Bagel Hairstyles: Elegance is back in fashion. Who suits hairstyles with a bagel, how to choose the right bagel


Hairstyle "bundle" experienced a fashion peak in the 50s of the last century. Bagel-style hair is the hallmark of windy heroine Audrey Hepburn from Roman Vacations.

A girl with a high volume hulk embodied the image of the elite of society: in her hair, elegance was combined with elegant minimalism. For a long time, the bunch remained the favorite image of brides, teachers and ballet dancers.

Who needs a bagel hairstyle?

Some girls associate a bump hairstyle with a strict teacher of the Soviet period. Let us consider in more detail who will have to face a high beam.

Hair styling with a donut really sets a restrained tone, especially in combination with a classic business suit. But it can become playful and romantic next to lace, flowing weaves and dresses of delicate pastel shades.

The top of elegance is a long evening dress, diadem or pearls and a smooth, neat bun hairstyle.

Laying is ideal for women with a busy schedule who do not have too much time in the morning to create more complex designs.

We form a hairstyle with a bagel, depending on the type of figure and face shape

· If your face resembles a regular oval in shape, make the top of the hairstyle with the base of the hairstyle and comb back the bangs.

· For a face resembling a triangle, various options with bangs are perfect.

· A large beam goes into dissonance with broad cheekbones and sharp features. The right choice: a medium-sized walker located slightly below the crown. To balance proportions you will be helped by long thin earrings or strands, carelessly curling at the temples.

· Girls of small growth of fragile complexion are better to make cones proportional to their complexion: too voluminous structures will seem like a bird's nest.

· Tall ladies and women of age are advised to give preference to low neat bundles.

· For girls with medium-long hair, bundles collected on the back of the head are suitable.

· We recommend that you do high hair only for tall girls with a perfectly long neck, otherwise a massive bump will draw the attention of others to imperfections in the neck and décolleté.

· A careless bunch is very demanding: only skinny girls with the correct oval face and long perfect neck can afford it.

Types of Hairstyles with Bagel

For girls whose hair is too short to completely cover the bagel, we recommend resorting to the help of a chignon.

Classic or retro style

Retro style necessarily means accessories: a scarf tied to a bundle, a brooch, a silk ribbon, a hairpin, a hairpin or a diadem, depending on the time of day or the purpose of the exit.

Art Nouveau Hairstyle

Since the time of Audrey Hepburn, fashionistas around the world have come up with many ways to beat the usual strict "bump". We list some of them

· Separate by a lock in the area of ​​temples and weave from them 2 simple spikelets. After you form a bundle, wrap it around with spikelets, and fasten the ends of the hair with invisibility.

· The classic version of the bun looks interesting on pre-combed or corrugated hair.

· Girls who are not obligated by a strict dress code of an educational institution or office, can afford to perform an asymmetric bundle or two small bundles symmetrically located relative to the parting.

· Braid your head with a French braid, ending it with a small bump on the back of your head.

· The second option with a French braid: start weaving from the back of the head to the crown, stop at the right height and collect the hair in the tail. Next, follow the standard scheme of hairstyles with a bagel.

· Braid a bump, previously left with a lock of hair: let it replace a retro scarf or ribbon.

· It is very simple to diversify a children's hairstyle with a donut: after the donut is put on the tail, separate the strand of hair, twist the tourniquet out of it and wrap the donut. Do the same around the entire circumference. Spread the flagella and get the most unusual bump in the world!

· Decorate the hairstyle with a hairpin with an elegant tip: after the bundle is assembled, insert the hairpin in its middle.

French bunch

An elegant hairstyle for evening and business exits is better known as the “shell”. An ideal choice for the casual hairstyle of a business woman with medium-long hair.

Sprinkle clean, combed hair with a styling spray. Gather the hair in a ponytail at the back of the head and twist it into a tourniquet clockwise. Lift the tourniquet up and wrap it around the resulting shell. Fasten the structure with hairpins, carefully tucking the ends of the hair under the “shell”. Lightly varnish.

How to do a bagel hairstyle at home

Another indisputable advantage of a bagel hairstyle is ease of execution. Even a novice can do it.

If your hair is fluffy and does not fit well, we advise you to perform a "bump" on the second day after washing your hair.

Comb your hair thoroughly and collect it in a high ponytail. Try to tightly fix it with a small rubber band. Pull your hair through the bagel.

Is your hair too thin? Scarf with a small scallop at the base of the tail.

For convenience, you can tilt your head down to carefully distribute the hair over the bagel. Tuck the ends of the hair inward and fix them with hairpins. Make sure donut patches do not protrude from under the hair.

So that the weather does not reduce your efforts to zero, at the end of styling, lightly sprinkle hair with varnish.

How to choose a foam bagel for hairstyle

Foam bagels vary in size: large, medium and small. Select an accessory, focusing on the length of the hair. The shorter the hair, the thinner the bagel should be.

If the size does not match the length of the hair, the bagel cannot be masked, it will be visible and spoil the whole impression of the hairstyle. If in doubt, stop at a smaller bagel.

The accessory is found in two colors: dark and light.

There are 2 types of bagel in design:

One-piece ring;

Oblong roller.

We indicated above how to work with the first option, but the situation is even simpler with a roller: it is enough to wind curls on it, previously collected in a tail on the top or back of the head, as happens in the process of winding curlers. After the entire volume of hair is wound, the roller is closed in a ring and fixed with buttons.

You can create a variety of beam options using the once-popular sophist twist bar.

A high bun - a hairstyle to which a wardrobe is specially selected. With her, you can be a restrained boss, a strict teacher, a frivolous romantic “chika” or a socialite - it all depends on the style of clothes and accessories. Well, we leave the choice for you!


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