NATALIA VORONTSOVA: "I became a radio electronics engineer very simply ..."


Most memorable episode from childhood - September 1 in grade 1. I woke up at 5 in the morning and woke everyone up, afraid to be late. I loved school, especially literature and history.

Studied I’m good, there was nothing to punish me for.

I became a radio electronics engineer very simple - my grandmother worked at the factory. She helped me make a decision.

Worst thing it was too early for me to wake up! I do not like it. It’s better for me to work in the evening. I am definitely an Owl.

In Russia huge potential, but investing too little money in factories. We have excellent scientists and developments, but no funding. Huge factories are collecting toys and cheap household appliances.

I dreamed to be a teacher is good that I didn’t!

Knights stayed in the middle ages !!

I forgive hardly. I would not forgive the broken hopes and betrayal.

Firstly men need to know that a woman is a cat who can become a panther.

I'm afraid...? I'm not afraid!!!

I like husband, son and yourself. I love only my children.

Annoying grey mass.

How much money Do I need to not think about them? 300-400 thousand rubles a month.

Now almost all dreams come true.

If starting life from the beginning would be the same. Or it would not be me.

Be i beast - then only a cat.

With pleasure would live in the 18-19th century. Balls, champagne, footmen, junkers ....

Earlier I dreamed of being Karina. Not now.

I'm against violence. I can not understand the killers, rapists, perverts.

I want to to visit the Czech Republic.

the main the disease of society is money and indifference.

I'm against adoption of children by same-sex families.

To improve life in the country needs a leader leader and a miracle.

If a I will be asked what the world will be like in 100 years ... I will answer: Will it be?

The most important thing in life - the health of loved ones, love and mutual understanding.

Paradise we have in our souls. And someone has hell ...


Watch the video: Reveal the System 18-7-2015 toespraak Natalia Vorontsova (June 2024).