Oatmeal cookies on kefir - for tea! How to bake oatmeal cookies on kefir shortbread, with jam, crispy, without flour, with honey


General principles for the preparation of oatmeal cookies on kefir

Oatmeal cookies cooked on kefir are distinguished by tenderness, and it also turns out to be rather heavy and wet, so do not be afraid that it has not been baked.

For this cookie, oatmeal is often mixed in various proportions with wheat flour, and sometimes in the recipe, oatmeal is completely replaced by flour.

You can add nuts, candied fruits, chocolate chips, cheese, honey and spices to your taste in these cookies.

Kefir oatmeal cookies with starch


· Granulated sugar - 185 g;

Kefir - 225 g;

Dried strawberries - 2 tablespoons;

Oatmeal - 345 g;

Butter - 315 g;

· Corn starch - 475 g;

Eggs - 2-3 yolks;

Condensed milk - 275 g.


· Combine butter with yolks, sugar;

· Add condensed milk, kefir and mix;

· Mix flour and starch;

Chop the dried berries and add them to dry foods;

· Thoroughly mix all the ingredients so that there are no lumps;

· Form cookies in the form of small flattened balls and put them on a baking sheet, oiled;

· Bake cookies at a temperature of 160 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Shortbread oatmeal cookies on kefir with shtrezel


Oat flour - 315 g;

Kefir - 775;

· Eggs - 2 pieces;

· Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;

· Butter - 165;

Sugar - 465 g;

Wheat flour - 735 g;

Lingonberry jam - 2 glasses;

Soda - 1 teaspoon.


· Before starting to make a pie, measure one fifth of both types of flour, butter, sugar and set it aside, and from the remaining ingredients, prepare the basis for the pie;

· Put the butter in a saucepan, melt and add beaten eggs to it;

· Extinguish soda in kefir and pour it into butter with eggs;

· Add sugar, stir until it dissolves;

· Add flour and knead the dough, which should turn out thick;

· Wrap the dough in a film and put on the shelf of the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes;

Chopped butter finely with a knife, add flour with sugar and cinnamon, mix everything, rub in your hands with crumbs;

· Roll the dough into cake;

· Put it in a baking dish, sprinkled with flour and spread with jam;

· Sprinkle the cake evenly with crumbs and place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

Kefir oatmeal cookies with dried fruits and chocolate


Kefir - 260 ml;

Granulated sugar - 190 g;

· Wheat flour - 435 g;

Peanuts - 85 g;

· Baking powder - 2 teaspoons;

Hercules flakes - 215 g;

Sunflower oil - 140 ml;

· Milk chocolate - half the bar;

Dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots) - 175 g.


· Mix flour with baking powder;

· Add sugar and oatmeal to it;

Finely chop dried fruits, chop nuts, chop chocolate into crumbs;

· Add dessert ingredients to the dry mixture, mix;

Pour in kefir and butter, kneading the dough;

· Form cookies in the form of small cakes and put on a baking sheet covered with baking paper;

· Bake at 180 degrees for 17 minutes.

Unsweetened oatmeal cookies on kefir


Margarine - 65 g;

· Salt - a teaspoon;

Kefir - 420 ml;

Baking powder - 1 teaspoon;

Butter - 85 g;

Oatmeal - 185 g;

Wheat flour - 335 g;

Soda - half a teaspoon.


· Mix two grades of flour, salt, soda and baking powder;

· Put the cooled oil with margarine to the dry mixture and mash everything into crumbs with your hands;

Pour in kefir and knead the dough;

• sprinkle the working surface with flour, put the dough on it, slightly stretch your hands to become thin, and then fold twice in several times, then roll into a cake and cut cookies with a glass or tins;

· Send it for 15 minutes to the oven, heated to 220 degrees.

Gingerbread oatmeal cookies on kefir


Kefir - 515 ml;

Wheat flour - 575 g;

Soda - 2 teaspoons;

Oatmeal - 325 g;

· Vegetable oil - 5-6 tablespoons;

Cane sugar - 175 g;

Liquid honey - 425 g;

· Eggs - 4 pieces;

Granulated sugar - 215 g.


Extinguish soda in kefir;

· Add honey, butter, eggs and sugar to kefir, mix everything well;

· Pour in flour gradually and knead a uniform dough;

· Cover the bowl with it and leave it warm for 20 minutes;

· Form flattened balls from the dough or make gingerbread cookies from not too thinly rolled dough with the help of molds;

· Put cookies on a baking sheet, ideally on baking paper, and bake at 180 degrees for 18 minutes.

Kefir curd oatmeal cookies


Honey - 325 g;

· Eggs - 2 pcs;

Kefir - 310 ml;

· Baking powder - 8 g;

Cottage cheese - 165 g;

Sunflower oil - 175 ml;

Hercules flakes - 740 g.


Grind oatmeal with a blender;

Pour the obtained flour with kefir and set the dishes aside for 15 minutes so that the oatmeal is swollen from moisture;

· Rub the cottage cheese into a homogeneous mass, without lumps, similar to a cream;

• shift the cottage cheese to oatmeal, add the baking powder, honey and eggs, quickly mix the ingredients, add the vegetable oil and mix well;

· With the help of a spoon, form cookies, laying them on a baking sheet, which is better to cover in advance with baking paper;

· Bake cookies for about 15 minutes in the oven, at a temperature of 175 degrees.

Yeast oatmeal cookies on kefir


Oatmeal - 265 g;

Kefir - 455 ml;

Sunflower oil - 115 ml;

· Wheat flour - 625 g;

Dry yeast - 18 g;

· Salt - 1.5 teaspoons;

Cocoa powder - 85 g;

Sugar - 155 g;

Ground cinnamon - 1.5 teaspoons.


· Combine two types of flour with cocoa and yeast;

· Mix kefir and butter, add salt, sugar;

· Knead the dough by mixing dry and liquid ingredients and set the dishes with the dough for half an hour in a warm place to fit;

· Roll out the dough without zeal, into a cake, not too thin;

Sprinkle the baking sheet with flour, transfer the dough to it and sprinkle with a little sugar and cinnamon;

· Send cookies to the oven, heated to 200 degrees and bake for 15 minutes;

· Cut the finished cookies into portioned pieces while hot and cool by covering with a towel to maintain air softness.

Whole-flake kefir oatmeal cookies


Oatmeal flakes - 375 g;

Granulated sugar - 45 g;

Kefir - 360 ml;

· Walnuts - half a glass;

· Liquid honey - 3 tablespoons;

· Vanilla sugar - two teaspoons;

Raisins - a glass.


Pour oatmeal with kefir 30-40 minutes before making cookies so that the flakes have time to swell and soften;

· Boil the raisins with boiling water for 3-5 minutes, then drain the water from it and toss it into a dry frying pan with peeled crushed nuts, and dry everything;

· When half an hour expires, add sugar, honey, nuts and raisins to the bowl;

· Mix everything well and transfer the cookies to the baking sheet, taking the dough with a spoon, one each;

· Bake cookies for about 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees;

· Cooked cookies, before treating them, let cool to harden and become crispy.

Kefir oatmeal cookies in the style of brushwood


Hercules flakes - 180 g;

Kefir - 580 ml;

Wheat flour - 575 g;

Soda - 2.5-3 teaspoons;

· Eggs - 2 pieces;

Vanilla sugar - a bag;

· Salt - a teaspoon;

Sunflower oil - 85 ml;

Powdered sugar for decoration;

Granulated sugar - 115 g.


· Grind oatmeal in a blender into flour;

Beat eggs with salt and sugar;

Extinguish soda in kefir;

Pour oil into kefir;

· Mix kefir and eggs, and in small portions add flour, well mixed with ground oatmeal;

· Knead a rather soft dough and leave it to come up for half an hour, not forgetting to cover the bowl with a film or a towel;

Sprinkle the work surface with flour and roll out the dough;

· Cut it into small strips and form biscuits brushwood, shape to your liking;

· Heat oil and fry brushwood;

· Spread oil on paper towels to remove excess oil, and sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

Kefir oatmeal cookies with cherry


Kefir - 300-320 ml;

Wheat flour - 440 g;

Oatmeal - 235 g;

Margarine - 285 g;

· Baking powder - a teaspoon;

· Salt - half a teaspoon;

· Granulated sugar - 190 g;

Pitted bird cherry jam - 400 g.


Mash margarine with sugar;

· Mix flour with baking powder and salt;

Grind margarine with flour into a fine homogeneous mass of crumbs;

Pour in kefir and knead the dough;

· Cover the bowl with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour;

· Roll the dough into a thin layer on a powdery surface and cut into small rectangles;

· On each piece, closer to the edge, put the jam, fold a slice of dough in half and pinch the edges;

Put the cookies on a baking sheet and bake for 12-16 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.

Bird cherry jam can be replaced with a filling of dried ground cherry. To prepare it, heat a small amount of milk so that it is hot and dissolve sugar in it, pour in the ground berries of the bird cherry, mix everything and remove from the stove, cover and wait until the filling has cooled.

Oatmeal cookies on kefir - tricks and tips

· When mixing oatmeal with wheat, the first it is advisable to take no more than one third to half of the volume of the second, because although baking with oatmeal is more crumbly, it contains little gluten;

· If the recipe does not contain oatmeal, but oatmeal, whole or chopped, at the beginning of the cooking it is advisable to pour them with kefir and set the dishes aside for a quarter to half an hour, so that the oatmeal swells and absorbs yogurt. Thanks to this, the cookies will surely succeed gentler and softer, not to mention the fact that if there is little or no flour in the recipe, this technique will preserve the shape of the cookies laid out on the baking tray;

· So that the crust of cookies is not dry, cool it, after baking, should be in the dishes under the lid or covered with a kitchen towel.


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