17 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensation at 17 weeks of gestation.


The seventeenth week is a time close to the equator of pregnancy, during this period the fetus is already quite developed, all organs and systems are formed and are filled with health. The expectant mother feels good, realizing the charm of her position and rejoicing at the baby's soon birth.

Changes in the body at 17 weeks of gestation

The fifth month of pregnancy is the time when the woman’s condition is much better than in the first trimester, but toxicosis can still occur in the seventeenth week (as a rule, it ends during this period). Toxicosis is manifested not so much in nausea and vomiting, but in severe swelling, the woman begins to notice that she can hardly wear shoes, not to mention the rings. If, along with edema, a strong weight gain is noticed, it makes sense to consult a doctor.

At the 17th week, the woman feels rather well, the terrifying nausea has passed, the vulnerability and irritability have been replaced by calm and happiness from the realization that a new life is developing in the womb.

Among the unpleasant factors can be called such as excessive sweating and excessive discharge from the vagina, the cause of the phenomena in a pronounced hormonal background.

Discomfort can cause pain in the lower abdomen with a sharp movement, if unpleasant symptoms quickly disappear, you should not worry, this reaction of the body occurs due to sprain of the uterus. By the way, a dark strip appeared on the stomach, from the navel to the pubis, there is nothing dangerous about it, you should not worry.

The breast of a pregnant woman was very rounded, the process of her increase stopped, there was no pronounced sensitivity, which caused a lot of trouble in the first months, at the same time, the nipples became dark in color.

The condition of the fetus at 17 weeks of gestation

The dimensions of the baby in this period of pregnancy are not very large (length - 12 centimeters, weight - 110 grams), however, the unborn baby is already starting to show signs, the woman feels his tremors and movement. The baby’s activity may not be noticeable on a daily basis, but with each new week it will increase, which, of course, will delight the expectant mother.

The body of the fetus located in the womb is covered with fluffy hair, which is called lanugo (the fluff will gradually disappear, but there are times when children are born with it and thin hair disappears within a few days after the baby is born).

The skin of the fetus is very thin, but this does not prevent them from postponing the first reserves of fat (brown color), which contribute to the production of heat. It is at the 17th week that the future baby begins to hear, at first it activates attention to what is happening in the mother’s body - it listens to the rhythm of the heart, the movement of blood through the veins, then it begins to pay attention to the sounds coming from the outside world. It's time for the pregnant woman to start talking with the baby. Scientists are sure that he recognizes the mother’s voice, which the baby heard while in the womb, immediately after birth.

At the 17th week in the process of ultrasound, you can easily determine the sex of the future baby.

Possible sensations at 17 weeks of gestation

The most vivid sensations at the seventeenth week of pregnancy are experienced by a woman during sex. There is a certain problem associated with the right choice of posture, but this is a trifle compared to the strongest orgasm.

The secret of high-quality intimate relationships is that a growing fetus requires increased blood circulation in the body of the expectant mother. Active circulation of the blood in the pelvic region contributes to the fact that the fair sex is quickly and often excited.

For a pregnant woman at this stage, a feeling of hunger is relevant, which I constantly want to satisfy. The 17th week is the most dangerous time in terms of gaining excess weight. Nutrition should be treated properly, it is not superfluous to abandon the excessive consumption of flour products, sweets, salty, spicy and fried foods. In the case of drinks, control is also necessary: ​​coffee, beer, soda and strong tea are contraindicated.

Necessary medical supervision

In the seventeenth week, usually all important studies regarding the genetics of the unborn baby and serious pathology in the mother are completed. Of course, if something has not been done yet, it is necessary to quickly complete the examination process, and carry out only scheduled visits to the gynecologist with a traditional set of tests.

By the 17th week, the fetus is no longer as vulnerable as in the first months, the risk of infection and the likelihood of pathologies are much lower.
Under certain conditions (second and subsequent births, termination of pregnancy, etc.), there is a danger of premature opening of the uterus, in which case doctors can offer the expectant mother to make a circlet - circular fixation of the cervix.

General recommendations

Among the general recommendations at the 17th week, a pregnant woman can be advised on proper nutrition, regular walks in the fresh air, avoid overwork and get enough sleep.

Often during this period, heartburn appears, it is necessary to cope with it with the help of the correct selection of products, but in no case soda or medications.

The abdomen rounded, the fetus began to move more actively, it became difficult for a woman to rest on her back, advice to sleep on her side was relevant. It is necessary to exclude wearing narrow and squeezing belly clothes, it's time to choose outfits for pregnant women.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Angelica 09/16/2016
Remember about a frequent visit to the gynecologist. If suddenly at such a time discharge, itching, an unpleasant odor bother you, you may have bacterial vaginosis. To avoid the worst consequences, use the Metrogil vaginal gel.

Maria 08/24/2016
With excessive discharge it is worth keeping an eye out. It may be bacterial vaginosis. If you continue to write off everything for pregnancy, the pregnancy may suddenly stop. With the movements of the baby, pathogenic organisms enter the uterus and water can move away or contractions begin. With timely treatment with Metrogil vaginal gel, the problem can be solved "at the local level." The drug is approved for use in pregnant women and is easy to use: one gel applicator is introduced into the vagina overnight for 5 days. Everyone can retake a smear and continue to enjoy pregnancy.

Elena 07/27/2016
She saved the young family of her daughter. I come - silence is grave, my son-in-law has a red, indignant face, and my daughter is bawned. Both are silent, but she is pregnant, already 17 weeks old, she should not worry! Well, the smell smelled of her utterly developed sense of smell. Unpleasant. By some thought, I understood what was the matter and, having previously asked the daughter, dragged her to the clinic. To the gynecologist. The doctor examined, prescribed tests. As I suspected, vaginal bacteriosis, which, if left untreated, gives serious infectious complications, up to preterm delivery and even miscarriage. Immediately began treatment with the drug metrogil vaginal gel, with this period it is possible. The course took 7 days. The tests are normal, and I am calm - and the future child was safe and the family was safe. And how the daughter and husband explained - this is their business.

Galinka 05/13/2016
I have started 17. I felt quite a bit of stirring a long time ago, since the beginning of 15 :), although the pregnancy is 1st. at first it was ticklish, but from 16 I started kicking, dad we could catch 3 times already, pleased :)

Anika 03/30/2016
Yes, the feeling of hunger does not leave at all! I constantly want to chew on something ... That's just the weight I gained even earlier, so now I try to limit myself all the same. At least in sweets. And I can’t live without coffee, weak, but I drink.


Watch the video: 17 Weeks Pregnant Fetal Development - Pregnancy Week-by-Week. Symptoms at 17 Weeks Pregnant (July 2024).