Jellied step by step recipe - a decoration for any table. Jellied (step-by-step recipe) of veal or fish - detailed for beginners


First aspic cooked in France. The prototype of this dish in Russia was jelly and aspic. This cold appetizer is very popular. It looks especially impressive on the festive table.

Jellied step by step recipe - the basic principles of cooking

Jellied prepared from meat or fish. The basis of any aspic is a rich broth. Jellied meat is cooked from chicken, beef, rabbit, pork or veal. Fish is made from fish with a minimum number of bones. At the same time, its fat content does not play a role. Ideal for aspic jams, a step-by-step recipe suitable: pollock, cod, salmon, silver carp, sturgeon. River fish for jellied almost never used.

The taste of meat aspic depends on the broth that is prepared for this dish. In order to make the broth rich and tasty, they take equally pulp and soup set, or meat on the bone. Meat semi-finished products are washed, cleaned of all unnecessary, placed in a deep pan, poured with water and simmer over low heat for about an hour and a half. It is very important not to allow intense boiling so that the broth does not become cloudy. Before cooking, you can put a whole peeled onion, carrot, or small parsley root into the pan.

Then the meat and soup set are removed from the broth, and the liquid is filtered through a sieve. Chilled meat is separated from the bones and cut into small pieces, or torn into fibers with your hands. In addition to broth and meat for aspic, boiled eggs, vegetables, green peas, canned corn or other ingredients are used.

Gelatin is poured with warm water and left to swell, then it is dissolved in a water bath or low heat. Combine with warm broth and mix. Boiled eggs and vegetables are chopped into cubes or figures of arbitrary shape. In a transparent glass mold, lay out meat and other ingredients in layers. For beauty, you can use twigs of greenery.

Salt the broth, season with spices and gently, with a fine stream, pour the ingredients into the mold. Cool to a warm state and place in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Similarly, prepare a filming step by step recipe from fish.

Jellied differs from aspic in that gelling additives are used for its preparation.

Recipe 1. Fillet veal step by step recipe


200 g of veal;


one medium potato;

four peas of black pepper;


Bay leaf;

small carrot;


six pickled olives;

four branches of green dill;

gelatin - 20 g.

Cooking method

1. Wash a piece of veal under the tap. It is better to take meat on the bone. Cut films and veins. Place in a pan, fill with water and place on the stove. The fire should be small to prevent intense boiling. As soon as the foam appears on the surface, it must be removed. This can be done with a spoon or slotted spoon. Then cover the pan with a lid and continue cooking for forty minutes. Add a little peppercorns to the broth, bay leaf and peeled whole onion. If you wish, you can add a little peeled white roots. Be careful not to allow intense boiling.

2. Remove the finished meat from the broth, put on a plate and leave to cool. Strain the broth through a sieve. Throw out spices and vegetables.

3. Wash the carrots and potatoes. Pour the vegetables with water and put on medium heat to boil until soft. Drain the water, cool the vegetables and peel them with a sharp knife.

4. Boil the egg hard boiled. Place it under a stream of cold water and peel. If the boiled egg is not placed in cold water, it will be difficult to clean, especially if the product is fresh. Cut it into thin circles.

5. Pour gelatin into a small bowl and fill with chilled boiled water. Stir and let it swell for forty minutes. Drain the remaining liquid.

6. Cut the cooled meat into thin strips or slices.

7. Cut the peeled potato into thin circles.

8. On boiled carrots, make longitudinal grooves on four sides. Then chop the vegetable across. Slices in the form of flowers should turn out. You can chop the carrot at your discretion in the form of any figures.

9. Remove the olives from the marinade and cut into thin rings. Take pitted olives. If there are no olives, you can use olives.

10. Put potato slices into a deep transparent glass dish. Put a circle of eggs on each. Lay a thin slice of veal on top of the eggs. Put carrot flowers on the meat. Put a ring of olives on top of the carrots.

11. Place a bowl of swollen gelatin over a pot of boiling water and dissolve it, stirring constantly. Pour gelatin into a pot with broth, warm to a hot state, without boiling. Cool to a slightly warm state.

12. The remaining ingredients are beautifully laid out in a mold. Rinse the dill branches, cut the stems and decorate the composition with greens.

13. Start pouring the contents of the form into the broth. This process is worth paying special attention to. In no case do not pour immediately the entire broth. Pour a little liquid into the mold and put it in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes, so that the meat and vegetable pattern is set. Then pour in some more broth and refrigerate again. Pour the ingredients in this way until the broth runs out. This method of filling will save the picture. Spend more time to make the dish not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Recipe 2. Jellied step by step recipe from fish


four chicken eggs;


half a kilogram of salmon;

greens - a bunch;

any white fish - 100 g;

two carrots;

a small lemon;

instant gelatin - 8 g;

black olives b / c - 100 g.

Cooking method

1. Take the salmon filet. If you use frozen fish, thaw it at room temperature. Do not use a microwave. Rinse the fish under running water. Dip it with napkins. With a sharp knife, pry the skin and separate it from the fillet. Cut it into small cubes and put in a saucepan. Pour in two liters of clean drinking water and put on a small fire. Be sure to remove the foam and cook for a quarter of an hour from boiling. If the salmon was frozen, reduce the cooking time to ten minutes.

2. Rinse the white fish, peel it off the skin and place in a separate saucepan of a smaller volume. Pour in a liter of drinking water, season with spices and cook for as much time as salmon.

3. Catch pieces of fish from the broth. This can be done with a slotted spoon or with a sieve and put on a plate. Set aside to cool.

4. Pour the gelatin into a small bowl and fill it with clean drinking water according to the instructions. Stir and leave to swell.

5. Lay the eggs in a stewpan, fill with water and place on the stove. Turn on a medium-intensity fire. Cook for ten minutes. Then drain the water, and put the stewpan with eggs under a stream of cold water. Keep until eggs have cooled. Peel them. Cut each egg in half lengthwise.

6. Remove the olives from the marinade and cut into rings.

7. Wash the lemon, pour over boiling water and chop in thin circles. If there are bones, remove them.

8. Wash the carrots, wrap in foil and bake for 20 minutes. The oven should be preheated to 190 degrees. Remove, unfold the foil and cool. Cut the vegetable into circles. You can boil the carrots in their skins until ready, then peel and grind in circles.

9. Strain both broths into one bowl. Add the swollen gelatin. Put on a slow fire and warm until all the grains are dispersed. Stir constantly. Do not bring to a boil!

10. Lay all the ingredients in a deep glass dish or plate. Lay the first layer of salmon and white fish. Lay eggs on top of it. Then lay out the carrot slices. Lay out the next rings of black olives and mugs of lemon. Rinse a bunch of greens, crush excess moisture and cut the stems. Lay out the greens on top.

11. Pour in the broth, which has cooled down to a slightly warm state, gradually. After each pouring, put the dishes in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes. When the broth is over, leave the dishes with the jellied in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

Jellied step by step recipe - tips and tricks

  • When cooking the broth, be sure to remove the foam, otherwise it will turn cloudy.
  • Avoid intense boiling. The broth should simmer over low heat.
  • To make it easier to fill the ingredients with broth, pour it into a glass with a spout.
  • Pour the ingredients into the broth gradually, refrigerating after each pour.


Watch the video: How to make a Paper fish? (July 2024).