Pear "Chizhovskaya": description, history, characteristics. Conditions for the growth of the pear "Chizhovskaya", pruning, preparation for winter


Domestic variety of pear "Chizhovskaya" has gained popularity for a long time. It is a high-yielding tree that is easy to grow. But he has features, and they are often silent in the nursery.

The history of the creation of pear varieties "Chizhovskaya"

The variety was conceived as highly winter-hardy, productive, resistant to disease and unpretentious. Deriving this was not easy. Russian breeders Chizhov S.T. and Potapov S.P. crossed two varieties "Forest Beauty" and "Olga", which individually did not reach high characteristics. The new variety received good taste and unpretentiousness from the "Forest Beauty", and from "Olga" borrowed productivity and high resistance to diseases. The novelty quickly gained popularity. She showed good results in the northern regions and the Moscow region.

Appearance and description of the tree

The tree belongs to the dwarf type, grows up to 2.5 m. If the dwarf tree of the standard type was used as a stock, the height of the seedling will not exceed 1.8 m. However, such trees are less winter-hardy.

At a young age, the crown is compact, but later becomes branched and grows. The leaves are dark, small, curved along the central vein, which is typical for this variety. The trunk at a young age is dark gray, the shoots are lighter, the young bark is reddish.

Fruiting occurs at 4 years of planting, high productivity. With proper care, they collect up to 60 kg from a tree. These indicators also depend on the stock that was used. Some gardeners managed to harvest even more.

The tree easily tolerates the vagaries of the weather, unpretentious to the soil. It easily withstands temperature drops to -30 ° C. If the seedling is more than 5 years old, then the drought is not terrible for him either. But at a young age, you need to monitor the level of soil moisture, otherwise the tree will die. But this is rarely talked about in the nursery.

Another variety problem is degeneration. With age, the fruits become smaller, the tree requires regular pruning. Without this, maintaining varietal qualities is very difficult.

Grade Advantages

The tree belongs to self-fertile varieties. Fruits well even without pollinators. But for a larger crop, gardeners recommend planting pollinating varieties at a distance of 3-5 m.

The best pollinators are:

· Rogneda;


· Northerner.

This technique increases productivity to 200 kg per tree with a height of not more than 2.5 m.

Characteristics of the fruits of the variety "Chizhovskaya" and photo pears

The fruits are large, the weight of each exceeds 130-140 gr. They are distinguished by good taste and high commercial characteristics.

The peel is smooth, dense, matte, yellow-green. The pulp is oily, grainy, juicy, creamy color. The taste is full, sweet.

The fruits on the branches hold for a long time, do not crumble. Ripen by the end of summer, in the first half of autumn. Long stored and transport long-distance transportation. In cold and dry storage, where the temperature does not rise above +2 ° C, they do not deteriorate for about 4 months. Without it lie no more than two weeks.

How to plant a seedling

To enjoy delicious fruits, you need to plant a seedling correctly. The site is chosen well-lit, with nutritious loose soil. Be sure to take into account the level of groundwater, it must be deep.

If the area is acidic, then liming the soil is mandatory and nutrients are added. Alkaline soil is enriched with potassium salt and superphosphate.

The best time to plant a seedling is autumn, so the tree quickly adapts to winter. But in each region, landing dates vary. You need to focus on other trees in the garden. If their vegetation is over, all the leaves have circled, then you can start planting.

When time is lost, the landing is postponed to spring. Finish work before the kidneys swell.

The landing pit is prepared in advance, but not less than a month before planting. Its dimensions depend on the root system of the seedling and soil. The standard hole goes 60x60x80 cm. If the soil is poor, then the size is increased 20-30 cm. The bottom of the pit must be drained to a height of 10-15 cm. Sand, gravel or other materials are used.

The seedling is set in the hole, spread the roots and sprinkle with earth. It is pre-mixed with mineral fertilizers and humus. The soil is well compacted and watered abundantly. After which the trunk circle is mulched. This technique will not only retain moisture, but also prevent the appearance of weeds.

How to choose a seedling of the Chizhovskaya variety and prepare a pear for planting

For planting, choose young seedlings, whose age is no more than 3 years. But annual or biennial plants take root best. You can determine the age of the seedling by its size. As a rule, the height of the tree does not exceed 1.8 m, the trunk thickness is about 1.5 cm. The root system is well developed, the length of the roots is about 20 cm.

Before planting, seedlings are prepared, especially if there was a long transportation ahead.

1. Roots inspect, shorten the longest, cut out broken and dry.

2. The seedling is soaked for 12 hours in a solution of a growth stimulant or ordinary water.

This speeds up the adaptation of the plant to a new location.

Comprehensive care of pear seedlings "Chizhovskaya"

In the first few years, a young tree needs special care. It consists in proper watering, top dressing and pruning.

Features of watering

Immediately after planting and the first 3 years, the pear needs regular watering. Especially in the hot season. Water should completely saturate the earthen lump to the entire depth of the roots. This contributes to their growth and development.

In subsequent years, watering is done several times a season. If the summer is rainy, then enough natural moisture. The soil must be moistened in the period before flowering and after it. Particular attention is paid to autumn water-charging irrigation.

Proper feeding

A young tree is fed a year after planting, if the hole was filled in accordance with all the rules. In the spring, make mineral fertilizers in the amount of 150 g per plant.

Adult plants necessarily fertilize in the fall, after harvesting. Under digging, organic matter and phosphorus-potash fertilizers up to 250 grams per tree are added. Then they are embedded in the soil.

Proper pruning

In early spring, young seedlings are cut so that the side branches are not less than 50 cm from the soil surface. The central conductor is shortened at a distance of 30 cm from the upper lateral branch.

Adult pears are pruned once every two years. But every year they carry out sanitary cleaning. Sick, dry or damaged branches are cut. Anti-aging pruning is done in spring. If the growth is normal, then it is enough to shorten 2-3-year-old shoots. If less than 15 cm has grown over a year, then older shoots are cut.

Be sure to remove all shoots growing inside, so that they thicken the crown. Even if these shoots bore fruit.


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