How men from different countries take care: the most interesting and strange methods of seduction


Courting is an essential step in building relationships. This is a romantic candy-bouquet period, during which a woman can appreciate a new beau and see if she needs her for a serious relationship.

Men in different countries care for ladies in different ways. A girl who wants to meet a foreigner should know the characteristics of courtship in order to determine how the new lover treats her.

Open italian. In Europe, Italian men are the most enviable party. They are open, trusting and do not hide the true intentions. The Italian knows how to take care of beautifully, give gifts, flowers and make compliments. He does not like intrigue, but because of his courtship will be clear. A woman can immediately understand how serious the feelings of her gentleman.

Mercantile frenchman. French men are not at all like the Italians. They can take care of several girls at the same time, keeping the intrigue to the end. And then they may not choose anyone for a serious relationship. The French prefer the budget option gifts. Here the gentleman will pay for the girl if he really liked her. If this does not happen - a serious relationship is not expected.

Temperamental Spaniard. Men of Spain are famous for their open temperamental character. They are jealous of a woman already at the stage of courtship. Hispanics are very independent. They can despise the man’s offer to pay for dinner or take it home. The girl rarely gets flowers for the holiday. In Spain, the intentions of a man are as follows: if he invites a lady for a mid-morning snack - "you are pretty", for lunch - "I like you," for dinner - "I want you."

Romantic German. German man has a pedantic character. His courtship will be restrained; the girl will not have to rely on the promises of her beloved to get a star from the sky or move mountains. The German handsome does not differ modesty - he can offer the lady sex on the first date. As a rule, the first date the Germans organize in a cafe, the second - in the cinema, the third - in her apartment. More often it ends in the first stage of courtship. In any case, here everyone pays for himself.

Cheerful Englishman. For British men firmly established the title of gentlemen. The Englishman attracts the attention of the lady with his excellent look and refined manners. On a date, he will come in an ironed suit, polished patent leather shoes; he will look after the woman tenderly, taking an interest in all the problems of her life.

Arrogant american. Americans do not like long courtship. They prefer everything to happen quickly. In America, it is customary to go on a date by companies. The girl takes with her friends, and her boyfriend - friends. As a rule, the lady home is not escorted. Often the first date ends with sex, after which the guy can send the girl home at one in the morning, and this will not be considered abnormal.

Sly Japanese. Japanese gentlemen prefer to "save face" in any situation. A man of the “land of the rising sun” can invite a woman to a restaurant, organize a romantic evening, and after dinner - spend her home. After a couple of hours, he can call and say: "Thank you for dinner, but you and I have no future. Sorry!". And hang up. That's so beautiful Japanese will complete the first acquaintance.

Generous Chinese. Chinese men like to go on dates with friends. They do not spare the girl money and try to pay for everything on their own, often - imperceptibly for her. After a romantic dinner, the Chinese must take the girl home. Here the relationship is not tied for sex for one or two times.

Eastern male hot blooded. Arab, Turkish, Iranian men are able to skillfully seduce girls. During the courtship period, they fulfill every wish of a woman, take her to a cafe, buy inexpensive presents. All this is accompanied by daily compliments and the elevation of her image to heaven. But if he is not in a hurry to meet the parents of a new lover and is not in a hurry to buy her gold, you can not count on a serious relationship.

"Old Fashioned" Russian gentleman. In Russia, at the stage of courtship, a man presents flowers to a woman, “leads” her to restaurants. A really loving boyfriend can present a bouquet of 100 roses to a girl, write her name on the asphalt, car or promise that she will jump from the bridge for her sake. The Russian man loves with his heart and still continues to write poems and sing serenades under the windows of his beloved.

Barefoot Thai. A friend from Thailand at the stage of courtship will invite a girl home to introduce her to her parents. And if they like her, she has every chance of becoming the lady of his heart.

On Hawaii during the courtship period, a man gives a girl a garland of flowers. And if in Greece A woman will ask a man a question: "Do you like me?", in response, he can keep silent or tilt her head to the side. But do not be upset, because it is this gesture that means approval. And his head, raised up, means a negative answer.

Text: Svetlana Ahi


Watch the video: How To Be More Seductive. 6 Simple Seduction Tips (July 2024).