The benefits of diapers for boys and girls: rules for safe use. Myths about the harm of diapers for newborns


Since the advent of disposable diapers, it has become much easier to take care of the baby. And the life of young mothers is very simplified. There was no need to often wash and iron the diapers, and the child’s sleep became calmer. But often the question arises about the harm of diapers. So, debunk some myths.

What are the benefits of diapers?

In order for the child to feel good and be calm, it is important that the mother feels well. She must take care of her health and have time to relax. Here the answer to the question about the benefits of diapers becomes obvious. The baby will sleep in dryness and comfort. And it will not be necessary to change diapers and sliders every half hour. Velcro and elastic on the diaper allow the child to easily move his arms and legs.

Useful qualities of diapers:

ü calm and healthy sleep of the baby;

ü the ability to walk outside for a long time. What is especially convenient in the cold season;

ü Excellent absorption of moisture;

The diaper fits well and allows the child to move freely;

üu mothers have more free time;

There is no irritation and diaper rash on the skin when used properly. Due to the special layer, which perfectly absorbs, skin contact with feces and urine is practically excluded.

The benefits of diapers are obvious only if they are used according to certain rules. It is important to comply with them and then everything will be in order. Firstly, the diaper should not be pressed or very loose. Secondly, the skin of the child should rest. To do this, it is useful to arrange air baths a couple of times a day for half an hour. And thirdly, diapers need to be changed on time. It is advisable every three hours, and immediately after the child has cocked.

It is also important to choose the right diapers. The choice should be made in accordance with the weight of the child. Still need to take into account the complexion of the baby. For example, if the weight is 8.5 kg, but the baby is chubby, it is better to purchase diapers from 9 kg. In this case, the belt and Velcro will not press on the tummy.

It is advisable to prefer good quality products from trusted brands for purchase. Carefully inspect the integrity of the package. You should not take a lot of packs for stock, because children grow up quickly. Also, you do not need to choose diapers with a strong smell. Or often experiment by choosing different brands. Because some models can provoke an allergy and skin irritation in a baby. Another important recommendation is that you should not let your child play with diapers. If the product breaks and the adsorbent enters the mouth, the most unpleasant consequences can occur.

What is the harm of diapers

After dermatological tests, it was revealed that with the normal use of diapers, there can be no harm to the baby. But if diapers are not used as recommended by pediatricians, the risk of causing newborn discomfort increases.

In infants, the body heats up faster due to imperfect thermoregulation. Therefore, in order not to overheat the child, you need to monitor the air temperature in the room. The room should not be very hot.

Diaper harm - probable causes:

The tactile response is disturbed. For a child, contact with mom, her body and various materials is important. If there is no such sensation, then natural reactions may be lost. After conducting a series of experiments, it was discovered that with prolonged wearing of diapers, the baby may have a fear of touching new things. The emotional sphere in this case suffers, so the harm of diapers is obvious;

The control of the urination process is lost. When children wear diapers after two or three years, enuresis may appear .;

There is no opportunity to fully explore your body. This can contribute to developmental delays, as the picture of the baby’s self-image is blurred.

To prevent this from happening, you can not keep the child in diapers constantly.

Myths about the dangers of diapers

Due to the fact that some parents are poorly informed, myths arise that the benefits of diapers are exaggerated. And they do more harm. But with reality, these ideas have nothing to do.

The most common myths:

· In diapers, the skin does not have the ability to breathe normally. This is not true. Indeed, modern diapers of good quality have excellent breathability, so the baby’s skin will always be healthy. To avoid diaper rash, it is important to do air baths in time;

· Diapers can contribute to the curvature of the legs. This information may be considered false. It was invented by supporters of swaddling babies. Such a problem can occur with any disease, but not from wearing a diaper;

· Regular diapers are more useful than diapers. Such a judgment is fundamentally wrong. After all, when using fabric, the baby’s skin will be wet. Diapers hold all the fluid inside a special layer. The main thing is to change his clothes on time. To avoid irritation, this should be done every three hours. In addition, when the diapers get wet, they become coarser. And this can lead to diaper rash on the skin of the baby, which in the first months of life is especially tender. Therefore, the benefits of diapers are obvious;

· The so-called greenhouse effect of the use of diapers. Such a judgment is incorrect. A series of dermatological tests have been performed. Then it was revealed that the body temperature of the child and his genitals is the same for several hours of proper wearing of the diaper. Over time, this ability to “breathe” decreases. Therefore, we must not forget the rule of regularly changing it. In extreme heat, as well as with an increase in temperature, it is advisable to refrain from putting on a diaper;

· It will be difficult to accustom the child to the potty. This is also a myth. Such a judgment can only be valid if you wear diapers for a baby after two years. It is necessary to gradually try to move on to the next stage of development, however, without pressure on the child. Otherwise, he will gain a negative experience, which can make adaptation to the pot more difficult;

The occurrence of cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system. The use of diapers cannot contribute to this. Medical studies suggest that such violations can occur as a result of improper and poor hygiene. In order to prevent the disease, pediatricians recommend changing diapers on time and doing cleansing water procedures. In addition, this will be a good preventive measure;

Diapers can contribute to the development of infertility in boys. The horror story is that it is better to keep the testicles in the cold, and in the diaper they overheat. There is a specific rebuttal for this myth. Up to seven years, sperm do not form, respectively, and it is unrealistic to damage them.

Rumors and dubious recommendations are best ignored. The benefits of diapers are undeniable. With proper use of them, you can forget about harm. The main thing is to choose a good quality product, store it in a dry place, regularly monitor the condition of the skin under the diaper and change it in a timely manner. This will protect the baby from various dermatological problems and other risks. And if there is difficulty in choosing the right brand of product, it is better to seek the advice of a good pediatrician or dermatologist for children.


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