Parting with a guy or a girl in a dream - dream book


Breaking a relationship in a dream is a vast topic for interpretation, which can be interpreted differently, depending on many details: starting from the day of the week when you had a dream, and who exactly he dreamed of - a boy or girl, and ending with an assessment of the real state of things. The latter, often, is the catalyst of these night visions, and dream books only help to find the right solution to the internal conflicts that have arisen.

Dreambooks offer to interpret dreams of parting in several ways, but, first of all, after an unpleasant dream, all interpreters advise listen to yourself. Perhaps the subconscious mind thus makes it clear what the dreamer is afraid of, and what is missing from attention in a relationship.

Break a relationship with a loved one - what does the dream book say?

A dreaming separation from a dear person can be of several types: realistic - that is, based on the dreamer's recent experiences and emotions, or maybe metaphorical and even unexpected, for example, when relationships with lovers in reality are good. All this should be taken into account when interpreting such dreams. It is the details that can tell you whether the parting that has been imagined means something negative, or is it worth waiting for a change for the better.

In addition, you should pay attention to the time frame of what happened.When exactly did the dreamer dream of parting? This may suggest what to expect from such a dream in reality.

What day of the week is parting?

  • Monday - there is a chance that the dream will come true;
  • Tuesday - the probability of rupture is great;
  • Wednesday - it is necessary to beware of an opponent or rival;
  • Thursday - will not come true;
  • Friday - there is a possibility that it will come true;
  • Saturday - will not come true;
  • Sunday - There is a chance that will come true.

Why dream parting with his beloved or beloved? If you do not go into the details of the plot, then a clear answer can not be obtained. Farewell to the dear heart of a man in a dream is explained by psychologists by the subconscious desire to move to a new level not only in personal relationships, but also in work and social relationships.

For men such dreams can mean changes, fears, warnings of possible injustice in relation to the dreamer. Speaking of guys, dream books highlight the psychological aspect of such dreams.

For women separation in a dream is not only a reflection of real problems, but also predestined in the near future dating, success on a personal front, or renunciation of a poisonous love affair.

But these are just general predictions. More precisely to know what it means exactly your dream will help the analysis of the plot details. Let us see in more detail in the particular features of dreams for men and women separately.

What does parting with a loved one mean in a dream?

To say goodbye forever to a boyfriend, a man, or a husband in a dream is stress, which in real life can lead to the logical development of a love story. Whether it is good or bad depends on what exactly the girl dreamed of and whether she interprets correctly the values ​​indicated in the dream books.

One popular dream book parting with a guy suggests treating it as a sign that waking relationships will be long and strong, and the most tumultuous brawling quarrel will be the true confirmation of this. It is important to remember who in the dream was the initiator separation: if a man, then this is a really good sign. It’s another thing if a woman is to blame for the break: this is a subconscious manifestation of uncertainty about the future of the couple, dissatisfaction with the second half.

Why dream parting with a guy without negative emotions and regret? Such a dream may portend small troubles in everyday life.

Dreamed heavy gap in which a woman asks a man to returnpromises the dreamer a difficult period in a relationship with a partner.

Girl's tears in such dreams foreshadow for her interesting events in reality. But if during the dreaming parting crying guy, this is a hint: it is worth being more sincere with him.

What dreams parting with my beloved calm but sediment? The value of sleep prepares a woman for a difficult period in life.

Why dream separation from her husband? Frequently, dream books offer a positive answer to this question: the relations of the spouses will grow stronger, the uncertainty in the relationship will disappear. If dream quarrel with ex-husband, it is necessary to fear from him a dirty trick, and new relationships, perhaps, should be reconsidered.

Knowledgeable people and psychologists advise to listen to yourself, and after such dreams start looking at your soul mate differently. This is stated in the interpretations of Vanga, and in Miller’s famous dream book.

Why dream parting with a girl?

Dreams of parting, which men see, are almost always directly or indirectly connected with real events, and are explained by experienced emotions, feelings, unresolved internal and external conflicts, doubts about current relationships. Decryption will help determine life position and deal with the current state of affairs.

And although sometimes the answers are obvious, many guys are still interested, why dream parting with my girlfriend? A correct interpretation can make a man's life easier, one has only to recall his feelings in a dream.

Pretend farewell to the girl with whom the guy has a great relationship in lifeare subconscious manifestations of fear of losing it.

Breaking ties with your soul mate in a dream, which has already happened in real life before, interpreted by dream-books as a manifestation of male resentment, due to the refusal to recognize the real state of affairs.

Jealous ex-girlfriend in a dream can only a person who is not ready to let her go.

Dreamed relief, which brings the separation from the girl, the dream book explains how the desire for change and the readiness of the man to move on.


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