Sponge cake - the best recipes. How to cook sponge cake correctly and tasty.


Any biscuit product is characterized by softness, lightness and splendor. The finished biscuit is a versatile porous billet with a delicate structure, which is the basis for the preparation of a wide variety of confectionery: cakes, cakes, cookies and, of course, pies. We will talk about them in this article.

Sponge cake - general principles and methods of preparation

Homemade sponge cake is a great alternative to any cake. And, despite the speed of preparation, he will always occupy an honorable place on the table: whether it is a grandiose celebration or an ordinary Sunday dinner with his family. A sweet biscuit cake made from dough based on eggs, sugar and flour is intended solely for pleasure, it can not be compared with any other type of dough. Biscuit is a truly unique soft and airy creation of confectioners.

Naturally, baked biscuit cakes in their pure form can not be called a pie, so inventive housewives use the most diverse combinations of biscuit and other ingredients: creams, glazes, whipped cream, fruits, nuts, berries, jam, chocolate, condensed milk, sour cream, etc. By the way, a biscuit cake will look prettier if it is decorated with various decorative elements. Such a product and mood raises, and stimulates the appetite. And although the ingredients included in the biscuit recipe are the same (eggs beaten with sugar, flour), but thanks to the combinations and individual design, each housewife can easily get her own masterpiece.

Sponge Cake - Food Preparation

As we have already found out, the classic biscuit dough consists of flour, eggs and sugar. In order for the product to acquire the desired taste and texture, it is necessary to use only chilled eggs. In addition, the dishes in which we will beat the eggs should also be cooled. For the preparation of biscuit, we select only high-quality flour and only the highest grades. Before starting the dough, the flour should be sifted several times (practice shows that it is better to do this at least two, three times). This not complicated, but very important procedure will saturate it with oxygen, due to which the biscuit will have a more saturated form and a delicate lush structure.

Sponge Cake - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Sponge Cake with Apples (Charlotte)

Charlotte with apples is not only surprisingly tasty, but also incredibly fast. Perhaps it’s easier to make a pie and you will not find it: the products will require a minimum of effort and time as well, so you can cook charlotte with apples at least every day. By the way, instead of apples, you can put raisins or pineapple, if you want to somewhat diversify the dish.


- 50 gr. butter (not margarine!)
- about a glass of flour
- one glass of sugar
- three eggs + one egg
- three apples (medium)
- to taste vanillin
- icing sugar

Cooking method:

1. We combine eggs, vanillin and sugar, beat (first manually, and then with a mixer) into a lush mass. Pour flour, stirring constantly. It is important that the dough is thicker than the pancakes, but remains fluid. To do this, after laying the flour, break another egg and beat the mass with a mixer. We don’t add soda or baking powder! The dough rises quite well due to whipped proteins.

2. Peel the apples from the skin, seeds and cut into thin slices. Lubricate the form with butter. We lay the apples on the bottom of the mold, sprinkle with grated butter and fill the fruit with the resulting dough.

3. We heat the oven to 170-190 C, send our biscuit cake with apples there and bake until the product is browning. Readiness can be checked with a wooden speck, match or toothpick. If the speck is dry, the pie is ready. Sprinkle it with icing sugar, cut into pieces and enjoy yourself!

Recipe 2: Sour Cream Sponge Cake with Bananas

If you suddenly really want something sweet, try baking a very quick to prepare, soft and magnificent sour cream biscuit, which is in no way inferior to expensive desserts. We guarantee a juicy, chocolate-sour cream pie will give you a few minutes of true pleasure!



- two eggs
- sour cream 250 gr.
- five table. lies. Sahara
- two spoons (tea) of cocoa or 2 liters. grated chocolate
- a little soda
- about a glass of flour
- one banana


- four table. lies. Sahara
- sour cream 250 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Beat the eggs with a mixer with sugar until a thick foamy mass is formed. Then we add sour cream and soda to the same place and again thoroughly beat everything. Next, add cocoa or chocolate, beat again until the component is completely dissolved.

2. Pour in portions of flour, constantly stirring whisking the dough by hand, bring the mass to medium density.

3. Lubricate the mold, heat the oven (up to about 200 C) and send the biscuit cake there for only 15 minutes. Until the product reaches readiness, make a cream. To do this, a mixer walk through sour cream mixed with sugar (until it dissolves).

4. We take out the finished biscuit, let it cool, and then cut it lengthwise into 2 equal parts. We coat the bottom layer with the obtained sour cream, evenly lay the sliced ​​banana on top. Cover the filling with the upper layer of cake and grease the cake on top with sour cream. Let the cream soak a little and go to the table!

Recipe 3: Sponge Cake with Curd Cream

Everyone will enjoy the curd-biscuit treat, even children. After all, few of them eat pure cheese. In this case, curd desserts are what you need. And tasty, and healthy, and gags on both cheeks the only way!



- two eggs
- sugar 150 gr.
- butter 150 gr.
- a bag of vanilla
- 250 g flour
- a spoon of baking powder
- salt (pinch)

Curd cream:

- cottage cheese 400 gr.
- five tablespoons (tablespoons) of small sugar
- one egg
- lemon juice (a couple of tablespoons)
- sour cream 5-6 table. lies.

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs with sugar (thoroughly, until standing foam is obtained). Melt the butter in a microwave (water bath), cool it slightly and add in the meringue (beaten eggs) along with the baking powder. We mix everything.

2. Pour the necessary amount of flour and start the dough. We grease the form with fat, pour the dough into it and send it to the preheated oven (up to 200-230 C) for 20-30 minutes.

3. While the biscuit is in the oven, prepare a cream of cottage cheese. To do this, we wipe it, add sour cream, sugar and thoroughly beat everything. Then add the egg to the cream, sprinkle with lemon juice and beat everything again. Curd cream is ready.

4. Ready cake is slightly cooled (but do not overdo it, it should not be cold) and coat with the resulting curd-cream mass. In addition, the cake can be cut lengthwise into 2 parts and perform the manipulation described in the second recipe. We remove the greased biscuit cake in the cold for impregnation, and then serve it to the table. Enjoy your meal!

Sponge cake - useful tips from experienced chefs

"Heavenly" biscuit cakes are popular all over the world. In hot weather, they are baked with fruits or berries, and in the cold months with dried fruits, sour cream and nuts. The dough for such products is traditionally made from eggs, sugar and flour, but many confectioners mix flour with potato starch in a 1: 1 ratio to give pies even more splendor. As a flavor enhancing ingredient, zest, lemon juice, cocoa or vanillin are added to the baked goods.

The product will have more pronounced taste properties if the yolks and proteins are whipped separately during the preparation process, and the yolks are ground with the addition of more sugar than proteins. After that, a third of whipped proteins is introduced into the yolk mass, pouring sifted flour in portions. At the final stage, the dough is supplemented with the remaining protein foam and gently mix everything so as not to destroy the fragile air structure. Such manipulation will require some patience and dexterity, but the result will pay off all the effort expended.


Nude 08.20.2016
very tasty went to cook

Alena 07/18/2016
Natalya is right, the Sour Cream sponge cake with bananas does not have time to bake in 15 minutes, 20-25 is the thing.

Natalya 07/01/2016
Cooked a sour cream sponge cake with bananas. I put it in the oven for 15 minutes, as it is written in the recipe. Rose a small piece of the cake !!! The list already has little time for baking! Why write the wrong recipes ?!


Watch the video: Easy Sponge The Cake Recipe. Happy Birthday Cake. How Sponge Cake Recipe@ Guru's Cooking (July 2024).