How to choose a stone talisman by date of birth?


Thanks to modern esoteric practices, practically any object can speak to the protection and function of the talisman, if initially it is not charged with dark energy. However, natural stones, both precious and semi-precious, are considered to be the most powerful amulets. It is important to choose the right stone talisman, and depending on the date of birth of the future carrier.

The value of the stone talisman

The main function of any stone talisman is to protect a person from any negative impact on his aura and body. This refers not only to damage, the evil eye, and other types of sorcery slander, but also a direct threat to the physical health of the wearer. Thus, natural talismans in the form of treated stones protect against diseases, poisoning and serious injuries. In addition, each mineral has its own unique value:

Agate contributes to longevity, gives a person good health and endurance. Also, this stone harmonizes the relationship of the owner with other people, making it more attractive and giving confidence.
Diamond - A powerful amulet that clears the energy field and protects its owner from the black envious. This stone symbolizes resilience and courage. As a talisman, diamond is especially recommended for weak and insecure people.
Amethyst It is used as a talisman for the search for true love and the strengthening of existing love relationships. Qualitatively protects against increased anxiety and depression, suppresses outbursts of anger and unmotivated aggression.
Turquoise - a stone that attracts good luck and welfare to the person whose talisman becomes. In addition, this beautiful mineral contributes to stability and tranquility in life. Therefore, turquoise is not suitable for lovers of adventure and adrenaline.
Garnet - a stone of love and wisdom. It helps the owner to gain personal happiness, gives him the ability to self-knowledge. Promotes the development of creative and analytical thinking. However, in hypersexual people, a pomegranate can arouse animal passion, so when choosing a stone with a talisman, you need to be careful.
Pearls - talisman with the most powerful female energy. It helps with childbirth and childbirth, protects against adultery, gives peace and tranquility in the home and family. In addition, pearls rejuvenate the skin and protects the person from premature aging.
Emerald - makes its owner more resistant, allowing not to lose composure even in an emergency. This mineral is able to change a person’s character for the better, gradually revealing his most positive qualities and shading negative ones.
Sapphire symbolizes the knowledge of the world and himself. The main significance of this stone talisman is the protection of a person’s thoughts from negativity and assistance in the development of intelligence. Sapphire also contributes to the development of empathy, compassion and a desire to help others.
Ruby - a stone of passion and harmony in love relationships. Awakens in man prowess and striving for deeds, promotes prosperity in all undertakings. The strength of such an amulet increases several times if the ruby ​​is enclosed in a gold ring.
Chrysolite treats mental disorders, in particular, successfully relieves depression. The stone banishes negative thoughts, stabilizes the hormonal background of the wearer. In addition, such a talisman qualitatively protects against nightmares and fire hazards. Especially useful for men, as an energy tool for the prevention of impotence.
Zircon - mascot, bringing success in all financial matters. This mineral develops intuition in a person, which allows him to avoid sharp corners and controversial situations. Also, zircon helps the carrier to tune in to the positive wave.
Amber - a strong talisman, causing a feeling of peace and absolute comfort. This stone facilitates the process of childbirth, drives away bad dreams and helps to keep the fair sex young. Amber makes its owner more relaxed and stress-resistant, adjusts its relationship with the authorities and employees at work.
Jasper - a stone of honor and courage. Significantly increases the self-esteem of a person, protecting him from dark thoughts and excessive self-criticism. Helps manifest hidden talents.

It is important to consider! The above lists the values ​​and properties of the most common stones, chosen as talismans for each day. If your choice fell on a certain mineral, be sure to first study its properties, since not every stone can suit you.

Selection rules

The selection of minerals in modern jewelry workshops is truly enormous. But how to find out your stone talisman? The main criterion in choosing a gem as a talisman is the date of birth of the future carrier. In this case, there are several ways to choose a talisman:

  • By date of birth;
  • By the number of birthday;
  • According to the day of the week on which the future owner of the talisman was born;
  • By the time of year;
  • Zodiac sign.

Each of these options has its own characteristics and other nuances. Let us consider in more detail each of the above methods for selecting a charm stone by date of birth.

By date of birth

According to the science of the influence of numbers on a person's life - numerology, the number of the date of birth has a significant impact on fate. In this date, the program of human life is encrypted and the main tips on how to change it for the better. Therefore, the most effective way to determine the talisman is to derive the arithmetic mean of all the numbers of the date of the birthday of the future owner of the stone amulet. The calculation is carried out according to the instructions.

For example, the date of birth of a person is August 10, 1999 (August 10, 1999). We need to add all the numbers as follows:


It turned out a two-digit number, but it does not suit us. We continue to add numbers until we derive a unique value:


The resulting value is the number of the Birthday, in this case it is equal to one.

Each number corresponds to certain stones:

  • 1 - "units" often need an extra supply of vigor, as their own resources are quickly depleted. As such "energy" is suitable aventurine. At the same time, a carnelian is suitable for a passionate love affair as a talisman;
  • 2 - "dvoechki" are natures thin and sensitive. The best charm for every day for them - pearls. Especially this stone is useful for family "twos";
  • 3 - for a “troika” inclined to melancholic mood, chrysolite or turquoise will be the best talisman;
  • 4 - there is no more vulnerable to sorcery influence of a person than the energetically weak “four”. Therefore, a person with such a birth figure needs a protective talisman like no one else. Especially the "four" will help sapphire and jade;
  • 5 - Representatives of this value of the date of birth are often overly suspicious and jealous. To soften the negative side of the character of "Pyaterochka" will help an elegant talisman with a tiger eye. Another suitable gem for them is the emerald of a rich hue. This gem makes people with the birthday number 5 more calm and wise;
  • 6 - "sixes" have the most powerful connection with outer space and subtle worlds. These people have natural protection from damage and the evil eye, they have powerful energy and abilities to clairvoyance and fortunetelling. However, inexperienced "six" can themselves attract astral parasites. To prevent this from happening, they need to give preference to talismans with diamonds or high-quality processed agates;
  • 7 - the vulnerable and sensitive representatives of this meaning of the date of birth often lack the calm and composure that the malachite chosen as a talisman will provide. At the same time, a bloody ruby ​​will charge the "seven" with vital energy;
  • 8 - decisiveness timid and modest "eight" will give onyx. At the same time, a small grenade will help to find love for life or to find a true friend and companion in interests;
  • 9 - “Nines” are inborn adventurers, therefore they constantly need additional protection from sudden misfortune and mortal danger that threatens them almost every day. Best of all, topaz and rock crystal deal with this task;

Zero - the rarest value of the date of birth. "Zero" is the embodiment of the universal emptiness and infinity of the cosmos, the unawareness of the universe itself. Such people are not ordinary - they are either brilliant or insane. "Noli" are endowed with magical abilities from the moment of birth, many of them are successfully practiced in magic and extrasensory permeation throughout life. Knowledge of ancient civilizations is available to people with this date of birth.

As the best talisman for "zeros" It is possible to single out a rare, like similar people, stone - a red diamond. This unusual mineral combines the properties and characteristics of diamond and ruby ​​and allows a person not to break away from reality and not go completely into the depths of the astral. Another talisman for the date of birth for the "zeros" is jadeite, which contributes to the disclosure of psychic abilities. If such a person wants to establish a personal life, then he is recommended majorit as a talisman. The stone must be large, transparent, and skilfully faceted, since love relationships are a sphere in which the “zero” most often fails.

By birth

Another option to determine the talisman - the number of birthday. According to numerologists, this number contains the key to the energy protection of the human biofield. Using this figure, you can easily find a quality guard against the evil eye and damage that attracts good luck and prosperity. Thus, if you were born:

  • 1, 11, 19 or 28 the dates of any month as topazes, rubies, corals and opals;
  • 2, 12, 20 or 29 - your talismans include tiger eye, opal, jade, cat's eye and natural sea pearls;
  • 3, 13, 21 or 30 - Look at the corals, amethysts, emeralds and topaz;
  • 4, 14, 22 or 31 - you should choose a talisman among garnets, opals, sapphires, aquamarines and diamonds;
  • 5, 15 or 23 - pink or white diamonds, light sapphires and zircons will do;
  • 6, 16 or 24 - choose talismans from opals of deep green color, moon stones, peridots, aquamarines, beryls and emeralds;
  • 7, 17 or 25 - Tiger eye, opal, sea pearl and moonstone (selenite) belong to your charms;
  • 8, 18 or 26 - give preference to such stones as lapis lazuli, sapphires and opals;
  • 9 or 27 - you should look at the pink corals, red opals, garnets and rubies.

Not only the type of mineral, which is preferable to choose as a talisman, but also the strength of its impact on the person depends on the number of the future carrier’s birthday. People born in the middle of the month are most sensitive to the energy of stones.

By day of week

Stones-talismans can be easily selected by focusing not only on the number of births of the future carrier, but also on day of the week corresponding to the birth of man. In addition, based on the day of the week, it is possible to identify the most suitable metal for it and the heavenly body patronizing it.

Day of the weekPatron of the heavenly bodyMetalStones
MondayMoonSilverAmazonite, rhinestone, moonstone, pearl
TuesdayMarsIronCoral, hyacinth, red jasper, diamond, amethyst, magnetite
WednesdayMercurySilverCarnelian, rhinestone, pearl, amethyst, agate, chrysolite
ThursdayJupiterTinSapphire, marble, lapis lazuli, blue turquoise, emerald
FridayVenusCopperGreen-blue turquoise, spinel, charoite, emerald, beryl, pearl, jade
SaturdaySaturnLeadTopaz, onyx, jasper, malachite
SundayThe sunGoldDiamonds of different shades, ruby, garnet, chrysolite

It should be clarified that the listed stones do not necessarily have to be combined with the metal corresponding to a particular day of the week. But the presence of at least one talisman made from these materials will have a positive effect on the protective field of the human aura. After all, metal is the best conductor of magical energy, and in combination with a suitable stone, it becomes a powerful weapon against witchcraft slander and real armor for the astral body. The magic power of such a talisman is enough for all the years of life of its carrier.

By month of birth

You can choose a suitable talisman stone by the month of birth of the person:

  • Born in January minerals such as light turquoise, garnet, hyacinth, and cat's eyes;
  • February is reflected in cold and peaceful stones, which include pearls, rhinestone, amethyst and hyacinth;
  • Those whose birthday is for March, you should buy ruby, heliotrope, jasper, aquamarine and tourmaline as talismans;
  • April there are bright emeralds, diamonds, sapphires and agates;
  • Patrons of the last spring month May, these are agate, tiger eye, chalcedony, chrysoprase and light emerald;
  • Minerals june - This is a cat's eye, emerald, pearls, turquoise, chalcedony, alexandrite and aquamarine. Sometimes diamonds are used as a talisman, but with this stone, those born in June need to be more careful. For example, a ring with an extremely large diamond can deprive such a person of vital energy;
  • Those whose birthday falls out for July it is recommended to purchase rubies, turquoise, onyx, sardonyx, aventurine, chrysolite and carnelian;
  • Born in August citrines, sardonyxes, selenites, carnelians, alexandrites and topazes will do;
  • For those born in September jewelery with smoky quartz, dark sapphires, sardonyx, chrysolite or agate will be faithful energy assistants;
  • October talismans with beryls, lapis lazuli, garnets, tourmalines, aquamarines and opals correspond;
  • November Birthday men should pay attention to topazes, chrysolites, corals and sea pearls;
  • Born in December It is recommended to wear jewelry with heliotropes, amethysts, agates, rubies, turquoise, zircons and chrysoprase.

If a person always carries with him a talisman that corresponds to the month and his birthday, he may not be afraid of damaging the small and medium strength. Such charms easily reflect negative magical energy. In this case, the amulet will attract good luck and joy to the house of its carrier. Such a talisman can not be given, but you can leave a legacy as a family heirloom.

By season

The fact that you can choose a stone talisman is also possible according to the season, which was the birthday of the future carrier of the amulet, few people know. However, this choice of mineral is not inferior to the previous methods.

Season-friendly stones are selected as follows:

  • If a person is born in the winter as a talisman for him it is recommended to choose stones of cold and light shades. These are diamonds, sea pearls, light aquamarines and turquoise;
  • Those whose birthdays are celebrated in the spring, one should prefer transparent minerals of bright floral colors: sapphires, rubies, dark aquamarines. It is also recommended to pay special attention to green stones, especially emeralds. An important detail is that all spring stones-talismans should be classic cut;
  • Born summer As permanent talismans, rich shades of minerals and powerful energy are suitable - sapphires, topazes, rubies and chrysolites;
  • Autumnal Birthday men should opt for opaque round-cut minerals. The most successful colors are dark blue, black, red, orange. As amulets fit carnelian, agate, topaz, rubies.

The talisman, correctly chosen for the season, is the key to spiritual growth and peace of mind.

Zodiac sign

The choice of a stone mascot on the sign of the zodiac is the most popular way to determine a lifetime charm. According to astrologers, this way you can decide on a suitable mineral as accurately as possible. This is especially true of the typical representatives of certain signs of the zodiac.

Depending on which symbol of the zodiacal circle you were born under, you can count on the magical help of certain minerals:

  • Aries - diamonds, amethysts, sea pearls, pomegranates and chrysolites, rubies;
  • Taurus - emeralds, onyx, topazes, rubies and sapphires;
  • Twins - pearls, sapphires, emeralds, amethysts, chrysolites, topazes and citrines;
  • Crayfish - rubies, topazes, chrysolites, amethysts, pearls and emeralds;
  • a lion - garnets, emeralds, rubies, topazes, chrysolites and citrines;
  • Virgo - citrines, sapphires, chrysolites, emeralds, garnets and diamonds;
  • Libra - diamonds, amethysts, chrysolites, citrines and emeralds;
  • Scorpio - Topaz, amethyst, rubies, garnets and sapphires;
  • Sagittarius - amethyst, chrysolite, sapphire, emerald, garnets and topaz;
  • Capricorn - rauchtopazes, amethysts, garnets and rubies;
  • Aquarius - sapphires, pomegranates, emeralds, pearls, citrines and amethysts;
  • Fish - sapphires, aquamarines, chrysolites, sea and river pearls and amethysts.

It is important to consider that different decadas of each of the signs of the zodiac correspond to certain stones. Therefore, when choosing a talisman for yourself or a loved one, carefully study the zodiac symbol to which the future carrier of the amulet is attached.

How to wear a stone talisman?

Камни-амулеты оказывают влияние на своего владельца только если постоянно находятся при нём. Более того, оставленный в покое талисман со временем теряет свою функцию, так как не подпитывается от энергии носителя. Таким образом, камень, представленный в виде оберега, должен находиться при человеке каждый день. Но многие задаются вопросом о том, каким образом нужно носить камень-талисман.

В большинстве случаев талисманы с драгоценными и полудрагоценными камнями заключаются в металлическую оправу. Такие обереги можно носить в виде:

  • Серёжек;
  • Браслетов;
  • Кулонов или подвесок;
  • Перстней или колец;
  • Ожерелья;
  • Заколок;
  • Брошей и даже пуговиц.

Как носить талисман именно вам, подскажет собственная интуиция:

  • Аккуратно возьмите минерал, зажав его большим и указательным пальцами правой руки;
  • Положите его на тыльную сторону левой ладони;
  • Закройте глаза;
  • Мысленно спросите у себя: "Как мне следует носить этот талисман?". Идея, которая посетит вас в первую очередь и есть правильный ответ на поставленный вопрос.

Талисман, лишённый оправы, можно носить как подвеску или брелок. Также камень можно спрятать от посторонних глаз, например, в кошельке или сумочке носителя. Однако для произведения наибольшего эффекта защитный амулет должен соприкасаться с кожей человека, которому принадлежит. Давать оберег в руки посторонним людям не рекомендуется.


Watch the video: Use These 8 Stones to Attract More Money and Wealth (July 2024).