5 ways to destroy relationships without noticing it


Do you know that you can unknowingly, subconsciously, destroy your relationship with your beloved man? Moreover, some things we do or say are elemental self-harm? Here are some ways you can destroy a relationship with your partner without even noticing it:

You compare Your relationship. You tend to value your relationship compared to those around you. You see those who are already engaged or married and, as a result, make a mistake, thinking that you need to urgently take something to change your status. However, keep in mind that there are no two types of relations between a man and a woman in the world. Any relationship is unique. The dynamics of any connections is different. So let your love develop as it should be only with her. Do not try to steal someone else's happiness. Build your own.

You are a mother to your partner. As women, we for the most part are overly caring. It is on this wave that we are making a grave mistake by treating our man often with maternal love. Understand, you are not his mother. You cannot set a curfew for an adult, you cannot control with whom he communicates or how he handles his money. You can only express your concern and ask him to answer some of your questions. Neither of you should be the parent of the other. You are partners.

Your uncertainty rules you. Practically each of us has a problem of perception of our own body. You lie if you say no. You may want a slimmer waist, breasts bigger, more prominent buttocks, a smaller nose, more elegant hands. But you do not have to constantly think about it and even more, talk about it to your man. So stop talking about how you hate your stomach, nose, etc. Shut up! Your partner does not want to constantly listen to your complaints. If you do not want to work on yourself, on your body, shut up and do not let your insecurity affect your relationship.

You are overreacting to trivia. You can not easily accept your man's friends if you do not like them? Or are you mad at him if he is five minutes late? Stop! Too emotionally reacting to everything, you invariably lead your relationship to drama. Calm down!

You are ready to accept everything. You are too easy to miss things that are worth responding to. Being too good and trying to immediately take everything that happens around you, you harm yourself. Your man knows that you will not say anything if he does something wrong even in what is bothering you. You can't let everything go by. Set boundaries and express your true feelings. If something bothers you, speak out. Never let anyone take you into account.


Watch the video: 7 Red Flags In Dating You Should NEVER Ignore (July 2024).