Properties, characteristics, composition of black walnut. The benefits of black walnut and oil from it, possible harm, contraindications


Black walnut has long been famous for its beneficial properties and unique composition. This article will talk about the benefits of black walnut, harm, as well as indications and contraindications to this plant.

Description and origin of black walnut

Black walnut in its natural form grows only in North America, from where it takes its origin. It is because of this that such a nut is also called American. But this plant was brought to other countries, where it was planted and distributed artificially. Therefore, such a product is easy to find and buy almost anywhere.

The tree of such a plant reaches 40 m in height. The bark of this tree has a dark shade (sometimes even black) and deep cracks.

The appearance of black walnut is very similar to walnut. But the first has more beneficial properties and substances in its composition than any other member of the nut family. The fruit has a green color and the shape of a small ball with a diameter of 3.5-5 cm. The intraocular has a round or ovoid shape with a thick wrinkled shell.


Nutritional value of 100 g of nuts:

● Carbohydrates - 3.11 g;

● Fats - 59 g;

● Proteins - 24 g

● Calorie content - 618 kcal.

American walnut has a unique composition of nutrients, which has almost no analogue. Due to this property, a lot of diseases can be cured with the help of black walnut. Its benefits are many times greater than in any other plants.

Active and useful components that are part of the nut:

● juglon;

● flavonoids;

● carotene;

● tannin;

● photocides;

● glycosides;

● iodine;

● quinones;

● various enzymes;

● organic substances of aromatic series;

● sugar.

Vitamins that are in this plant:

● C;

● B1;

● B6;

● P;

● E;

● B;

● PP;

● A;

● F.

Useful microelements:

● selenium;

● magnesium;

● phosphorus;

● cobalt;

● potassium;

● iron;

● silicon;

● manganese.

Useful walnut acids:

● oleic;

● stearic;

● linoleic;

● palmitic;

● lauric;

● linolenic;

● myristic;

● peanut.

The fruits contain a high concentration of these substances, which makes it very useful and widely applicable in traditional medicine.

Black walnut oil

From nuts, with the help of an extractant, oil is produced. It is used in the medical industry, for cosmetic procedures and even for cooking. This oil is used for:

● prevention of viral and infectious diseases;

● various skin diseases (eczema, rash, warts);

● hemorrhoids;

● inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system;

● treatment of herpes, urethritis, conjunctivitis.

Usually, black nut oil is used internally, therefore it is contraindicated for pregnant women and people with an excess of iodine in the body.

Black walnut: good

Thanks to the unique components of black walnut, the benefit of the fetus lies in the presence of many beneficial qualities and a positive effect on the body, namely:

● black walnut cleanses the blood well;

● cleanses lymph;

● dilates blood vessels;

● has an antispasmodic effect;

● fights against tumors;

● has sedative and absorbable properties;

● acts as an anesthetic product;

● tones the body;

● rejuvenates;

● stimulates the strengthening of the immune system;

● acts as an antioxidant;

● has antifungal, antibacterial and anti-toxic properties.

The black nut has a large amount of vitamin C in its unripe fruits (many times more than in the fruits of the citrus family). The tannins that are in it have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, fight inflammation that has arisen, soothe irritated areas, and have a regenerative effect on damage, quickly healing wounds.

Juglon is one of the main substances of this nut. This substance gives the fruit a certain smell of iodine, antifungal, antibacterial and antiparasitic properties. Juglon helps to get rid of various parasites of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and blood. The properties of a preservative and natural antibiotic stop the development of harmful bacterial organisms, tumor formations, while not having toxic qualities.

From this plant, drugs are made all over the world that help treat many diseases (including cancer), thanks to such properties of American walnut. Such drugs are effective in the treatment of such diseases:

● polycystic kidney disease;

● prostatitis;

● adenoma;

● ovarian cyst;

● fibroids;

● fibroma.

Traditional medicine also uses the properties of this fruit in order to speed up the metabolism, remove parasites from the body, strengthen the body, and modulate the immune system. The use of such drugs helps to cleanse the body of toxins and significantly slow down the processes associated with aging.

Traditional medicine also has its own application of this type of plant. They treat him:

● tuberculosis;

● chronic eczema;

● diabetes mellitus;

● boil;

● carbuncle and other ulcers;

● wounds with the formation of pus;

● sexually transmitted diseases;

● diseases associated with gynecology.

Black walnut leaves are used to lower blood pressure. Its juice helps stop bleeding and quickly heal wounds. The tincture, which is made from such nuts and alcohol, is used in the presence of muscle pain, bone pain, joint problems and thyroid secretion.

Black walnut: harm

Although the fruits contain a huge amount of beneficial properties, in addition, black walnut is harmful in certain cases. Namely:

1. In no case should you eat stale, especially spoiled nuts. The consequences of such a meal will be poisoning and subsequent problems and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Overcooked walnut fruits have little benefit due to the fact that after a long thermal processing, almost all useful substances are lost. In addition, nuts in this form give a large load on the liver, which negatively affects its work.

3. Like any other product, black walnut harms the body if overused. A day you can eat a handful of nuts, no more.

4. Eating large amounts of nuts leads to tonsils becoming inflamed and vasospasms appear in the head.

5. Very carefully use black nuts to people who have any allergies, since there is a likelihood of an allergic reaction to this plant. Such a reaction can be sneezing, a rash on the skin, pulmonary edema, which can lead to sad consequences.

6. Do not eat nuts that have even a small amount of mold. This can trigger cancer.

7. People who are obese, or those who follow diets, should be careful about nuts. Due to their high calorie intake, they should be eaten in a minimal amount.

In many cases, black walnut is harmful if used improperly in food.


Contraindications to the use of black walnut are:

● allergy or individual intolerance to the product;

● peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines;

● gastritis;

● thrombophlebitis;

● cirrhosis of the liver.

It is also not recommended to eat an American nut during pregnancy and lactation of the baby.


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