6 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensation at 6 weeks gestation.


At the 6th week of pregnancy, the laying of the future organs of the little man begins, and how successful this process will be and how the new life will develop, largely depends on the mother. Therefore, she must understand her role in this process, her responsibility, and take all the inevitable changes for granted and necessary for the baby.

Changes in the body at 6 weeks of gestation

In the body of the future mother, hormonal changes continue to occur, aimed at creating the most favorable conditions for the development of the baby. It is the awareness of this important goal that should help her to endure the possible worsening of the condition associated with increasing toxicosis, which occurs in many at the 6th week of pregnancy. Due to changes in the hormonal background, which occurs due to the activity of the corpus luteum, the work of some internal organs changes. There is a decrease in the secretory activity of the stomach and detoxification function of the liver; the gall bladder due to weakening tone does not remove bile from the body in the usual way. All this leads to severe nausea. But the future mother needs to pack up and suffer, because usually early toxicosis, the manifestations of which begin to torment her at 6 weeks, ends after the formation of the placenta, that is, after 12 weeks.

The condition of the fetus at 6 weeks of gestation

In the development of the baby from the sixth week, the embryonic period begins, which is extremely important for his entire future life. At this time, the embryo is very sensitive to the effects of any factors that can affect its development. That is why most of the congenital malformations appear at this time.

At week 6, the baby’s height is no more than 3-4 mm, but in his body there is an active formation of organ primordia. During this period, its internal organs are represented by the primary chord, nervous and intestinal tubes, the fetus has blood and lymph vessels and the rudiments of the kidneys, liver, spleen, as well as skin and tissues - muscle, bone, and cartilage.

Germination of the neural tube occurs with spinal cord tissue, the first rudiments of the basic structures of the brain appear. In the ectoderm layer, the active formation of eye sockets and optic vesicles occurs; in the auricles, which are complicated in shape, is formed along the inner ear. On the handles you can already distinguish the phalanges of the fingers. On the lower part of the embryo, which was previously elongated and looked like a tail, the contours of the legs begin to take shape.

And most importantly - at 6 weeks, the pulsation of the heart tube begins to be determined. This means that with the help of an ultrasound scanner you can hear the rhythmic contractions of the baby’s heart muscle.

Possible sensations at the sixth week of pregnancy

You will not envy future mother during this period. Due to the natural changes occurring in her body, her health worsens. Early toxicosis can manifest itself in different ways. In some - only nausea, drowsiness, loss of strength, in others - excruciating daily vomiting and even fainting. Almost all pregnant women at this time are very sensitive to odors, salivation appears, habitual tastes can radically change. In most cases, all these manifestations just need to be endured, but with a strong deterioration in well-being, a woman may need medical help.

Week 6: Action Required

At week 6, most women already suspect that they are pregnant, so the expectant mother should see a doctor. It must be remembered that the sooner the baby is under medical control, the better it will be for him and calmer - for mom.

At the 6th week of pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe tests to determine the level of hCG and progesterone in the body of a woman, to make sure that it is sufficient to maintain pregnancy. With a low concentration of progesterone, hormonal drugs are prescribed to the pregnant woman to prevent the threat of miscarriage.

General recommendations

Since the main topic of this period of pregnancy for almost every expectant mother is toxicosis, you should know how you can at least slightly improve her well-being and the condition of the baby, who always gets mother's malaise. First of all, you should take vitamin preparations for pregnant women, choosing the time of day when vomiting does not bother. Maybe this will not reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, but the fetus will receive the necessary amount of vitamins.

You can try to increase the number of meals, reducing portions, and the expectant mother should have breakfast in bed. By experimenting with different products, a pregnant woman will surely discover those that will help her reduce nausea.

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids. It can be juices, mineral water, fruits or vegetables. This advice is especially relevant for those who are concerned about vomiting, as in this case a woman loses a lot of fluid and salts.

A pregnant woman should relax more, avoid stress and contacts with those smells and tastes that irritate her. This must be remembered by the people around her.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Irina 11/21/2016
Hello. I also have six weeks, but there is no toxicosis, but I began to feel the smells more acutely, but it doesn’t make me sick, I don’t get sick at the sight or smell. Although in the first pregnancy from the first days, it rinsed terribly. Only there is no strength at all at work for 12 hours to sit at the computer and go already and stand anyway in the evening everything falls off and the bottom and lower back. I come home and lie down in a layer, like a weekend at home, everything is just so wonderful, nothing snares, doesn’t hurt, doesn’t hurt. Experiencing it may very well not work at all?

Asya 09/08/2016
My baby is already 6 weeks old)) Carefully monitoring pregnancy helps me this free program Woman Calendar from ZAYA (//zaya-soft.com/wcalendar) With her I learn new things about the development of my baby every day)

bully 08/05/2016
We are also 6 weeks old. And in the first B I didn’t know what toxicosis and nausea were. And then ... from the second ... I thought at first that there was no appetite simply because of the heat ... then I ate sushi (it was very fitting for them to eat, although I ate them for the third time) in life) moved ... the next day from unbearable nausea without continuations, I decided to use two fingers, then there was diarrhea ... I thought I was poisoned by these sushi ... the next day I didn’t vomit or diarrhea, but I’m always sick ... I feel like I’m poisoned she launched herself, or aggravated toxicosis ... in I'm suffering from now

Olesya 03/28/2016
Yes ... it seems until you give birth and you will not come home with a child, so much excitement, it's a nightmare! And you also can’t worry!)) Here you need to have such iron nerves ... I don’t even know which is better, read all possible articles and forums or just live pregnant)))

Love 03/28/2016
It is during this period, 6 weeks, that various problems with pregnancy are detected. Including a frozen pregnancy. Some advise not to get registered before 10 weeks, and therefore not to do an ultrasound. which can badly and even fatally affect health.


Watch the video: Your Changing Body, at 9 -12 Weeks Pregnant. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).