Thinking about the benefits of geranium in a house before putting it on a window? Geranium is a special plant, you can get both benefit and harm


Geranium or pelargonium is a very unpretentious plant with exquisite beautiful large flowers, in some species collected in inflorescences. Its height, on average, reaches 50-70 cm. The leaves have a refreshing aroma, in addition, the flowers of every other type of geranium will give their mistress a smell.

Previously, this plant stood in almost every house, but over the years its popularity has declined, it was replaced by new plants. In addition, many are wondering if geraniums are harmful in the house? This is the question we will give the answer.

General Information on Geraniums

In the mid-eighteenth century, geranium was considered an aristocratic plant.

Grew it in gardens for rich people. At this time, he was brought to Europe, and later geranium oil began to be used in perfumes.

There are many species and subspecies of geraniums (in the wild nature of over 300). A common feature that unites them all is the medicinal properties that such a plant is capable of exerting.

The geranium radiates a pleasant smell, and it has healing properties. Thanks to this aroma, the condition of the body improves. In addition, in the composition of essential oils of leaves there are substances that repel harmful insects: mosquitoes, flies, aphids and others. It is interesting that different species (besides, both leaves and flowers) smell differently, hence some names: fragrant geranium, fragrant geranium and others. Some housewives, trying to create their own collection of aromas, collect dried leaves and geranium flowers in jars.

Our grandmothers believed that this flower absorbs everything poisonous and dangerous to health. In addition, they perfectly purify the air, so it is useful to exhibit a geranium flower in the house, especially in the bedroom.

Interesting results of the study, when staphylococcus was left on a leaf of geranium, after a while the plant destroyed it. And if you want to resist the appearance of mold on jam, this will make a leaf of geranium, laid by you on top.

Such a plant grows in almost all climatic zones, including in the tropics. It is presented as grassy, ​​shrubby or creeping. In Russia itself, you can find about forty of its species.

Fragrant pelargonium is especially valued for its healing qualities. Domestic gardeners for growing in the flower beds selected 12 species.

The geranium flower has another name - the crane, as its fruits resemble the shape of a crane beak.

Flower energy

If you grow geraniums not for the purpose of preparing medicinal potions from its parts, then you can already feel the benefits of geranium in the house. In addition to aesthetic quality, geranium has excellent energy. The benefits of the appearance of geranium in the house are obvious, because over time, residents noticed that the frequency of rubbish between spouses and between representatives of different generations is significantly reduced.

The opinion of the older generation

Herbalists can tell a lot about the properties of geraniums and will definitely advise you to buy it in the house. Of course, over the past decades, traditional medicine has expanded so much that many people don’t even want to remember about folk remedies, considering that such treatment takes a lot of time and is ineffective. But there are still many fans of treatment with folk remedies, and geraniums, as experts say, can cope with any disease.

The healing qualities of geraniums

Geranium has a rich composition, from here you can judge the beneficial properties and dangers of geranium in the house. The healing properties store both rhizomes and leaves and flowers. Next, let's talk about the action that this flower is capable of exerting.

1. An indication for the use of medicines from geraniums is a cold and acute respiratory infections. Such a procedure as rinsing the nose with freshly squeezed juice will help get rid of the common cold. A gargle will help quickly and without harming the body get rid of a sore throat.

2. Such an unpleasant disease as otitis can be easily eliminated with a leaf of geranium. It must be minimized and applied to the sore ear. This procedure will relieve inflammation and destroy germs.

3. Pelargonium has sedative and hemostatic properties. This will help get rid of migraines, fatigue, and with depression, relax the nervous system. But the presence of this flower is not just an antidepressant. Geranium is able to enhance the mental and physical activity of a person, to reveal potential.

4. To completely get rid of cataracts at an early stage, geranium juice will help. It will not only preserve vision, but also improve it. Such juice will also help with suppuration and clouding in the eyes. But with inflammation of the eyelids, a medicine from honey water and juice from the leaves will help. Such water is washed eyes.

5. Some types of geraniums have the property of resisting the development of thrombophlebitis.

6. The plant is able to fight cellulite and infertility, thrush. In a word, geranium, especially the essential oil from its leaves, is a real medicine for women. It will establish a hormonal background in the body, muffle pain during menstruation, as well as in premenstrual syndrome. With inflammation of the mammary glands, essential oil is the first assistant.

Important! In no case should you consume geranium oil for more than 20 days, or take medicine from it on an empty stomach.

7. To some extent, it will give resistance to snake venom if it enters the body, will help get rid of toxins in the body of a toxic nature

8. Become an assistant in the fight against puffiness and apathy - all this is capable of pelargonium. 9. The five-leafed gynostemma has similar properties with the plant considered by us. Their combination can enhance the result and have an effect:

• anti-toxic;

• regenerative;

• tonic;

• immunostimulating.

In addition, geraniums can help the body cope with the following diseases:

• reduce sugar levels;

• rid the body of salts;

• relieve inflammatory processes;

• soften dried corns, which will help to get rid of them easier and faster;

· With poor blood coagulability, you should turn to this plant;

• helps to normalize the digestive tract;

• wounds and abscesses on the body will heal sooner if you use a medicine prepared from geraniums;

• normalize blood pressure;

• stop sudden uterine or nosebleeds, as well as bring to a person’s feelings after an epileptic seizure.

Harm from geraniums in the house

In addition to the benefits, geraniums in a house can also cause harm:

• Pelargonium is the strongest allergen, so you need to be careful, geraniums can be harmful in a house where there are children, prone to allergies. Individual intolerance can cause a runny nose, cough, and even Quincke's edema;

• for diseases associated with increased blood viscosity, taking medicines from geranium is contraindicated, since this plant has the ability to thicken blood;

• a contraindication to use is intestinal atony, since the pelargonium sheets have a hypotonic effect;

• In no case should juices, decoctions, infusions of geranium be taken by children internally. External use will not be harmful;

• a contraindication to the use of medicines from geraniums is the presence of chronic diseases, if this is clearly necessary, you should consult a doctor.

As you can see, you can get both huge benefits and harm from geraniums in the house. Therefore, if you decide to put this plant on your windowsill, you must first weigh the pros and cons. Only a deliberate decision will be able to get rid of new sores or will not allow to develop existing ones.


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