Liquid stool in a newborn - causes and consequences. What to do when a loose stool appears in a newborn baby


The condition of the child should be under constant close attention. Any signs of abnormalities require consultation with a pediatrician so as not to miss a serious pathology. One of the problems is loose stool in a newborn, which causes anxiety in parents and is often a sign of pathology from the digestive tract.

Fluid stool in a newborn - a manifestation of the norm

In a child at the age of the first year of life, frequent loose stools cause difficulties in diagnosis, since in a newborn, regardless of whether he is breast-feeding or artificial feeding, a pulp-like or liquid-like consistency of bowel movements is normal. At birth, the baby’s intestines are sterile. Normal flora comes from mother’s milk, gradually colonizes the digestive tract, normalizes digestion, peristalsis. During the first one or two days of life, the baby develops a stool of black or dark green color, thick in consistency. This is meconium - the original feces. It is repeated up to 12-14 times a day. With it, toxins accumulated over the entire period of pregnancy are removed from the body of the newborn.

Fluid stool in a newborn while breastfeeding

After cleansing the child’s body of the original slags and obtaining colostrum, the stool changes. Its consistency is liquid, heterogeneous, interspersed with milk lumps. The color of the stool may be light yellow or brown. It depends on the mother’s nutrition, (while breastfeeding):

• if her diet is dominated by plant foods, the child’s stool is predominantly green;

• if dairy products are preferred, the newborn’s stool becomes yellowish.

The smell also plays a role: when breastfeeding, it is weak, sour.

The liquid stool in the newborn is maintained until the introduction of complementary foods. And only after adding “adult” food to the diet does the chair acquire a thick, decorated look.

But this process is happening gradually. As the feeding regimen is established, the stool in the newborn acquires a consistency resembling sour cream, the frequency of bowel movements decreases and can be from 1 to 10 times a day, especially if the baby is breast-fed. If the child is calm, does not cry, does not refuse to eat, the frequency of the stool should not disturb parents. By the age of six months, the number of bowel movements decreases to 3-5 times a day, by the age of 1 year - 1-2 times.

Liquid stool with artificial feeding

If the baby is breast-fed:

• feces - more dense, thick consistency;

• color - from greenish to orange;

• smell - unpleasant characteristic;

• amount of emptying - up to 5 times a day;

• the volume of discharge is greater than with breastfeeding, so the absence of stool for 1-2 days is a normal option.

With such loose stools in a newborn, the reasons are associated with the absence of normal microflora in the baby’s body, the milk mixture is much longer broken down and absorbed, so the baby defecates less often than when breastfeeding.

Fluid stool in a newborn with mixed nutrition

When mixed feeding:

• fecal consistency resembles adult feces;

• smell - characteristic of feces;

• the number of bowel movements - 1 to 3 times a day.

The appearance during mixed feeding of liquid stool in a newborn is a reason for urgent consultation of a pediatrician.

Pathological signs of loose stool

In addition to changing the usual consistency, causes for concern may include:

• increase the frequency of bowel movements;

• change in smell - the appearance of putrefactive, ammonia, acetone;

• pathological impurities in the feces - traces of blood, copious mucus, foam;

• flatulence;

• increase in temperature to febrile numbers (38-400 C) and signs of intoxication (vomiting, motor anxiety, constant crying and crying, refusal to feed).

Causes of loose stool in a newborn and what to do about it?

With pathological loose stool in a newborn, the causes are as follows:

• nutrition;

• teething;

• reduced immunity;

• intestinal infections;

• allergies;

• dysbiosis;

• malabsorption syndrome.

Intestinal infection

The most dangerous cause for loose stool in a newborn is intestinal infection.

Depending on the pathogen (viruses, bacteria, giardia), the disease can occur with varying degrees of severity and may be complicated by dehydration, which is dangerous not only for health but also for the life of the child. Signs of fluid loss include:

• liquid stool in a child on artificial and mixed feeding,

• frequent stool in the newborn on breastfeeding;

• sunken fontanel;

• dry mucous membranes and skin;

• lack of tears;

• refusal of food;

• retardation.

Microelements that are required for the normal functioning of the body are excreted with the liquid. Losing 10% fluid can be fatal. With the appearance of pathological loose stool, what to do can only be decided by a doctor. It is necessary to call a pediatrician at the first signs of infection, you may need to consult an infectious disease specialist and further inpatient treatment in a specialized department for dehydration, detoxification and emergency measures.


With dysbiosis, the balance of the normal intestinal microflora is disrupted, it is the cause of the appearance of pathological loose stool, what to do in such cases, the pediatrician will decide after examining the child and clarifying the anamnesis. It develops in children over the age of 6 months. Dysbacteriosis can cause medication (antibiotics). In addition to frequent loose stools, manifested by severe bloating after feeding, anxiety, poor appetite and sleep, frequent allergic reactions after feeding, poor weight gain. With dysbiosis, which is caused by taking antibiotic therapy: the antibiotic is canceled,

• probiotics are prescribed to normalize microflora,

• The introduction of new types of complementary foods, as well as the nutrition of the nursing mother in case the baby is breastfed, is being adjusted.

If after the prescribed treatment and changes in complementary foods and a review of the mother’s diet, the effect has not occurred, a gastroenterologist and additional examination methods will be required. Self-treatment of dysbiosis in infants is strictly prohibited.


Teething may be the cause of changes in the consistency of the stool and its frequency in the newborn. He joins other symptoms: salivation, soreness, which is manifested by anxiety, screaming, trying to scratch the gums with his hands, as a result of which the infection can be introduced into the oral cavity. Since in the first year of life, saliva does not contain the necessary amount of enzymes, microbes multiply rapidly, the infection spreads, affecting the intestines.

You need to know when the child's teeth begin to erupt and loose stools appear, what to do during this period:

• control the quality of complementary foods given to infants;

• carefully, in small portions, introduce complementary foods;

• pay more attention to hygiene: wipe your chin more often, keep your hands clean, and change your underwear.

Immunity and Allergy

Reduced immunity can lead to impaired intestinal function and the appearance of pathological loose stools. In this case, the pediatrician will help you choose the means to increase your immune status.

Allergies occur with the introduction of complementary foods and are characterized, in addition to loose stools, by skin rashes.


Malabsorption syndrome is quite rare, but it must be remembered. The sooner a diagnosis is made, the less adverse consequences for the child’s body will arise. In newborns, some enzymes are missing, which eventually begin to be produced and reach normal limits. In children with malabsorption, certain enzymes are completely absent. Pathological conditions with this syndrome include:

1. Lactase deficiency - the absence of lactase, an enzyme that breaks down milk protein (lactose).

2. Celiac disease - a hereditary disease in which the mucous membrane of the small intestine is atrophied due to intolerance to a certain protein contained in cereals - gluten. Incomplete gluten cleavage results in toxic intermediates that damage the intestinal villi. In newborns, celiac disease develops with the introduction of complementary foods and is determined by the presence of foamy loose stools, vomiting, bloating.

Treatment for malabsorption is to strictly follow a diet.

When a newborn has liquid stool with signs of pathology, it is necessary to understand the causes of its occurrence in order to prescribe effective therapy. It is unacceptable to self-medicate. At the first signs of a child’s illness, you need to contact a pediatrician who will prescribe treatment, and if necessary, consult a specialist.


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