Cake "Opera" - a harmonious dessert. Recipes of different Opera cakes with currants, coffee, nuts, Swiss cream


Opera is a delicious cake with amazing taste. The harmonious combination of almond biscuit with amazing cream and chocolate icing will leave few indifferent. This charm can be made at home, but you have to try.

Cake "Opera" - general principles of preparation

Cake cakes are made from almond and wheat flour, the Gioconda biscuit recipe is usually used, which is given below. Always bake 3 cakes. One don’t bake and cut it, the crust should be present on both sides. Before lubrication, the biscuit is always soaked, for this, syrups, juices, coffee are used.

For lubrication, different types of cream are used. Sometimes berry puree, nuts, chocolate, liqueurs are added to it, depending on the selected recipe. Cake is always covered with icing, which can be white, chocolate, mirror.

Opera cake with coffee cream

Despite the large number of ingredients and the apparent complexity, this version of the Opera cake is quite simple. The main thing is to prepare everything in advance so that the products are at hand.


Gioconda biscuit:

• three eggs;

• 120 g of powder;

• three proteins;

• 100 g almond flour;

• 30 g of oil;

• 45 g of wheat flour.


• 30 ml of coffee;

• whole egg;

• yolk;

• 0.18 kg cream. oils;

• 90 ml of water;

• 0.5 tbsp. Sahara.


• 100 g of chocolate;

• 100 ml cream;

• 1 tablespoon of oil.

Chocolate icing:

• 50 ml of fat cream;

• 60 ml of water;

• 5 g of gelatin;

• 25 g of cocoa powder;

• 80 grams of sugar.

For syrup, you need fresh sweet coffee.


1. Combine the powdered sugar with two types of flour and sift together. Mix with whole eggs until smooth. Beat the whites in a steep foam and spread in the cooked dough. Gently stir and send the dough in three identical shapes. Or pour on a large baking sheet, then to cut into three identical parts. Bake at 220 degrees cakes.

2. We make coffee. In total, you need 170 ml of syrup and coffee for cream.

3. For ganache, combine all the ingredients, send to a water bath, warm up until smooth.

4. To make coffee cream, mix sugar with water, put on a stove and prepare syrup. While it is boiling, beat the egg and yolk until a smooth foam, pour into a syrup in a thin stream, stir, warm. Remove the thickening cream from the stove, cool. Enter the coffee and beat with softened butter.

5. We collect the cake. Soak the cakes with coffee syrup, grease with half the coffee cream. We put the second cake, soak, grease with ganache. Now comes the third cake, which also needs to be soaked and smeared with the rest of the coffee cream. We apply a layer on the sides of the cake. Sent for a couple of hours in the freezer.

6. Mix the gelatin with half the water, insist. Combine the cream with sugar and the remaining water, add cocoa, boil on a stove to a boil. Add the dissolved gelatin, stir and remove from heat.

7. Take the cake out of the freezer, smooth the cream layer with a knife, pour over the icing. We leave for impregnation, but we don’t put it in the freezer anymore, just a refrigerator.

Cake "Opera" with black currant

Another variation of the chic Opera cake, but with black currant. You will need mashed berries and some liquor. Oranges and orange liquor are also used.



• 220 g eggs;

• 125 g of egg proteins;

• 3 tablespoons of orange liquor;

• 220 g almond flour;

• 175 g of powder;

• orange peel;

• 100 g flour;

• 100 g of sugar.


• 0.5 cups of sugar;

• 30 ml of orange juice.


• 3 yolks;

• 150 g of currant puree;

• 200 g of oil;

• 130 g of sugar;

• 100 ml of milk;

• 2 tablespoons of currant liquor.

For glaze 150 g of chocolate and 50 ml of cream.


1. Making the dough. Mix eggs with powder, wheat and almond flour. Add liquor and chopped orange zest, stir. Beat the proteins with sugar, combine the masses. We bake three identical cakes. Temperature 200, time 9-10 minutes.

2. Cook the cream. Mix the yolks, sugar and milk, boil, cool. If the currant puree is sour, then you can add more sugar. Beat the butter until lush foam, add the cooked cream in small portions first, then the currant puree and liquor, stir.

3. Mix the juice with sugar to get an impregnation.

4. Spill the cake, coat with cream. Also repeat with the second layer.

5. The upper cake is only saturated.

6. Mix the broken chocolate with fat cream, melt in a water bath, but do not need to be heated very much. As soon as all the pieces are melted, remove from the heat.

7. Pour the icing cake on top, spread the sides with chocolate. Before use, let the dessert soak.

Cake "Opera" in white with Swiss cream

We prepare almond biscuit for this Opera cake according to any of the recipes above. A recipe feature is the most delicate Swiss cream and white robe.


Swiss cream:

• 3 squirrels;

• 2 tablespoons of liquor "Rum";

• 1 tsp zest;

• 190 g sugar;

• 250 g of oil.


• 200 g of chocolate (white is used);

• 7 g of gelatin;

• a pinch of zest;

• 240 + 60 ml cream;

• 2 tablespoons of lemon liquor.


• 100 ml of water;

• 2 tablespoons of liquor with lemon flavor;

• 3 tablespoons of sugar.

Mirror White Glaze:

• 6 grams of gelatin;

• 100 ml of milk;

• 100 ml cream;

• 130 g of chocolate;

• lemon peel, cut off with a ribbon.


1. We make a cream. Beat the whites with sugar, put in a water bath and, without ceasing to beat, warm to 70 degrees. Remove from the bath, add the rest of the ingredients, beat for another two minutes, add the whipped oil separately.

2. For impregnation, mix all the ingredients, use boiled water, cool.

3. We put one cake, soak, grease with half the cream. We also act with the second cake. Cover with a third biscuit and send for an hour in the refrigerator.

4. For mousse, we heat 60 ml of cream with white chocolate, add gelatin dissolved in a small amount of water, warm and remove. Mix with the remaining cream whipped into the lush foam, season with zest, lemon liquor.

5. Take out the cake, apply a layer of mousse. We send it to the refrigerator again, now we stand for 7 hours.

6. Prepare a mirror glaze. Soak gelatin in 2 tablespoons of water. We warm the milk and cream along with the zest. Then remove the zest, add white chocolate, wait until it melts. Add gelatin, stir, remove from heat. Cool to 40 degrees, filter.

7. We take out the cake with the frozen mousse, pour out the icing, do not straighten it with our hands, you can shake the cake for a more even distribution.

Cake "Opera" with walnuts

We cook Gioconda cakes with almond flour according to the first recipe. Walnuts are used peeled, chopped.



• a glass of nuts;

• 3 yolks;

• 160 ml of milk;

• 140 g of powder;

• 200 g of oil.


• 150 g of chocolate;

• 50 ml cream.


• 20 ml of liquor "Walnut";

• 50 g of sugar;

• 150 ml of water.


1. Boil sugar with water for syrup, cool, add liquor.

2. Beat the eggs with milk and sugar for the cream, boil until thick, remove, cool. Add the butter in parts, stir.

3. We chop the chopped nuts.

4. Pour the first cake with syrup, grease with cream, sprinkle with nuts. Similarly, we are working on the second cake. Cover with the last biscuit, grease it with the cream just a little bit.

5. Melt the chocolate with cream, grease the cake.

Opera cake with butter cream

The main cream of this delicious cake is made with creamy mascarpone cheese. In combination with the Gioconda almond cakes, the dessert is fabulous.


• 250 g of mascarpone;

• 160 g of powder;

• a glass of cream;

• 1 tsp almond liquor;

• 120 g of chocolate;

• cream in glaze 60 ml.

For impregnation, mix 120 ml of water and 50 g of sugar.


1. Bake cakes according to the classic recipe, cool.

2. Whip the cream for the cream, gradually introduce the powder and add cream cheese with liquor. Stir.

3. Soak the first cake, spread half the cheese cream. Repeat the same with the second biscuit.

4. Cover with the third cake. We soak it well, as there will be no cream on top. Cool.

5. It remains only to melt the chocolate, mix with cream, coat the cake on top.

Chocolate cake "Opera"

For this cake, not only chocolate icing is used, but also a rich cream. Choose tiles with a cocoa content of at least 60%.


• 200 g of chocolate;

• pack of oil;

• 250 g of thick condensed milk;

• 150 ml cream 33%;

• 1 cup of coffee;

• 3 cakes of almond biscuit.


1. Melt one bar of chocolate with 50 grams of butter, cool and mix with condensed milk. Add 100 g of softened butter. Separately, whip the cream, combine with a common cream, stir. Leave aside.

2. We make coffee, sweet, cool.

3. Soak coffee cake. You can use cocoa. Lubricate with cream, cover with a second layer and repeat the same thing.

4. The upper cake layer is only saturated. We put the cake in the freezer for about forty minutes to make it stronger. In winter, you can take it outside.

5. Mix the remaining butter and one broken into pieces of chocolate. Put in the microwave for 15 seconds, remove and stir, repeat. Glaze should be homogeneous.

6. Cover the chilled cake with chocolate and you're done!

Cake "Opera" - useful tips and tricks

• If there are no three identical shapes, you can bake the cake on a large baking sheet, then cut it into three equally sized pieces. Middle cake can be assembled from several pieces, in the cake it will be imperceptible.

• Icing is optionally made from cocoa and numerous ingredients. It is easier to melt regular chocolate with a slice of butter or a spoonful of fat sour cream.


Watch the video: 12 Amazing Cake Art Designs. Yummy Chocolate Cake Decorating Ideas (July 2024).