What is the dream of food, cooking, buying food? Basic interpretations of different dream books - what food is for


In a dream you can see the most unusual events, become their participant. But what is the dream of food? How is such a dream interpreted? It’s worth sorting out.

What food dreams about - basic interpretation

The dream in which you go eating may indicate that you lack variety and emotions in your life. You may be in a chronic state of stress and not understand what actually led to this. The dream interpretation says that such dreams are most likely the result of an improper lifestyle, when you pay very little attention to yourself and very much attention to other people. But how can one completely interpret such a dream? What should you pay attention to first of all?

First of all, you should pay attention to such details of sleep:

· What kind of food do you see in a dream;

· Do you eat it;

· How do you feel during sleep;

· Who else appears in your dream;

· Where exactly are your sleep activities happening.

If in a dream you see a table that is served and there is a huge amount of tasty and fresh food on it - such a dream promises you favorable events in life and great opportunities to change it. You may find yourself in a situation where everyone and everyone will be favorable to you. Do not be upset if in a dream you still could not taste the food that was put on the table. Most likely, this is just a matter of time and you have to do it a little later.

A dream in which you see someone sitting in your place and eating food from your plate promises you conflicts at work. Perhaps you yourself will provoke them, but most likely, they are already watching you and want to deprive them of the accumulated place.

The dream in which you put food on a plate, and it seems very appetizing to you, means that you are able to appreciate all the gifts of life, all the new possibilities that it will open before you. The main thing is not to stop there. It is very important for you now to feel confident and clearly know what you are striving for. A dream in which you sit all night at a table in a circle of wonderful people and eat delicious food does not promise you a waking holiday.

Most likely, you are very relaxed and really want to relax. Your subconscious tells you that it is time to get involved in the work, because only in a dream does the food itself appear on the tables and never ends. In life, everything is completely different and often you have to worry about ensuring that food and drink are plentiful not only with you, but also with your loved ones.

The dream in which you cook your own food - says that it is time for you to take care of yourself and your well-being. Perhaps you were counting on someone else's help in this matter, but most likely you will have to do everything yourself. Also, such a dream can talk about making an important decision, you may be afraid to take such responsibility, but you have no choice but to do this.

A dream in which you bite off a piece of food several times and don’t want to eat anymore indicates that you are so full of something in life that it’s time to change the situation a long time ago. It's time to figure out if you really know yourself and those around you so well to judge them. If you really are really tired of something, give it up. Exclude it from your life.

If in a dream you try to order food several times in a delivery service and you cannot do it, you will not be able to achieve your goal. Perhaps you planned a long and long trip - it will not succeed, it will become just a dream for you. The reason for this will be your negligence.

Most likely, you did not calculate in advance what you need to achieve the goal. Perhaps you ignored the advice of close friends and decided to make your own decision. The dream interpretation indicates that such a dream can also warn that your efforts do not bring results precisely because of your stubbornness. Try to decide less for others and think more ahead for yourself.

What is the dream of food if it is frozen in the refrigerator? Such a dream may indicate that it is time for you to postpone the decision to a distant box and now do nothing. For now, be alone with yourself and take your time. Any rush can lead to disastrous consequences.

If in a dream you fry food on the street, you will have to tell your loved one about your fears and concerns. Oddly enough, he will support you in everything and after your story he will not move away from you, but on the contrary, he will support you. Do not worry if you open up to a loved one, this will help you build relationships with him.

If in a dream you cook food for the whole family and at the same time experience joy and happiness - in reality you will take care of each of your loved ones and will thank you very much for this care. Get ready for family happiness after such a dream.

If you cook food for everyone and feel hostility, hatred - you are tired of the obligations imposed on you. It’s time for you to relax and not get nervous over trifles anymore. Try to allow yourself more free time and free communication on your favorite topics.

If in a dream you see food rotten, spoiled - such a dream suggests that your relationship with relatives and friends will deteriorate. Your general well-being may also be affected. Try to follow him and not deny yourself a vacation.

The dream in which you carry a tray of food in your hand - says that you want to please some person, do it in vain. Try to concentrate now on yourself and on your needs, so you will quickly reach your plan.

What does food dream about in Freud’s dream book

Food according to Freud's dream book is a dream for a new relationship that will be fun. If you see exotic dishes on your table - such a dream means that you really want a variety in sexual life. You dream of a new passionate romance, of the opportunity to develop a relationship with a chosen person.

The dream in which you see sweets indicates that the relationship is already pretty boring and you need to do something about it. If you do not want to lose a partner, you need to simplify the relationship and live the way you decide. Try not to hide from new meetings, but don’t choose partners similar to your first partner.

If you dream of salty food, you will cry a lot. And these tears may be empty. The dream book warns you of unnecessary worries and advises you to keep yourself in control under any circumstances.

A dream in which you see someone giving you rotten food indicates that your enemy is not asleep. It will interfere with your life for a long time. You will depend on him and will depend on his opinion of you. So that this situation does not continue further, it is necessary to strictly talk and decide on this issue.

What is the dream of food in the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says that if a pregnant woman dreams of lean food, her life will be boring and monotonous. She should observe the regime and be at rest. If she dreams of spicy food, she will often worry and be nervous. The dream book warns a woman against such emotions.

A dream in which food is burnt indicates that it is necessary to hurry up and not to miss your chance. Perhaps you have already mentally abandoned all the opportunities that you may encounter on your way, but now you should reconsider your tactics and decide whether to re-engage in the development of a profitable project or re-establish lost connections.

What is the dream of food in other dream books

According to Grishina's dream book, homemade delicious food is a dream of pleasant events and positive changes in your life. Do not even doubt after such a dream that you will achieve all the best. You just need to tune in to success. The dream in which the food has cooled down and you refuse to eat it indicates that the time for making a decision has long passed and you need to think about it now.

Perhaps you review the desire, or review the tactics of its achievement. The dream in which you cook for your loved one says that you will take care of it in reality. Aesop’s dream book says that stale, old food talks about possible problems and illnesses in your life. Try to be more active in yourself and achieve your goals. Health problems will soon leave you if you decide as quickly as possible what you want to achieve and begin to move towards the goal. And then immediately everything becomes possible, which yesterday seemed unreal.


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