Maggi's curd diet for 4 weeks: principles and menu. How to lose weight on the Maggi curd diet in 4 weeks by 5-10 kg


Protein diets are the fastest way to lose weight.

Maggi's curd diet for 4 weeks without hunger and strong restrictions allows you to get rid of at least 5 kg of excess weight within a month.

Some ladies manage to lose 10 kg or more. And all thanks to cottage cheese - the basis of the diet for the next month.

Diet features

The Maggi curd diet for 4 weeks is a variant of the egg diet of the same name. However, instead of eggs, the creators of the food scheme suggest using cottage cheese - also a very nutritious protein product. It perfectly saturates, gives vitality, strength, good mood, and also due to the high content of calcium strengthens bones, teeth and nails. But if you do not like the curd mass, then such a diet should not be set. For a whole month every day, eating an unloved product simply does not work out, which means there is no need to torment your body.

The secret to the effectiveness of the curd Maggi diet is not to reduce the calorie intake, but to alternate foods from certain groups. The body tunes in a certain sequence and begins to part with easier stored fat depots.

The Maggi curd diet for 4 weeks has significant advantages: quick breakdown of fat surpluses, elimination of toxins that poison the body, lack of hunger, enrichment of the body with calcium, accelerating weight loss. But there are also disadvantages that are important to know about. The fact is that after a diet, all lost kilograms instantly return, if you do not monitor your diet. Do not eat up cakes and ice cream after the end of the four-week marathon.

Maggi Diet Food for 4 weeks

So, the main product for the entire weight loss period is normal fat cottage cheese. Do not buy fat-free soft or grained curds. Not only can calcium not be absorbed from low-fat products, unscrupulous manufacturers also fill their products with starch. It is clear that the results of such "weight loss" will not. Normal fat content is 1 to 9 percent. It is better to eat a product of the "golden mean", that is, buy cottage cheese with a fat content of 3-4 percent.

Along with cottage cheese You will need to eat the following foods:

• lean meats (beef, veal, rabbit meat);

• lean skinless bird;

• low-fat fish;

• whole milk as an additive to drinks;

• unsweetened and non-starchy fruits;

• non-starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn can not be eaten).

Meat, fish and poultry can be boiled, steamed and grilled, in extreme cases - baked. It is impossible to fry and stew in oil. Vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked in the same way as meat and fish. Salt and spices are allowed within reasonable limits. Refusing salt is completely unnecessary, but remember that salt retains water and reduces the rate of weight loss.

Prohibited Products:

• cereals and pasta;

• all flour pastries, with the exception of black and whole grain bread, and even then on certain days;

• bananas, figs, dates and grapes;

• sugar, all kinds of refined confectionery;

• vegetable and meat broths in which you cooked vegetables and meat.

Every day is important drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water free of gas, sugar and sweeteners, flavorings and colorings. Twisting water is extremely important, as a large amount of protein overloads the kidneys. Water will help remove harmful substances from the body and reduce the burden on the kidneys.

Basic principles of the Maggi diet for 4 weeks

It is important to follow all the recommendations of the creators of the diet. In this case, you can count on a guaranteed result. The basic principles of the Maggi curd diet for 4 weeks:

• observe the ration of each day for all four weeks, without interchanging the days themselves or meals;

• drink plenty of water so that the rate of metabolic processes increases;

• do not use vegetable or animal fats for cooking;

• if the product norm is not indicated, eat as much as you want.

From drinks, you can brew coffee (or drink instant), brew black or green tea. Sugar, jam, honey, and sugar are prohibited. For all the time losing weight you need to forget about alcohol.

Vegetables, chicken and meat can only be cooked in water, slightly salting it. You can put spices and spicy vegetables in the pan as natural flavors. This will brighten up the absence of fatty sauces (you can’t eat either mayonnaise or ketchup on a diet), and make the dish tastier.

If you ate the required portion, but remained hungry, then two hours after the meal (not earlier) you can eat vegetables: carrots, cucumbers, leaf lettuce.

Highlights of the 4-week Maggi Diet

Maggi's curd diet for 4 weeks lasts 28 days. It is impossible to adhere to it longer than this time, no matter how great the desire to continue the weighty marathon. From the 29th day you need to switch to the principles of proper nutrition and in no case start eating sweets and fatty foods.

Protein diet can be repeated once every six months, that is, it will be possible to return to Maggi no earlier than in 6 months. If you manage to maintain weight during this time or (even better) continue to lose weight on proper nutrition, this is simply wonderful.

To boost fat burning, add sport to your life. It’s not necessary to run to the fitness room. Morning exercise, an hour's walk is enough to move the process off the ground and accelerate the breakdown of fat mass. You can swim, do dances and yoga, in general, load muscles as you like.

Maggi Curd Diet Menu for 4 weeks

The main rule on this diet: there is only what is indicated in the schedule, do not replace products, do not rearrange days or meals. That is, eat strictly according to the scheme, without initiative. If you have committed a violation, you do not have to start all over again. Just remember that an extra or unacceptable piece will slow down weight loss. After the violation, continue to follow the main course until you reach the coveted 29th day.

Start: Week One

It is very convenient on this diet that all breakfasts are the same. No need to think what to eat: the creators of the food scheme have already thought for you. So, during the first week of the cottage cheese diet, you need to eat a cup of cottage cheese weighing 200 g in combination with any fruit other than the forbidden one for breakfast. To make it tastier, you can mix fruits and cottage cheese with a blender.

Lunches and dinners will be like that.


• Lunch: fresh fruit that can be combined as you like and eat in the desired amount throughout the day.

• Dinner: a piece of boiled or baked beef without butter, garnished with green leafy vegetables.


• Lunch: in the afternoon we eat boiled chicken (remove the skin).

• Dinner: a 100-gram piece of fish with a salad of fresh vegetables (bell pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, a pinch of salt), whole grain bread or a piece of whole grain bread weighing 25 g. For dessert, you can eat an orange.


• Lunch: cottage cheese, tomatoes, a slice of rye bread. You can make yourself some delicious cottage cheese and tomato toasts by rubbing the cottage cheese through a sieve and stuffing the tomatoes with a mixture of cottage cheese with a clove of garlic.

• Dinner: a piece of beef, cooked in the authorized way, with a side dish of green leaf lettuce.


• Lunch: eat fresh fruits all day long without restriction.

• Dinner: repeat the diet of the previous day (eat a piece of meat with Chinese cabbage or juicy iceberg lettuce).


• Lunch: cook yourself two chicken eggs, add grilled vegetables to them without vegetable oil, or fresh vegetable slices, or a portion of boiled vegetables.

• Dinner: 250 grams of baked or steamed fish, a large plate of vegetable slices. For dessert - grapefruit.


• Lunch: Eat fresh or baked fruit at any time of the day.

• Dinner: cook yourself chicken, turkey or beef and eat with greens, lettuce, vegetables.


• Lunch: turkey baked in foil or boiled in water (can be replaced with chicken without skin), large meaty tomato, medium orange.

• Dinner: any amount of lightly salted cooked vegetables.

We continue to intensively lose weight: week two

We do not change a hearty breakfast: we still eat a 200-gram cup of cottage cheese with fruits.


• Lunch: boiled vegetables in water without sauces, as you want, combined with cottage cheese.

• Dinner: steamed fish in a pan or in the oven. Cut fresh vegetables into the side dish - as much as you want. For dessert - grapefruit.


• Lunch: a piece of veal, rabbit, beef, green iceberg salad or arugula plus sliced ​​fresh tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers.

• Dinner: cottage cheese, rubbed through a sieve or grained, with your favorite fruit.


• Copy the Tuesday menu completely.


• Lunch: cottage cheese plus vegetables.

• Dinner: combine fish or meat with a vegetable side dish.


• Lunch: cook squids, shrimps, mussels or just fish, eat seafood with salad, vegetables, herbs.

• Dinner: fruit salad seasoned with mashed cottage cheese. You can eat everything separately.


• Lunch: cook a piece of veal or beef fillet, eat with tomatoes. Quench your sweet cravings with citruses.

• Dinner: eat as many fruits as you like.


• Lunch: chicken cooked in any way other than frying in oil. Garnished - fresh or boiled vegetables. For an sweet eat an orange.

• Dinner: repeat the lunch menu.

Give a shake: week three

These seven days are easy for someone; on the contrary, they do not really like someone. The fact is that there is no nutritional schedule per se. You can make a menu for yourself, but only from those products that are allowed during the day.

A feature of this week is a complete rest from cottage cheese. We can say that the third week is a kind of shake for the body. It is needed in order to overcome a possible plateau. The body has switched to a certain mode, it needs to be switched again, confused.


• You can feast on fruits, combine them with each other as you like. Very forbidden fruits are still banned.


• Eat allowed vegetables. They can be cooked, baked, stewed in water, grilled without oil.


• You can eat foods on the first and second days of the third week. That is, combine fruits and vegetables as you like.


• Eat fish all day. Take your favorite vegetables for garnish.


• You can eat beef and boiled vegetables, the amount is not limited.


• You can eat exclusively permitted fruits.


• Continue to eat fruit.

Fourth week of diet

At this final stage, losing weight is already so obvious that frankly pleases you and surprises others. However, you can’t throw everything and go on a normal diet.

During the fourth week, the free principle of nutrition is maintained. During the day, you can compose a set of products for basic meals as you wish. The ideal solution is to have a good breakfast and lunch, but dinner is easy. There is more than what is indicated in the diet for a day, it is impossible.


• During the day, eat 200 g of boiled chicken, a can of canned tuna in your own juice, two fresh medium-sized tomatoes, a piece of whole grain bread weighing up to 30 grams, grapefruit is allowed as a dessert.


• Boiled beef or rabbit meat weighing 250 grams, four medium cucumbers and tomatoes, one fruit to choose from.


• 400 grams of cottage cheese, 400 grams of boiled vegetables, a piece of rye bread no more than 30 grams in weight, two medium tomatoes, two medium cucumbers, for dessert - grapefruit.


• A pound of boiled chicken or turkey meat, three tomatoes, three cucumbers, a grapefruit or an orange, a piece of rye or whole grain bread weighing 30 grams.


• Fresh vegetables in any quantity, three hundred grams of cottage cheese, one grapefruit.


• Four hundred grams of chicken, boiled or baked. A slice of rye bread or one loaf, 150 grams of cottage cheese, any amount of cucumbers and tomatoes. For dessert, you can eat grapefruit at any meal.


• A cup of cottage cheese weighing 200 grams, a can of canned tuna without oil, one whole-grain or rye toast, any fresh or cooked vegetables, one grapefruit.

Contraindications for the Maggi curd diet

The Maggi curd diet for 4 weeks has virtually no contraindications. But only for perfectly healthy people.

Remember that if you have a diagnosed disease of the kidneys or endocrine system, then you need to forget about the diet.
