We prepare millet porridge with pumpkin in a pot without a Russian oven. Lean, sweet and crumbly millet porridge with pumpkin in a pot


Millet with pumpkin - the recipe is how simple, so controversial. Some people don’t like pumpkin, others don’t like porridge, so not everyone will like today's selection of recipes. But connoisseurs of classic dishes, fans of a healthy diet and just lovers of everything new will be satisfied. And if you add together these categories of eaters, it turns out that the fans of the proposed dish are not so few!

Millet porridge with pumpkin in a pot - general principles of preparation

• Millet porridge with pumpkin in pots is stewed for a long time in the oven, use a microwave to reduce time. For cooking, you can use both large ceramic or clay containers, and small portioned pots. You can make a porridge pot yourself - from a whole pumpkin.

• Millet with pumpkin can be prepared in natural milk or in water. Mostly ordinary cow's milk is used, but often such porridge is cooked on baked milk.

• Millet and pumpkin are laid in containers after heat treatment or without it, mixing with each other or spreading in layers. Fill the containers about 2/3 of the volume so that the boiled milk does not run away, and the steamed cereal evenly reaches readiness.

• To make millet porridge tasty, initially you need to choose and prepare millet correctly for use. Groats for porridge should be a bright yellow color and must be polished. It is sorted out, removing unrefined grains and litter, then washed in several waters and dried.

• Often even the freshest and, at first glance, high-quality millet groats in the finished dish are bitter. To avoid such an unexpected result, sorted millet is poured with boiling water for a couple of minutes or boiled for 1-2 minutes, after which it is washed and dried, tossed onto a sieve.

• Use only dense and ripe pumpkin pulp. The fibrous middle of the vegetable with seeds is removed, the hard peel is cut off. The pulp is cut into pieces of arbitrary shape of a small size or rubbed with a grater, - small or large.

• Filled containers are placed in a cold or well-heated oven. Cooking time and temperature depend on the specific recipe.

Millet millet porridge with pumpkin in a pot


• hard pumpkin pulp - 300 gr.;

• 0.9 l of pasteurized milk;

• 300 gr. polished quality millet;

• 50 gr. sugar

• vanillin - to taste;

• 30 gr. homemade butter.

Cooking method:

1. Go through the millet groats, picking up unrefined grains and production waste. Pour cold water several times and immediately pour boiling water. After five minutes, rinse again and discard on a sieve.

2. Cut the peel from the whole pumpkin together with a layer of greenish color, located directly under it. Use a spoon to select the fibrous medium with the seeds. Cut the separated dense pulp into small pieces. The shape of the slices, has no role, can be cut into cubes or cubes.

3. In a large clay pot, first lower the slices of pumpkin, lay on it evenly dried millet. Add granulated sugar to the products, pour vanilla and half a small spoonful of salt.

4. Cut the butter into cubes and evenly distribute over the entire surface of the millet. Then pour all the milk into the pot and place the porridge in the hot oven for half an hour. Five minutes before cooking, remove the lid so that the top of the porridge is well browned.

Millet porridge with pumpkin in a pot of honey


• polished, bright yellow millet - 250 gr.;

• liter of homemade milk;

• 300 gr. ripe sweet pumpkin;

• three spoons of any light honey;

• maximum fat butter - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse thoroughly rinsed cereals with hot water and put on a sieve, decanting excess water. To get rid of the bitterness characteristic of long-stored cereals, you can boil it for a minute after washing, lowering it in boiling water.

2. Prepared pumpkin without seeds and peel, cut into cubes.

3. Dip the dried cereals into boiling milk, wait for boiling and boil for 10 minutes, lowering the heat to medium. Stir the millet constantly in the first minutes, otherwise its grains will stick to the bottom of the pan and the porridge will burn in the future.

4. Dip the pieces of pulp to the boiled croup, boil for another five minutes, remove from heat and mix.

5. Separate and arrange the mass in pots. Add a tablespoon of honey to each serving and place in a cold oven.

6. Turn on the heat, bring the temperature to 150 degrees and simmer the porridge in pots without covering for 30 minutes.

7. At the end of cooking, put a little oil on top of the porridge in each pot and leave it in the disconnected oven until it cools completely.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in a pot in the microwave


• a full glass of polished millet groats;

• half a teaspoon of sugar;

• 250 gr. pumpkin pulp;

• homemade butter - 60 gr.;

• one and a half liters of cow's milk.

Cooking method:

1. In several waters, rinse the millet groats and transfer it to the pan, after drying on a sieve.

2. Pour water into the pan so that it is two fingers above the millet and put on intense heat. Once it boils, reduce the heat and simmer for one minute with a minimum boil. Then pour hot water over again, drain it and dry the grits.

3. Rub on a fine grater the pumpkin, peeled and fibrous pulp with seeds.

4. Transfer dried cooked millet to a large bowl and combine with chopped pumpkin. Add quite a bit of salt, sweeten, mix well and place in clay pots, leaving about a third of the container free.

5. Pour into the pots flush with the grits of hot milk and place them in the microwave. At a power of up to 900 watts, cook porridge for 6 minutes.

6. Flour porridge with butter and turn on the microwave again at the same time.

Lean millet porridge with a pumpkin in a pot


• five full spoons of millet, ground;

• one full glass of clean water;

• two medium apples;

• 150 gr. pumpkin juicy pulp;

• three tablespoons of sugar;

• a large spoonful of frozen oil.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the apples from the skin and cut into large slices. Do not grind, too small pieces quickly boil in mashed potatoes.

2. At the pumpkin, cut the fibrous center with the seeds and cut the peel. Cut the flesh into large cubes or cubes.

3. Pour millet with cold water and grind it between the palms in the water several times. Repeat the procedure, the last water should come off almost perfectly transparent. Scalp the washed cereal with boiling water and immediately drain it. For convenience, you can use the sieve.

4. Heat oil in a frying pan or stewpan, dip chopped apples into it. On a small fire, warm the pieces of fruit for a couple of minutes and sweeten them by adding a tablespoon of sugar. Continue stewing the apples for 10 minutes until they are soft enough.

5. After that, report the pumpkin to the fruit, mix, simmer for 3 minutes before removing from heat.

6. Transfer the apples stewed with pumpkin to millet and carefully, trying not to damage the slices, mix.

7. Transfer the mixture into pots, filling them in two-thirds. When removing the sample, sweeten, slightly put the salt.

8. Pour so much boiling water into each container so that the water rises two centimeters above the cereal and put in a cold oven.

9. Bring the temperature to 170 degrees and cook porridge for half an hour, then remove the lids and simmer the millet for another 10 minutes. Before removing from the oven, be sure to check the porridge.

Millet porridge with pumpkin in the "original" pot


• pumpkin with a diameter of about 25 cm;

• a glass of sorted millet;

• a liter of homemade milk;

• three spoons of sugar, white;

• 100 gr. butter.

Cooking method:

1. Place a whole pumpkin under a stream of warm running water and a sponge thoroughly rinse its peel from dirt. Dry with a towel and cut off the top, stepping down from the stem at least 6 cm.

2. Using your hands, select the fibrous middle of the vegetable, use a spoon to scrape out part of the pulp, leaving a centimeter wall.

3. Sliced ​​pulp pulp through a coarse grater.

4. Measure out a glass of pumpkin shavings and transfer it to the pumpkin prepared for baking.

5. Several times, with a stream of running water, rinse millet, pour boiling water over the groats and dry in a colander. Once all the water has gone well, send the cereal to the grated pumpkin.

6. Dissolve granulated sugar in milk, add a teaspoon of salt and put on medium heat to boil.

7. Pour boiling milk into a pumpkin with the products laid in it, put the butter on top and cover with the previously cut top. Place in a wide form and place in a preheated oven.

8. At 180 degrees, grind the porridge for about one hour, then remove the lid and let stand for another 40 minutes until its top is covered with a golden brown.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in a pot on baked milk


• half a liter of baked milk;

• 250 gr. ripe juicy pumpkin;

• polished millet - 3.4 cups;

• refined sugar and salt to taste;

• homemade butter.

Cooking method:

1. Millet washed in several waters, put in boiling water and boil on low heat for a couple of minutes. Then put the groats on a sieve and rinse again with running water.

2. Re-washed millet again immerse in boiling water, boil and rinse again.

3. Repeat the procedure again and dry the groats well by folding them onto a sieve.

4. Put the boiled millet in a large clay or ceramic pot, pour lightly warmed baked milk and put in the oven when heated at 170 degrees.

5. As soon as the milk boils, add sugar, finely grated pumpkin and a small pinch of salt to the cereal. Stir the contents of the pot, put on top the butter, about 50 grams and return to the oven.

6. Strain the porridge for another quarter hour, turn off the heat and let it brew for about half an hour.

Millet porridge with pumpkin in a pot - tricks and useful cooking tips

• If you put ceramic or clay dishes in a preheated oven, their walls will crack over time, so filled containers are best placed in a cold oven. In this case, the cooking time is counted from the moment the oven warms up to the desired temperature.

• If the washed millet is slightly warmed before laying in a pot in a dry pan or baked in the oven, not only will the nutritional value of the dish increase, but its taste will also improve.

• Millet porridge with pumpkin will become more crumbly if left in the oven off for at least half an hour.

• The more butter you put, the tastier it will turn out. The proverb about "porridge, butter", quite possibly, was invented in honor of millet.


Watch the video: Похудение с помощью безуглеводной диеты. Безуглеводка для быстрого похудения и жиросжигания (June 2024).