Vulvitis in women - causes, symptoms, possible complications and treatment. Prevention of vulvitis in women of different ages


Vulvitis in women is a common inflammation of the external genitalia. These include the vestibule of the vagina, the labia (small and large), the clitoris, the hymen. The disease is unpleasant and, moreover, very common. Quite often, patients do not pay attention to him, believing that these are signs of hypothermia, although the causes of vulvitis in women are much more complicated. And, indeed, vulvitis in women cannot be attributed to fatal diseases, but it is also not worth completely ignoring this pathology due to its possible complications. In addition, if the course of vulvitis becomes chronic, you will have to spend a lot of time visiting a gynecologist and a lot of money for treatment, in addition to the discomforts that the disease will cause. And one more argument in favor of a more careful and careful attitude to yourself: in the early stages, the symptoms of vulvitis in women resemble non-specific inflammation, so you can skip the onset of the disease when the treatment is most effective, simple and gentle, if you do not consult a doctor in time.

There is an opinion that vulvitis in women is not a separate independent disease and is considered as a manifestation of other infectious inflammatory processes of the genital organs - vaginitis, genital herpes. From this suffering women do not become less, therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment of vulvitis with a specialist is necessary.

Vulvitis in women - causes

The causes of vulvitis in women are diverse and there are many. But there are basic, often found, which women sometimes do not pay attention to and do not associate with them the appearance of vulvitis:

1. Personal hygiene:

- insufficient compliance (especially during menstruation);

- unsuitable means for intimate hygiene;

- synthetic and narrow, rubbing and traumatic underwear;

- the use of gaskets, tampons, especially low-quality, synthetic ones.

2. Mechanical microtrauma of the mucous membrane during traumatic sex, again - with narrow and squeezing, tight clothing.

3. Increased sweating in women.

4. Long-term irritation of the secretions of the vulvar mucosa.

5. Hormonal drugs, antibiotics used to treat any pathology (side effect of these drugs).

6. Radiation therapy.

7. Various diseases: diabetes, obesity, hypovitaminosis, ovarian dysfunction, leukemia.

8. Various allergic reactions.

9. Fistulas of the urinary tract and intestines.

10. Helminthiasis.

The above causes of vulvitis in women can be realized when an infection is attached. The conditionally pathogenic flora causes an inflammatory process, which is present in a certain amount in each organism and is activated under certain conditions. In most cases, the causative agents are E. coli, staphylococci, streptococci, Candida fungi, etc. In addition to the conditionally pathogenic microflora, the pathogenic flora can also cause vulvitis in women: gonococci, chlamydia, Trichomonas, etc. This occurs as a result of a violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes and lower local immunity.

Staphylococcal and streptococcal vulvitis, as well as vulvitis caused by Escherichia coli, develops mainly in girls of early childhood and in women in postmenopause. This is due to the anatomical and physiological features at this age.

Vulvitis in women - classification

Vulvitis in women according to the development mechanism is divided into primary and secondary.

Primary vulvitis is an isolated inflammation of the external genital organs, occurs in girls and postmenopausal women. In the second case, this is due to a decrease in estrogen production, the cessation of menstruation. The amount of secretions decreases sharply, there is a "drying out", thinning and atrophy of the mucous membranes of the vulva, the mucous membrane is very easily damaged, which leads to infection and inflammation.

In healthy women of childbearing age, the vulvar mucosa is resistant to infection due to the normal hormonal background, acidic pH of the environment, the predominance of dairy flora (lactobacilli, which are involved in the production of lactic acid and thus create an acidic reaction of the environment). Therefore, women at this age rarely develop primary vulvitis. If it occurs, it proceeds in the form of vulvovaginitis. Basically, women of reproductive age develop secondary vulvitis against genital inflammation (colpitis, endocervicitis).

By the nature of the course, vulvitis is classified into

- acute - develops rapidly, occurs within a week with pronounced symptoms;

- chronic - is the result of a lack of treatment or inadequate treatment of acute vulvitis; lasts for years with remissions and exacerbations; during remissions, it may not manifest itself in any way;

- atrophic - develops during menopause, predisposing factors are diabetes and obesity.

By the nature of the pathogen identified, vulvitis is bacterial and candidal; according to the nature of the changes in the mucosa, vulvitis is divided into ulcerative, atrophic and adhesive.

Vulvitis in women - symptoms

Symptoms of vulvitis in women depend on the course of the disease and the pathogen.

Acute vulvitis is manifested by the following symptoms:

- pain, aggravated by urination and sexual intercourse;

- discharge of a purulent or serous - purulent character (their nature, type, quantity depends on the pathogen that caused the disease);

- constant itching and burning in the vulva;

- hyperemia, swelling, sometimes the presence of erosion, ulcers or vesicles on the vulvar mucosa;

- in severe cases - high temperatures, an increase in inguinal lymph nodes;

- sometimes sleep is disturbed, signs of nervous excitability appear due to constant itching and burning;

- dysuria (urination disorders).

In the chronic course of vulvitis in women, the symptoms are blurry, mild, but deliver a lot of discomfort. Itching, burning, dysuria, but their manifestation are not as intense as in acute vulvitis. On examination, moderate edema, slight hyperemia of certain areas, scanty discharge are revealed. During the period of remission, there may not be complaints; the disease is detected during a gynecological examination.

Need to remember that the symptoms of vulvitis in women are individual. Therefore, only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

Vulvitis in women - treatment

Symptoms of vulvitis in women are not specific, they are similar to the symptoms of any other inflammatory diseases of the genital area, so it is strongly recommended that you do not recommend a diagnosis and treatment yourself without a doctor’s prescription. The process can be delayed and delayed for many years, and independently prescribed antibiotics without bacteriosis will aggravate the course of the disease.

Treatment of vulvitis in women is aimed at the pathogen that caused inflammation, treatment of the inflammatory process itself, treatment of background chronic diseases that are the causes of vulvitis. That is, the treatment of vulvitis in women should be comprehensive.

1. In acute vulvitis, as mentioned above, it is necessary to observe bed rest, to abandon sexual activity during the course of treatment.

2. Obligatory intake of antibacterial drugs, which are prescribed according to the results of bakseva.

3. Symptomatic treatment of painful itching and burning involves physiotherapeutic methods (electrophoresis, ultraviolet radiation) and local treatment with hydrocortisone or anesthetized ointments.

4. In case of allergic vulvitis, it is necessary to take antihistamines, follow a diet with the exception of spicy, smoked, salty and sweet foods.

5. Reception of immunostimulants, vitamins to increase immunity.

6. Parallel treatment of existing diseases that contribute to the maintenance of symptoms of vulvitis.

7. Local treatment of vulvitis in women: cold lotions or compresses from lead water, baths with potassium permanganate (weak solution), antiseptic treatment (chlorhexidine, boric acid, etc.).

Vulvitis in women - prevention

Prevention of vulvitis is the most common, well-known recommendation. Nevertheless, if you adhere to these measures, you can avoid such an unpleasant disease in all respects as vulvitis.

1. Personal hygiene rules:

- use special gels for intimate hygiene that maintain acid-base balance, do not have an irritating and allergic effect, often contain plant components with anti-inflammatory effects;

- you can not use antibacterial agents, because you can upset the balance of conditionally - pathogenic and beneficial flora in the body;

- refuse narrow synthetic underwear, wear loose underwear.

2. Strengthen the immune system, take multivitamins, treat chronic diseases.

3. Fight obesity, treat diabetes.

4. Lead a mobile lifestyle, abandon bad habits.

5. And most importantly - do not be afraid of the gynecologist and visit with prophylactic purposes twice a year.


Watch the video: Inflammation of Vagina Vaginitis : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention (July 2024).