them on each side over medium heat for 7-8 minutes.

Ready-made buckwheat can be served with vegetable stew or coleslaw. In addition, you can extinguish the buckwheat after frying in tomato juice for 10 minutes. From this they will only become tastier.

Servings Per Container - 6 pcs.

Cooking time - 30 min.

Per 100 g:

Squirrels - 3.91

Fats - 1.64

Carbohydrates - 19.34

Kcal - 97.99
